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Craig Douglas

What's up guys nepen Fez here and Welcome back to another exhilarating day Of FIFA 23 content it's 6 p.m On Friday which means A brand new team in the tournament is Here that's right Walk out love that Um I'm gonna I'm gonna preempt What the content is right and I'm gonna Guess it's gonna be the team of the Tournament team which is not going to Reflect accurately the team of the Tournament But more reflect accurately than the Level of players that EA wants to sell Uh and we'll probably ignore all phenoms Because God forbid a player has two Special cards in back-to-back weeks am I Right guys right uh I anticipate we're Gonna get ourselves A SBC player And an objective player Probably the flashback Ronaldo oh this Might just be the video in one minute Probably the flashback Ronaldo And another like objective that's Putting milestones for like winning Games that is that is my Anticipation of what's to come so Straight away I didn't manage to pack one of these new Cards we'll go back to Pax at the end of The video If We Care to let us let us

Begin So Nothing here because it's going to be in Milestones Moments Benjamin pavard Please tell me he's got Center back Capabilities we'll have to wait till we See on footbin if he could be a Center-back as well that's not bad Good policy before I send it back really Nice defending a physical as a fallback Though he's just a bit slow Uh that requires seven goals using France players A goal using a Defender For an assist Score the financial in three separate Matches and win seven matches oh dear And then FIFA World Cup team in a Tournament which is wins for packs And you get the welcome oh wow I Actually want that World Cup trophy yes Please give me some of that Give me some of that Uh let's go and have a little look at Momentas I could see those players on the menus There yes now no new moments Let's go and have a look 94 messy 94 and Bape 91. there we came Um Let's have a look at the spcs Swaps nothing Upgrades

Nothing icons I'm really surprised we didn't get a new Icon today Advance and basic is the same right live We've got Korea and upper Marco Why is career 87 and upper meccano's 86 Why are these three segments sold off EA Four star Four Star Good pace could shoot in Nice driven in apart from composure nice Physicals Fair trade outside the foot shot trait 4-4 Meccano Six foot one nice Pace nice passing for A center back reasonable dribbling for a Center about good physical good Defending stamina is a bit mere Three segments for each this better be Really low rated stuff What sorry what the act all right they Must have given us League spcs guys They must have given us League spcs that Is Despicable An 86 an 85 with an inform and an 84 Rated Squad Or Angel Correa And open meccano The same On Wednesdays and 86 red Squad that is An 88 rare player They are horrific value Flashback Cristiano Ronaldo is there Five star skill moves four-star week for

High low work rate six foot two he is Portuguese Right based on the I know there's four Segments Based on the fact that he's Portuguese From Portugal and doesn't have a club Means he's going to be challenging to Link which means he should be cheaper Especially given the facts oh I wonder what he is compared to his uh Compared to his gold cards So compared to his gold card it's got 10 More pace Three less passing four more dribbling Jesus Christ two less physical Power free kick flare tray outside the First short tray that's nice that is Quite a nice card oh we can play left Mid right wing and Striker as well That's really good His dribbling is really good His jumping and heading is okay Stamina's decent his passing is terrible He's shooting his decent this is a sick Card this is a meta card Are they offering back like other Versions of Cristiano Ronaldo's Awards What the [ __ ] is that sorry for swear I'm sorry for swearing Jesus Christ 88 rated 87 rated 85 rated and an 84 rated with The Portuguese player you're oh my days I just played Squad battles for two Hours

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And it was better worth than this Send new Dynamic Duos Foreign Ique These ones knew is this new this is new Right Oh no oh they're just in sync now with When they expire Oh again Adidas World Cup pregame kit Nice I'm sorry man that is Just unacceptable Let's open one more pack Now these are so dead these pigs aren't They like EA please We added that kit as an 83 rated Squad I Mean that's only 10K that's you know 10K For kids whatever right they they charge 25k for coins in the store World Cup players SBC is now repeatable They're giving gifting everyone level 10 Is it just consistently repeatable is it Yeah I'm uh That's sad that's sad All non-club players link up Or so Ronaldo and Danny Alves linked Together is that right Get nothing out of that No Oh that's bad It's going to flip in I can't I can't believe it I can't believe it

500 000 coins I'm confused man I'm confused man But what other players are there they've Got five star four star with stats like This guys someone find it for me please How on Earth are these sbcs upvoted Unless it's like a plus three If the winner gets a plus three that's Fine This I don't know how people are voting This 220k for this card I don't care if it Gets upgraded plus two it's still not Worth 220k it's just not It's a good I know it's a good card I Know it's a good card four star four Star is superb outside the foot shot Trait is brilliant His stats are nice but 200k is just too Much and that's if he gets the plus two This Ronaldo here I mean this this is Like I'll be uh finisher on this card right It's a mad call to be fair it's just way Too expensive New players Start at the bottom Guerrero he's Already hey I haven't even finished Making my 6PM content video yet and Guerrero's 28k Jesus Christ You can play left mids

All-Star threes I I don't think this is A back odd I would play him at left mid like I've Done with Acuna start my left mid and Then move him in Center of Central field Set play him as a center midfielder Really good defending stats 48 heading Accuracy who cares 98 stamina really Good passing decent pace really good Dribbling When you give him like a dead eye or Something Maybe not maybe even a basic on him Actually Uh where's basic basic That's a cracking card I think that's quite decent for 28k That's mad Benjamin pavard yes he can Play center back all right this one's Good Makes a bit more sense with Oprah Meccano now as well doesn't it being so Expensive because you could just pair Them together That is a really good Center back by the Way six foot one Great defending very good pays good Passing great dribbling for a Center-back and very good physicals That's a quality card for an objective We've got gavi Has right wing left wing and centimeters Already down to 84k is a three star Three star as low composure very nice

Passing Decent physicals No like an architect or an artist on him That card doesn't really I don't really Care about that card kind of is a bit of A meh card Um we've got McAllister Sentiment and cam 32k already Yeah this this is like a mid card four Star three star Um it's like well-rounded in every area But very good in no areas I'll probably put like a maestro on him Not bad card it's just it's not ideal is It We've got guavardio 140k on him at the moment can have can Play left back as well four star week For Right now tell me How upper Mercado is worthwhile The vadio has been out of pack for 11 Minutes And is already down at 140k With a shadow has amazing defending very Good physicals good passing really good Dribbling for a center-back and great Pace Six foot one as well that's a nice card That is maybe a little bit harder to Link Um But maybe not with players like autitch And whatnot that we've got

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Uh we've got Bono 27k already because who cares about Goalkeepers they haven't updated his Reactions either which is dumb We've got perisic who you can link with Uh govarado Comparison's already 133k has got left Left mid left wing and left wing back What was his other special cards Oh they've actually made this card Generally way better than the uh 86 cam That's pretty cool This is a good chord This is my kind of card four star five Star and just really well-rounded across The board You could play this guy in multiple Different positions An engine for the wing great Crossing Great passing good Pace really good Dribbling You could even play them like Sentinel Playing at CineMate or DM His passing is quite nice basic could be Good for him To boost up Auto stats That's a good car that perisic is Uh we've got doomfries how he got a team Of the tournament I don't know he had One good game in the whole tournament Man Anyway that is a very good card With the shadow which is what you're Gonna have to give him 98 Sprint speeds

Super defending super physicals Bit heavy on the dribbling and passing Is all right but that's still a good Card I quite like that card You can play right mid as well which Means you can play him at centimeter as Well all those parts is not really good For it but Um we've got Gap po as a striker oh We use his 83 rated cards yesterday Qualified Champs and it's amazing Striker left mid and Center forward four Star four star six foot two Beast of a card give this Batman an Engine And play him on the wing and he's a Beast Or a cam something like that that is Very good We got Diogo delot Wing back and right back 200 000 coins For him big upgrade on his 84 three-star Four Star Quality card this Pop a shadow on him yeah quality card That really nice short passing really Nice Crossing really nice curve really Nice physicals with the shadow very good Defending very good dribbling for a Fallback four-star weak foot which is Nice and great Pace that's a super card That is Um we have got Thiago Silva Reasonable Pace boost there with 28. Um good passing good dribbling other

Than the Julian balance you pop a shadow On him he's a good Defender he'll be Cheap though I think yeah already 84k He'll be quite cheap Um And then we've got the big boys coming In now Hernandez Yeah I mean that's a cracking card right I'd go for an anchor in here Max Pace Great physicals Defense awareness and inceptions are not The best Crossing is nice short passes nice Dribbling is nice for a fall back pace Is obviously superb maybe I'd go Shadow Maybe I'll go Sentinel actually He's already got great Pace I'd improve Those inceptions and whatnot He's just so good in the game I don't Care what he's that say in-game he's Just ridiculous we've got foden right Wing right mid sent it forward and left Wing All-Star Four Star Big upgrade big upgrade compared with 89 Rated cards It's dribbling is superb his passing is Real nice as well I would still give him An engine though Hey those stats man 93 stamina good Aggression four star four-star Super acceleration good Sprint speed Super dribbling super passing that's a Quality card

Uh we've got upper meccano I I honestly think this price is Ridiculous I don't even if it gets Upgraded I think on the market he's Nowhere near that value It is a good card and I know he links to Like well I mean Byron's got so many Good cards in the game France I've got So many good cards in the game and Pavard is a perfect link I just don't think it's worth that much As an SPC all of the other Um Showdown cards have been way better Priced and some of them have even been Expensive Harry Kane somehow got a team Of the tournament called Three star five star A nice big Pace upgrade for Harry Kane Foreign On him probably the one for me Shooting's already so good Or Either a hunter or a finisher otherwise Hey that's a mad call to be frozen he's Physicals are really good A hawk could be quite interesting as Well to get a jumping up Or a finisher to get the uh Where's Shooting and then get our Julian balance Up but it's still so low it's probably Arguable that you don't even care about That I'd go for a hunter or Hawk Now that that looks like it could be a


Fun card to play with 200k already we've got Correa And again I think Korea definitely has Got some good stats right four star Four-star right mid Center forward and Striker outside the foot shot trait Really heavy dribbling really good like Composure's the only downside here Physically he's got good Stam and good Aggression he's got good base passing He's got good base shooting and again a Hawk or a hunter it's really good and if He gets the upgrade Even better I just don't think 200 000 coins Is where this card should be priced at Compare him to his inform Yeah see that look it's one page one Shoe in one dribbling Fair chunk of physicals and three Passing and his inform is how much 17K And it has right mid Center forward Right wing and Striker so imagine if This card was on the market it might be Like 50k or 60k And then upgraded maybe like 90k or 100k Compared to Martinez Martinez who is an 89 Is 63k Way more physical but less dribbling Less Pace more shooting less passing Yeah I just I just think it's way too Much I think it's way too much

Um then we've got the big boys and Bape Five star four-star Can play right mid left mid camera left Wing Big big stamina upgrade on him Perfect Pace now oh that is a ridiculous Card isn't it You either go with a maestro Or a finisher Or an engine Let's get that balance up I know he Doesn't influence Pace the artist Doesn't boost balance As that is literally a ridiculous card And then last but not least we already Looked at Ronaldo That oh man Oh Manny hey come on man Like the crazy thing about this Ronaldo Is right It's got eight less shooting three less Passing Three less defending two less physical Including 11 less jumping it's got 14 More acceleration but only six more Sprint speed it's barely got better Dribbling other than agility and balance And it's got nine more stamina and it's What seven times the price of his gold Card And it struggles to link because it's Portugal from Portugal This is genuinely a horrific horrific Price

It's just a horrific price And then we've got Lionel Messi All-Star four-star Center forward and Striker he's already got a 94. this one Has one more Pace one more shooting and Two more stamina Otherwise it's the same card Messi's a beast in the game this year I'd probably give him a hunter get a Pace right up Outside the foot short train for National trade high low work rates which Is quite nice for Messi Um Yeah I mean in terms of the actual team The fact that the two English players They chose were Kane and foden is Ridiculous The fact that there is only one Moroccan Player in there is is ridiculous I just think they've chose wrong Yeah Dumfries had one good game Yeah like Julian Alvarez should be in There Bruno Fernandez should be in there Amrabat should be in there definitely Japan should definitely have got like a A player we're gonna get mini release so Maybe that's oh Amber that's coming into Mini release is he Um but anyway guys that's gonna be the End of the video for today thanks for Watching hopefully you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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