“Everyone Has Been Saying This SBC is a MUST Do?!”

#shorts #clips

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You already know what this promo is I Don't I kind of have an idea of it but And I know that we have a couple packs We also got a mixed campaign upgrade so You got one this is crazy what is going On here so you got one once the watch uh Out of position winter wild cards team Of your honorable mentions or fantasy Foot okay nice 85 or higher and you get Five times uh Team of the week 83 and 82 So that's pretty cheap unless 83s went Up which they probably did Um that is pretty nice what I always Like to do as well is I like to go over Here and see what people are upvoting People love this 74 is good we have 41 Packs so we may have to we may have to Move through these for a bit but as you Guys know with the videos I always want To make sure that we have Um the newer content for you guys and We're checking out everything we've got A lot of team of the week packs that We're saving as well we're waiting for That crazy team of the week uh the first 85 plus it's a foot fantasy uh it's Gonna be Sabbath's life so not the best Foot fantasy Um but it's a foot fantasy right and so Could get upgrades could be better uh With upgrades and uh higher rating for Fodder I don't think Sabbath live will Ever be super usable I think he had it Was either bad attack positioning or

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Balance or maybe it was both but for That reason I don't know if we'll use Him like crazy Um let's see what else we can see here So we got a winter wild cards German All right so Florian virts so 87 rated Could be better but we keep going all Right so third one what do we got what Do we got EA Sports show us wild card Again Uh Millie uh Millie Savage Millie Savage 88 okay the rating is going upwards but Wild cards you know I think for me is Like a sick flare to get but there's a Lot of fodder right there's a lot of Crazy cards but there's a lot of fodder So I I kind of am hoping that we see Like I feel like I feel like yeah foot Fantasy is what I'm what I'm looking for Here not out of position what's the Watch who is this Uh that is going to be Darwin all right You know what that's not horrible maybe He's gonna get some more upgrades how Much is Darwin 108k let's go Darwin all Right All right 108k we got a live Darwin 74 Balance but crazy pace and uh you know This card is annoying to play against so Maybe we'll try him out at some point on This account who knows and then uh Fifth And final pack what do we have ladies And gentlemen we have

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It's going to be a wild card for the Third time German Who oh toll John all right so we kind of Started moving upwards and then right at The end we fell off and uh we'll have Five more of these tomorrow so thank you Everybody for watching and I'll see you Guys later peace

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About the Author: futhq

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