Discover the Shocking Free GODLIKE Card EA Just Released!

Welcome to our blog post where we are thrilled to reveal the incredible news about the mind-blowing free GODLIKE card that EA has recently unleashed! Join us on this exhilarating journey as we delve into the fascinating details and unravel the secrets behind this astonishing revelation. Prepare to be amazed by the groundbreaking features of the GODLIKE card and get ready to elevate your gaming experience to unprecedented heights. So, sit back, relax, and let us guide you through this shocking discovery that EA has generously bestowed upon us all.


Hey there, FIFA enthusiasts! We’ve got some exciting news for you. In this article, we’re going to unveil the shocking free Godlike card that EA has just released for FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. You won’t believe your eyes when you see what this card is capable of. So, strap yourselves in and get ready to discover the ultimate game-changer!

Unveiling the Storyline Level 40 Con Card

We have a brand new FIFA 23 Ultimate Team card that you need to know about – the “Storyline Level 40 Con” card. This card is nothing short of extraordinary. EA has truly outdone themselves this time with the mind-blowing stats and abilities of Con. Trust us when we say that you won’t be able to resist trying him out in your squad.

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Unbelievably Outstanding Stats

When we first laid eyes on Con’s stats, we were blown away. The numbers on this card are off the charts. From his pace to his shooting and everything in between, Con is built to dominate the field. It’s safe to say that he’s a force to be reckoned with.

A Beast in Gameplay

Now, let’s talk about how Con performs in gameplay. We put him to the test against some of the best players in the game like VBD and Kane, and he outmuscled them with ease. Con’s physical presence is unmatched, making it nearly impossible for opponents to take the ball away from him.

Dribbling and Hair Physics like Never Before

One look at Con’s dribbling skills and you’ll be in awe. It’s as if he has the ball glued to his feet. The way he effortlessly maneuvers past defenders is a sight to behold. And let’s not forget about his hair physics – they’re on a whole new level! It may seem like a minor detail, but it adds to the overall realism and immersion of the game.


An All-Round Performer

Con isn’t just a one-trick pony. He excels in every aspect of the game. His defending skills are impeccable, making him an asset in both offensive and defensive situations. He’s a master passer, capable of distributing the ball with laser precision. When it comes to shooting, Con hits the target more often than not. His abilities make him an all-round player that you can rely on in any situation.

The No-Brainer Choice

Choosing the Storyline Level 40 Con card is a no-brainer. With his outstanding stats, incredible dribbling, top-tier performance, and versatility, Con is the complete package. EA has truly created a gem with this card, and you don’t want to miss out.

Our Excitement is Sky-High

We couldn’t contain our excitement after trying out Con. We immediately took to Twitter to share just how amazing this card is. The reactions from the community echoed our sentiments, with fans raving about Con’s exceptional dribbling and overall performance. It’s safe to say that Con has quickly become one of the most beloved cards in FIFA 23.

Unbelievable Returns

We couldn’t believe the returns we got from using Con in our squad. From a CM position, he managed to score a mind-boggling eight goals in just 13 games. Those numbers speak for themselves. Con truly took our gameplay to the next level and delivered results that exceeded our expectations.

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  1. How can I obtain the Storyline Level 40 Con card?
  2. Can I use Con in any position on the field?
  3. Is Con available for a limited time only?
  4. Are there any other noteworthy cards released in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?
  5. Can Con improve my overall team performance?


In conclusion, the free Godlike card released by EA for FIFA 23 Ultimate Team is a game-changer. The Storyline Level 40 Con card with its outstanding stats, crazy dribbling, and unmatched overall performance has taken the FIFA community by storm. Choosing Con is a no-brainer, and the returns we got from using him were simply unbelievable. So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on this card and experience the glory for yourself!

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