EA’s Latest SBC Blunder: Uncovering Another Major Mess-Up!

I am excited to share with you the latest blunder from EA’s recent SBC, as I delve into uncovering another major mess-up. Join me as I analyze and dissect the mistakes made, giving you a comprehensive overview of the chaos surrounding this latest blunder. So sit back, relax, and let me take you on this rollercoaster ride of EA’s astonishing screw-up!

EA’s Latest SBC Blunder: Uncovering Another Major Mess-Up!


I recently had the frustrating experience of encountering yet another major blunder from EA in their latest SBC (Squad Building Challenge) release. As an avid player of EA’s popular game, I am always on the lookout for exciting new content and challenges. However, this particular SBC turned out to be a major disappointment, leaving me and many other players annoyed and dissatisfied. In this article, I will delve into the various issues I encountered and discuss the implications they have for the game and its community.


Player picks are glitched in Team of the Year cup

One of the main issues I encountered with this SBC is related to the player picks in the Team of the Year cup. Unfortunately, these player picks were glitched, resulting in an unfair and frustrating experience for players. When completing the SBC, the promised player picks were not of the advertised quality, leaving many players disappointed. This glitch undermines the integrity of the game and diminishes the excitement that accompanies these special events.

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Panini Decisive Pass Plus: Play 10 matches to get a card

Another element of this SBC that left me dissatisfied was the Panini Decisive Pass Plus challenge. This challenge required players to play 10 matches in order to earn a special card. While the concept of earning a card through gameplay is enticing, the execution was far from satisfactory. The matches were unnecessarily time-consuming and repetitive, detracting from the enjoyment and making it feel like more of a chore than a rewarding experience.

Some XP is awarded as well

In an attempt to compensate for the frustrations caused by glitched player picks and lengthy matches, EA did award some XP to players who participated in the SBC. While this gesture is appreciated, it does not fully rectify the issues at hand. Players were expecting exciting and valuable rewards, not just XP, especially considering the effort and time required to complete the SBC.

Good card with 87 overall rating

Admittedly, not all aspects of this SBC were terrible. One redeeming quality was the inclusion of a good card with an overall rating of 87. This card had the potential to be highly desirable and add value to players’ teams. However, the glitches and frustrations associated with the SBC overshadowed the positive aspects, leading to a general sense of disappointment among players.

Weak player, but performs better than stats suggest

On the other side of the spectrum, there was a weak player in the mix. Despite having underwhelming stats, this player surprisingly performed better than expected. This sort of discrepancy adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to the game, but it does not excuse the overall shortcomings of the SBC.

Compensation on the Hero player picks

To address the glitched player picks, EA offered compensation to affected players. While the compensation was appreciated, it does not fully make up for the frustration and disappointment caused by the initial glitch. It is important for EA to ensure that such glitches do not occur in the first place, as they significantly diminish the trust and enjoyment players have in the game.

Complicated SBC with 87+ base and 86 rating

One of the major complaints about this SBC was the complexity of the Squad Building Challenge. It required a base rating of 87+ and an overall rating of 86, making it a difficult task for many players. The requirements seemed excessively high, deterring players from attempting the SBC altogether. EA should consider striking a balance between challenge and accessibility to cater to a wider range of players.

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Not interested in doing it unless having many duplicates

Due to the high requirements and complexity of the SBC, many players simply did not find it worthwhile unless they had a surplus of duplicates. This further highlights the flaws in the design and execution of the SBC. It is crucial for EA to create challenges that are appealing to the majority of players, rather than exclusive to a select few.

Considered expensive at 73k

Another drawback of this SBC was the cost associated with completing it. Many players found the SBC to be prohibitively expensive, with an estimated cost of around 73k. This high price tag further discouraged players from participating, as it did not seem commensurate with the potential rewards. A more reasonable and balanced pricing structure would have made the SBC more enticing and engaging.

SBC should be priced at 25k

In hindsight, considering the overall rewards and the challenges associated with this SBC, a more suitable price point would have been around 25k. This pricing would have made the SBC more accessible to a wider range of players, resulting in increased participation and engagement.

Will only do it if there are high-rated cards in recycling

Despite the various frustrations and glitches in this SBC, some players were willing to give it a chance under certain conditions. Specifically, many players expressed their willingness to engage in the SBC if there were high-rated cards available for recycling. This demonstrates that players are open to experimentation and challenges if the potential rewards are enticing enough.

Rotation today includes UEFA Blues

As the rotation of challenges changes regularly, it is crucial for players to be aware of the specific challenges available at any given time. Today, the rotation includes UEFA Blues, adding an additional layer of complexity and strategy. Staying informed about the rotation is essential for maximizing rewards and optimizing gameplay.

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Need to do it before the rotation changes

Furthermore, it is important to note that players need to complete the SBC before the rotation changes. Once the rotation shifts, the opportunity to participate in this particular challenge may be lost, possibly resulting in feelings of regret or missed opportunities for players.

Argument that it’s worth doing for four cards at 140k

Despite its flaws, some players argue that this SBC is still worth doing due to the acquisition of four cards worth approximately 140k. This argument weighs the potential rewards against the frustrations and glitches, suggesting that the overall value may outweigh the negatives. However, it is important for players to make an informed decision based on their own preferences and priorities.

Open to that argument

While I acknowledge the argument that this SBC may still hold value for some players, I believe there is ample room for improvement. EA should strive to create challenges and content that appeal to the majority of the player base, reducing glitches, frustrations, and unnecessary complexity. By doing so, they can maintain the trust and engagement of their passionate community.


EA’s latest SBC release has once again showcased their inability to deliver an error-free and engaging experience. The glitches, complexity, and high costs associated with this SBC have left many players dissatisfied and frustrated. It is crucial for EA to learn from these mistakes, listen to player feedback, and strive for continuous improvement. By addressing these issues, EA can ensure a more enjoyable and rewarding gaming experience for all players.


  1. Why were the player picks glitched in the Team of the Year cup?
  2. How did EA compensate for the glitches in the SBC?
  3. Why was the SBC considered expensive at 73k?
  4. Will EA address the complexity and requirements of future SBCs?
  5. What other challenges are included in the current rotation?

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