EA Delivered EXACTLY What I Wanted!

EA Delivered EXACTLY What I Wanted!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys and the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m it is Thursday which Traditionally have been pretty poor days From ea uh by way of content but we're Gonna have a look at what we've got for Today so we've got the song cran kit Um assist the goal in three games score A goal in four games and win a match for That otherwise nothing in objectives and Nothing in Milestones either do you want To be able to afford to complete new Spcs and test out new players if so Visit U7 buy to buy your foot 23 coins They are cheap fast and reliable and Make sure to use my code nip at checkout For six percent off and let's have a Look then at what sbcs we've got today Oh it's it's not looking promising I Can't lie Um oh wait hold on do we have a new icon No I call this Alberto is good though That period is good as well And then we've got Oh the 83 by 15 is back again That was so bad last time though I don't Know if I really care about it we've got A brand new Marquee matchups for a prime Gold players pack here giving us our Good love Stuttgart against Dortmund Athletic Club against Real so so bad Your antenna against Bergamo cacio and PSG against lones Yes yeah whatever man I like monkey

Matchups you guys know my thoughts on That right something that used to be Real good that's now not so real good Um but still probably profitable just About And then that that is it Might be Might be something in the store I want to keep that photo because we can Use that for the uh the other thing so Unless there is a store pack how do I Get to the store I remember how to get into the store Without is it just Marky matchups Nothing in store Is it actually a non-tent kind a day What we got is the uh Oh well Is it literally just Oh here we go well I mean we know who That is anyway but English sentiment with five star week For a Brazilian with 82 physical and a Uruguayan Striker well not Striker but We know who that's gonna be Um well as I said I've got to start Getting different videos prepared for Thursdays right Because as I said Um yeah traditionally Thursdays are a bad day for content So I think from now onwards I think Thursdays are going to be just like a a Discussion video kind of day what we'll

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Do though is we will build out The 83 plus by 15s Um and open those just in case we get Something good You never know right you never know Um all right let's get this one open First We need an 85 Squad here Should have a whole bunch of a5s now Extra because I've actually got a couple Of dupes as well Refusions pack is back Man I guess uh I guess all the people Excited I don't know the old Provisions Pack Um What do we need we need two more 85s And then a couple 84s I don't know one more 85 one one But after the A6 You do 10 times Elite division Rivals Rewards on Thursdays You know what's mad hey yeah yeah we Could B I forgot about rewards from Things man like people just don't do Reward videos anymore do they Um What did we get in primer packs Just a Provisions pack and another Elite Pack Plus But do you do you guys let me ask this To those you watching right You guys on stream or on video right Do you guys get excited about

Rewards for Champs or Rivals anymore And if the answer is yes what is it Specifically that kind of interests you And if the answer is no Would you prefer to go back to a Situation that EA used to have where we Would Um oh I need a Hummels in here don't I Where we would like Get the rewards together on Thursdays Yeah since they changed the days now That we can have access to the rewards Instantly is it actually worse Because it might just be like I remember Looking forward to Thursdays as like a Like rewards day like the videos on Rewards days would just be sick wouldn't They And it used to be so legit And now It's like you get your child who cares Man like and especially due to like the I mean the informs right now are Actually all right to be fair Um But yeah it's one of those ones in it Where it's like I don't know if I Wouldn't prefer to go back to getting Champs maybe like maybe not necessarily Getting Champs Awards on a Thursday but Maybe like on a Monday you know what I Mean where it's like okay everyone gets Them at the same time what do we get out Here I go dutch set it forwards

Give me that that is per cap baby let's Go now I don't have to go and complete His other one That's what I'm talking about 94 Dennis ball Campbell here that's what I'm talking about Oh my days that's legit Dennis boanga in There as well the Dennis is all of the Goats That's a sick Pickup Man I'm actually gonna play Champs on this Account this weekend we're going to use This Dennis the Menace with an engine Chem style he's gonna be a beast mate Oh that's a lovely lovely pack All right Gabriel Jesus Merino Reuben nevs Zapatar He's mid to be honest you're mid to be Honest I bet you're a livable fan aren't You Robertson's a crybaby and Di Maria So Di Maria and all those guys Um And let's do the uh let's do it again Oh I'm so happy with that I'm so gassed With that I want new players in Acquired date newest Uh D Maria and then all the 83s and We'll put that trip here in as well Because we do need another 84 in there And then some 82s I might even just do All the 83s I don't think it really

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Matters does it They were all Jews pretty much anyway so Even though we could get some 82s in There But berkamp in if you're about it I'm Obviously not about it mate I'm obviously not about it I'm about Like not wasting further for the sake of It to be honest Um And then another 85 rated Squad we're Gonna have to put in some 87s and 86s in This one I don't have any a5s left Um and we've got a lot of good high-end Photo though Well I've got a few a5s I'll tell you what let's put in this Page of 84s In these 85s and an 86 and then we'll Take those 87s and see what we need to Exchange but Cam's great in game yeah I I have a feeling he would be great in Game as well Five Star Force again it's one of those Things right where if his name was just Cantina instead Right I bet you oh wow that actually Made it Jesus Christ if his name was Canton or instead I bet you he um I don't know how that was an 85 rated Squad that's that's literally Mind-blowing yeah if his name was Ken Orange said I bet he was like two Million coins

Let's get this uh this second one open I'm gonna go hook me up man hook me up With another big big player here 1583 plus war no juice all day baby Um And see if we can get back-to-back icons Out of these Inform walkouts and it could still be Some good stuff in here Italian as well Oh my days that's all right in it 90 Rated Donna rumor An 87 rudiger Carrasco and 87 berghaus these were way Better than yesterday yesterday they Were terrible But these were way better than yesterday Rudiger's tradable for me as well which Is a nice dub and then to uh to end with Let's just build five player picks as Well today will be a pack video why not Not the 82 pluses because they're Garbage Um It's Donald worth 200k Oh my days that's Legit Yeah I'm well happy with those two packs Um We'll build five player picks to end off With And if you guys open those eight three By fifteens again then uh feel free to Tweet me or Instagram DM me what you got I'd uh I'd be interested to see maybe The rotation is different today maybe

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Today is the better day I forgot as well Man that you get two a day I might go and build these on the other Account every day how long how many days Are they repeat before might go and Build is on the other account for trophy Titans team too Um Because that that would be One more day so I could get four all Together all right that's all right I Know to be fair four of those packs Ready for trophy Titans team two That could be a massive uh A massive like Eclipse video or Something like that you know what I'm Saying Um EA Sports status might be worth a look At that what a VA tweets The world of footballs join the club Make sure you do too sign up now What is that Earn more this journey join the club Because that's signing up to um yeah We'll pop down as well Why is there no content today January Thursdays make a like pretty powerful Content to be fair Um I didn't know you could get normal icons In the 83 by 15 I was busy doing Prime Carlos Alberto I've got the mid one now But you've got a mid icon in the 83 by

15. That's pretty mad isn't it I didn't know that because that that is Brand new because they're not a promo Team So that that's that's very good so you Have no I believe you are I don't Disbelieve you I do believe you Um But uh yeah that's math isn't it uh Right let's open these five player picks Number one go on here another icon why Not And I'm telling you guys as well don't Do the A2 pluses the 81s are way better And way cheaper the 82 pluses are just Full of 82s and 83s the A1 Plus is Actually give you like So the 82 plus is quite probably my Favorite I really like them Um because the A1 Plus you just tend to Get eight ones only which obviously Sucks a little bit you know Yeah they're bad weren't they and then Yeah last but not least guys Um EA have tweeted this A one minute 10 video of World footballs join the club make sure You do too And then I guess it's the uh Is there any actually gameplay stuff in There The AFC guys it's Common Man the EA have Started to push out

The um The information and so it is time to Start getting excited but for today guys That is going to be the end of the video Thank you very much for watching and I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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