“Everyone Says This Pack is Actually Worth it?!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


Good luck For birthday Oh Not the best pack is it nah this guy Just got two foot birthdays Pasina wow hard to do I feel like nice Guys I want to do the SPC now this is so Unhealthy for me to be seeing he just Got full birthday Desai from the 85.5 Man oh this is not healthy for me to be Seeing man because these SPC sucks but What I'm telling you is like you have a Good chance I feel like at this type of Pack look at this pack bro I'm shaking Full birthday Desai I would love that Card how much is he 800 dude I also got Full birthday Rooney I don't even have Anything though man I just did an SPC Today oh no I gotta do the 85.5 I feel Like dude I know it's gonna be bad I Just gotta confirm that I'm not missing Out on an icon you know I gotta like be Able to sleep at night knowing that I Completed the 85.5 and there wasn't an Icon in my pack you know what I mean Like there's definitely not but as long As it's available I don't really know I'm saying like that's what the Mentality is at the moment Gwendozi from the 85.5 wow and Ronaldo No that's a crazy pack taekwondozi is Probably so good I really want to DJ in That pack so bad I just know I shouldn't But then it could be good like that

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That's the problem dude I look at it Like it's about it's like a 120k of Father risk but at the same time you Could get something like crazy you know Take a risk you rat should I whatever Man we kind of take a risk every day so Who cares wait so this is a uh this is An 86 Squad right chat you've lost the Plot dude I I don't feel like I haven't Though All right let's go we take the risk we Always take the risk we did this Yesterday Chad it was very bad so Oh not a foot birthday chat l no special Card Oh only 87 cooked cooked Hmm no guys I I have to try to go for it Though you know like I have to go for it It could be worse it still could be Worse but I gotta go for it man we got Icons and packs I'm sorry because like Now I'll be happy knowing that I tried It out you know like I can't let that Pack sit there though that's what I'm Saying that maybe that's an addiction And a problem but if that pack is just Sitting there I'm like all right is Eusebio in my pack you know now I know For sure on that account it's not There's no eusebio in that pack and I Wouldn't have that problem but when I Went on share play and I opened five and I see full birthday Desai I'm like okay Well I gotta try man I gotta try you

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About the Author: futhq

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