EA’s December Surprise: Are They Out of Their Minds?!

EA’s December Surprise: Are They Out of Their Minds?! In their latest move, EA has sent shockwaves through the gaming community with an unexpected December surprise. Many are left wondering if they have completely lost touch with reality. The controversial gaming giant has always been known for pushing the boundaries, but this recent announcement has left fans and critics alike scratching their heads. With speculation running high, it’s time to dissect this surprising development and determine if EA has truly gone off the deep end.

EA’s December Surprise: Are They Out of Their Minds?!


In the world of gaming, Electronic Arts (EA) has always been at the forefront, delivering exciting and innovative experiences to gamers worldwide. With the recent release of their December surprise, however, many players are left scratching their heads in disbelief. This article aims to review the video created by Nick Clips and delve deeper into the unexpected decision made by EA. Are they out of their minds? Let’s find out.

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The Disappointing Content: An 86 Base Hero Player Pick

The video highlights the availability of an 86 base hero player pick in today’s content. While this may sound exciting at first, it quickly becomes apparent that the content for today is considered disappointing by many.

The player pick, which is meant for Squad Building Challenges (SBC), has been criticized for being lackluster. Players like Campos, Dempsey, and Dudek are included, but they fail to generate the desired enthusiasm among the community. The lack of top-tier players in the selection has left gamers feeling underwhelmed.

A Need for a UCL Hero Player Pick

In the video, the speaker suggests that EA should have released a UEFA Champions League (UCL) hero player pick instead. The UCL is one of the most prestigious club football competitions in the world, and players who have shone in this tournament would be highly sought after.

By introducing a UCL hero player pick, EA would have tapped into the excitement surrounding the competition and provided players with the chance to add some true legends to their squads. This missed opportunity adds to the frustration of the community and raises questions about EA’s decision-making process.

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The Price Drop of Andrees: A Silver Lining

Amidst the disappointment, there is a silver lining. The price of Andrees, a player mentioned in the video, has significantly dropped, making him an attractive option for players looking to strengthen their squads. While this may not compensate for the overall dissatisfaction, it provides a glimmer of hope for those seeking value in their virtual signings.

Potential Players: Viali and Julie

In the quest for the perfect player pick, the video mentions the potential inclusion of Viali and Julie. These players, known for their skills and accomplishments, could have added some much-needed excitement to the SBC. However, their absence in the final selection further adds to the frustration expressed by the gaming community.

Squad Requirement for the SBC

To participate in the SBC, players are required to meet specific squad requirements. The video highlights that an 80-rated squad with 45 chemistry is mandatory. This places some limitations on gamers’ choices and adds an additional layer of complexity to the already underwhelming content.


In conclusion, EA’s December surprise has left many players perplexed. The 86 base hero player pick, while initially intriguing, turned out to be a disappointment due to the lack of top-tier players. The absence of a UCL hero player pick and missed opportunities to include exciting players like Viali and Julie further compound the dissatisfaction among gamers.


However, amidst the disappointment, the price drop of Andrees offers a glimmer of hope for those seeking quality additions to their teams. As the gaming community continues to voice their concerns, one can only hope that EA will listen and strive to deliver content that truly excites and captivates players.

FAQs After the Conclusion

  1. What is an SBC?
  2. Why are players disappointed with the 86 base hero player pick?
  3. Can I still obtain Andrees at a reasonable price?
  4. What are the potential drawbacks of the squad requirement for the SBC?
  5. Is there any chance of EA addressing the community’s concerns and making changes to the December surprise?

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