Did FUT Birthday Just Get REALLY Good?

Did FUT Birthday Just Get REALLY Good?

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another fee for 23 video Um before we get to today's 6PM content We've been discussing on stream and on Twitter as well whether or not FIFA is Paid to win I want to hear your thoughts And viewpoint on what whether it is paid To win or not and why right at the end Why is so important so I'd like the ad y As well Um but uh yeah let's get into today's Content do you want to be able to afford To complete new sbcs and test out new Players if so visit U7 buy to buy your Foot 23 coins they are cheap fast and Reliable and make sure to use my code NEP at checkout for six percent off and Here we go so for sbcs Wheeze has got the foot birthday player Oh he's just called foot birthday player That's it We've got pedry we've got iwobi and We've got foot birthday player it's Disassi Five star school with four star weak Foot on a six foot three center-back That's what we're here for All things nice Defending's okay pace is okay physical Is quite nice no traits Lots of good links obviously two Segments an 83 With a French player and an 85 what okay We're gonna have swaps that's why isn't

It All right Um oh we've also got the daily uh the Daily login if you forget it you'll Regret it go and get it done Um Oh 80 plus player pick is here today Premium electron players pack upgrade Oh Year in review play a pick these are Always terrible and one of four players That were released through select sbcs And objectives during December January And February and this like this is why He's always terrible Because EA are giving us cards that came Out in December January and February Um we got the foot 18 SBT is there for Today Um And then let's look at swaps I'm excited For swaps what we got All right one token for an 81 by 11 rare Players pack Two tokens Oh I thought it was gonna be Foot birthday home and Crespo Two tokens though for Hernan Crespo Four star five star medium low Nice stats in there as well but birthday T1 player pick for three tokens Yeah I I probably wouldn't do that Personally player team one isn't so Great 82 by 20 pack for five tokens 85 by 10 pack


For 10 tokens 87 row to the final Fantasy FIFA Ultimate Team hero fantasy FIFA Ultimate Team but birthday team one Player pick what's that one of five yeah I could be on board with that Rio Ferdinand 17 tokens wouldn't go near that at all Oh two 84 by 20 player packs for 20 Tokens that's definitely probably worth It birthday Alan sure please have five Star skill moves All my days All right this year is like legit Finesse shot outside the foot shot five Star four-star Shooting's ridiculous Give him an engine chem style what a Card what a card That's pretty legit 90 plus Prime icon Player pick for one of four well one of Four For 27 tokens or that sheer is nice Isn't it Six foot tall five star four star high Medium work rates physicals like superb Dribbling's good a Jillian balance is a Bit low which is why the engine's Shooting so good oh that's nice Damn that's quite interesting I can't I Think heard and Crespo for two tokens is Legit Um

Superb indeed superb let's have a look At the hob objectives for today Um hater style plus I still haven't got It yet That's it isn't it nothing there Milestones nothing there Um and then for the upgrades content We got an 80 plus player pick Exactly gold two res Um And Chris was like 65k Yeah but in in line with what we were Just talking about with regards to play To win you're able to get an A World Cup Icon who's good for two tokens Right so is it one of three one of 380 Plus Bit tragic in it A bit tragic The year in review player pick one of Four on that Let's have a look what we're gonna get An 84 and an 86 I don't know if I have The fodder I just wasted all my photo on Some other spcs 84 and an 86. okay we can do an 86 here This might be a little bit Overkill but Still This is It's just pixels on the screen At the end of the day isn't it I actually don't know how many tokens Are in total how many tokens we got 30 plus a store token That's quite interesting or we need an

Inform It's gonna be like 32 in tokens But still together Um right an 88 in there An 86 there we go For two rare gold players pack as well There's 34 Concepts all together so We'll get somewhere between 30 and 34. That's quite interesting Um You know we'll go we'll go and have Another little look What I think I would take It's again it's one of those things Isn't it worth like if you're like a a Player that doesn't really play the game Too much you know you could there's a Whole bunch of good stuff for you that Just is going to be requiring just a few Tokens You in review could include icons they Aren't saying they are They aren't saying they aren't this time Oh that'd be quite interesting wouldn't It I'm gonna have a look at the electrum Upgrade pack as well in a second it's Going to be an interesting one as to Whether or not that's worth it Um Let's have a look mixed players pack for That one We get the one of all one of five year In review player pick one of four year


In review players Let's see what our options are Okay that's awful That's literally awful We have got The worst cards man Brandt janier Oxford And Eric buy will take Brandt for Further man Oh wait is it can you do it again oh my Days Is there oh no that's for birthday right Premium election upgrades Oh I quite I think I like that I think I like that I will be doing share plays guys I'll Open your eight five by tens and all Sorts So once what I don't like about this Again Is that it is uh you know you're Submitting 22 players oh hold on You're getting a small rare bronze Players pack Which You can use in the 74 rated squads Oh don't freeze on me now game thank you With some golds Now again you're submitting more players And you're getting back so in fact you Get 12 rare bronzers each time Which means you can pretty much Oh is is that upgrade still there as Well Is that bronze the silver upgrade there

It is You get 24 players back But most of bronze but that's okay this Is a new Grind this is it This is actually the grind I think EA have given us a grind And the reason why I think they've given Us a grind Is because you're getting more players Out than you're putting in Um I need a higher rated player Is it tradable No I don't know if it is tradable I didn't really look I can't lie All right I don't think any of it's tradable right It's untradable this is untradable as Well I think there's a I think there's an Ability to grind here The small rare bronze packs are tradable Oh that's interesting Now obviously bronze Reds are going to Crash in price but that's a good thing Okay this guy's actually expensive okay This Is my this might be amazing We're gonna have to do some like Figuring out I'm gonna have a video up On the second Channel a little bit later On Um But yeah this

This might be outrageous This might be outrageous and then Obviously you get premium election Players pack which is not going to be Outrageous Unless you pack something good out of it But what you get from this Is gonna give you oh oh this yeah okay I'm gonna have to do some figuring out I'm gonna have to do some figure out Before we do that though Let's go back on to uh let's go into the Store just in case there's anything in a Store Um I'm interested in any of that So interested in any of that Um Let's go and have a look so there's 30 To 30 30 tokens if you don't include Store packs And so what would I get with my 30 Tokens Or possibly including store packs I think the player pick I know people Love the player pick so I think the Player pick isn't the one I think this Uh this other pack Could Be the One So in terms of the swaps 30 tokens This is 20 right If you're looking for fodder Get yourself the 84 by 20 twos and the 85 by 10 and then if you do get one of The saw packs as well you can like one

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Of the store tokens you can go and get Yourself the 81 by 11. if you're not Overly keen on like grinding it all out The 81 by 11 the 82 by 20 is good if you Do get all 34 tokens I wouldn't go for the Primark on player Pick I would I would probably go for Shira if you're gonna like that share is Good and I think he's going to be very Good I wouldn't do this I just think there's It's just not not the one I wouldn't do Ferdinand either I would Either go for Shira And the 85 by 10. Or the 84 by 20 times two And the 85 by 10. that's what I will go With personally Um what we're going to do real quick is Just have a little look Onto fap bin At the new players And the new sbcs So we've got foot 18 massively upvoted 80 plus player picked massively I voted Euro review player picked massively Unvoted but birthday player de sassy Downvoted a little bit Cheers down voted man premium electron Players pack that's because people don't Understand the game Um yeah for me this to sassy is just not It Right you pop a shadow on him good Pace

Good defending reasonable physicals lots Of good links five star four-star as Well but Center backs are just a bit weird this Year aren't they there's just so many Good players this year then Alan Shiro I Think this card's great I can't even lie I either go with an engine I mean that's an unbelievable card five Star four star six foot two high medium Work rates Good Pace great dribbling great shooting Or you go over hawk or Hunter You know Hunter yeah that's mad in it 97 pace Perfect shooting in the areas that Matter great physicals good passing for A striker and other than agility and Balance which is still good enough and Five star skill moves Sick card I I would genuinely be tempted to be Picking up It's interesting it's certainly Interesting uh but that is going to be The end of the video for today guys if You did enjoy it be sure to below rate And comment subscribe to the channel if You haven't already and for now guys I'm Out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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