EA’s Insane Obsession with 99 Rated SBCs

Are you curious about EA’s infatuation with 99 rated Squad Building Challenges (SBCs)? Dive into the fascinating world of EA’s relentless pursuit of perfection, as we explore their intense obsession with creating these legendary challenges. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey into the realm of virtual football, where the pursuit of the ultimate player rating knows no limits. Discover the secrets behind EA’s unwavering dedication to crafting these extraordinary SBCs that bring a new level of excitement to the game. So buckle up, fellow gamers, and join us as we unravel the mysterious allure of EA’s insane fixation with 99 rated SBCs. Get ready to witness gaming history in the making!

EA’s Insane Obsession with 99 Rated SBCs


Are you a fan of FIFA? If so, you’re probably familiar with EA Sports and their ongoing obsession with releasing new and exciting content for the game. One particular aspect that has caught the attention of players is EA’s penchant for creating 99 rated Squad Building Challenges (SBCs). In this article, we’ll delve into a video created by popular content creator NepentheZ, where he discusses EA’s latest batch of 99 rated SBCs in FIFA 23. From new players to exciting rewards, let’s explore this obsession with high ratings and what it means for the ultimate FIFA experience.


The Content Creator Discusses the New Players and Their Stats

One of the major highlights of EA’s latest content drop is the introduction of new players with sky-high ratings. In his video, NepentheZ delves into the stats and abilities of these top-tier players, giving viewers a glimpse of what they can expect from them on the virtual pitch. One player that is mentioned is Arthur from Fiorentina, who boasts an impressive 97 rating. With such a stellar rating, it’s no wonder that players are eager to unlock and add him to their squads.

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The Requirements to Unlock Arthur

As with any SBC, unlocking these high-rated players comes with its own set of requirements. NepentheZ takes a moment in his video to discuss the challenges players must complete in order to acquire Arthur. From completing specific objectives to gathering rare cards, the road to unlocking these SBCs is paved with both excitement and perseverance. Has there ever been a player you’ve desperately wanted to add to your squad, but faced arduous challenges in order to acquire? Arthur might just be that player for you.

Reminiscing about the Early Days of Ultimate Team

While discussing EA’s obsession with 99 rated SBCs, NepentheZ couldn’t help but reminisce about the early days of Ultimate Team. He shares his excitement about the thrill of building a club from scratch, starting with a modest roster and gradually improving it by acquiring new players through various means. The feeling of satisfaction that comes with assembling a team of your dreams is an integral part of the FIFA experience, and EA’s continuous release of high-rated SBCs only adds to that allure.

Rewards for Completing Objectives

One aspect that NepentheZ touches upon in his video is the rewards players can earn by completing objectives in the game. These rewards can range from valuable in-game currency to exclusive player cards and packs. By successfully meeting the objectives set by EA, players not only enhance their team’s performance but also feel a sense of accomplishment. Are you the type of player who thrives on completing objectives and being rewarded for your efforts? If so, these 99 rated SBCs might just be the motivation you need to continue your FIFA journey.

New Dynamic Duos and Their High Ratings

EA’s obsession with high-rated SBCs extends beyond individual players. NepentheZ discusses the introduction of new dynamic duos in FIFA 23, where certain players have boosted ratings when paired together. This unique feature adds an extra layer of strategy to team-building, as players now have to consider not only individual ratings but also the potential synergies between players. Will you be able to identify the best duos and unlock their full potential in your squad?

The New Icon, Rooney, and Other Store Items

The FIFA Ultimate Team store is always teeming with exciting items, and EA’s latest content drop is no exception. NepentheZ highlights the introduction of a new Icon, Rooney, and other highly sought-after items in the store. These items, boasting top-notch ratings and unrivaled abilities, are sure to make a significant impact on any team lucky enough to acquire them. If you’re itching to bolster your squad with star power, keeping an eye on the store for these exclusive items is a must.


Opening Packs and Sharing Results

Nothing gets FIFA players’ hearts racing quite like the thrill of opening packs and awaiting that one-in-a-million pull. During his video, NepentheZ takes the time to open several packs and share his results with his audience. As each pack is opened, the anticipation builds. Will he be blessed with a high-rated player? Will his luck run dry? The excitement that accompanies pack openings is a major element in the FIFA experience, and it’s no different when it comes to these 99 rated SBCs.

Season 8 Progress and Rewards

EA introduces new seasons regularly, giving players a chance to progress and earn rewards for their efforts. NepentheZ briefly mentions the progress and rewards available in Season 8, highlighting the additional incentives players have to engage with the game. Whether it’s collecting XP or unlocking exclusive season rewards, the hypothetical carrot at the end of the stick keeps players motivated and invested in their FIFA experience.

Players Packed in the Packs

As NepentheZ tears through a series of packs in his video, he shares the players he pulls from them. The excitement in his voice is palpable as he unveils each new addition to his roster. From highly rated stars to hidden gems, the randomness of pack openings creates an air of unpredictability that keeps players coming back for more. Who knows, the next pack you open could be the one that delivers your dream player.

A Snapshot: Opening an 84+ Players Pack

During his video, NepentheZ opens an 84+ players pack, resulting in a mix of excitement and disappointment. While he manages to secure an 84 rated player, he also pulls an 83 rated player. This snapshot serves as a reminder that even with the allure of high-rated SBCs, luck plays a crucial role in the ultimate success of a pack opening. The thrill is in the unknown, as you hope that each pack holds the possibility of something extraordinary.

Another Snapshot: Opening an 84+ Players Pack

In another pack opening moment, NepentheZ opens an 84+ players pack and receives a seemingly underwhelming gold card. This serves as a stark contrast to the previous snapshot, highlighting the unpredictable nature of pack openings. While there’s an inherent desire for high-rated players, not every pack will deliver the desired results. It’s a reminder that perseverance is key in the pursuit of building your ultimate squad.


The Team of the Season Player in Another Pack

As the video draws to a close, NepentheZ shares his genuine surprise and excitement about packing a Team of the Season player. This final moment encapsulates the essence of FIFA pack openings: the thrill of the unexpected. It’s the kind of moment that not only leaves content creators buzzing but sends shockwaves of envy and excitement through the entire FIFA community.


EA’s obsession with 99 rated SBCs in FIFA 23 is a testament to their commitment to delivering a dynamic and ever-evolving gaming experience. Through the lens of content creators like NepentheZ, players can visualize the possibilities and excitement that these high-rated SBCs bring. Whether it’s unlocking new players, completing objectives for rewards, or experiencing the adrenaline rush of pack openings, FIFA 23 is a game that keeps players engaged and continuously striving for greatness.


  1. Are the new 99 rated SBCs only available for a limited time?
    No, the new 99 rated SBCs are permanently available for players to unlock and add to their squads.

  2. Can I unlock Arthur from Fiorentina without completing any objectives?
    No, unlocking Arthur requires players to complete specific objectives and gather rare cards.

  3. Can I use the new dynamic duos in FIFA 23 without any additional requirements?
    To fully utilize the new dynamic duos, players must have both players from the duo in their squad.

  4. Do the rewards for completing objectives include in-game currency?
    Yes, completing objectives often rewards players with in-game currency, exclusive player cards, and packs.

  5. Can I expect to pack a high-rated player in every pack opening?
    While there’s a chance of packing high-rated players, the contents of each pack are randomized, and luck plays a significant role in the outcome.

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