Experience a Second Shot at the Ultimate Top 5 SBC of the Year!

Welcome to our blog post where we invite you to join us on an extraordinary journey. Together, we will delve into the thrilling realm of the ultimate Top 5 SBC of the year, granting you a second shot at experiencing pure excitement. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on this riveting adventure, filled with anticipation, challenges, and unforgettable rewards. Let’s dive in and discover what awaits us in the remarkable world of SBC!

Experience a Second Shot at the Ultimate Top 5 SBC of the Year!


In the ever-evolving world of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, there is no shortage of excitement. One of the most anticipated features of this year’s edition is the Squad Building Challenges (SBCs). These challenges offer players the opportunity to unlock unique and powerful players that can enhance their teams. Among the top 5 SBCs, one player stands out – Chavi Alonso 97. In this article, we will delve into our experience with this exceptional defensive midfielder, providing insights on his performance, comparing him to other midfielders, and showcasing why he is a must-have player for your team.


Chavi Alonso 97 in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

Chavi Alonso’s SBC is priced around 700k, making it a significant investment. However, the rewards are well worth it. With medium-high work rates, Chavi Alonso is positioned to be an influential force in the midfield. He is a versatile player, adept at both defensive and offensive aspects of the game.

Unparalleled Defensive Skills

Considered one of the best defensive midfielders in the game, Chavi Alonso’s defensive skills are exceptional. His tackling abilities are particularly impressive, as he consistently dispossesses opponents with ease. With his high interceptions and defensive awareness, he cuts passing lanes and disrupts the opposition’s attacks effectively.

Upgraded Pace Boost

Chavi Alonso’s previous Team of the Year card had lower pace, but this upgraded version provides a significant boost. His increased speed allows him to track back quickly and recover defensive positions efficiently. It also makes him more dynamic in transitioning from defense to attack, contributing to the fluidity of your gameplay.

Improved Shooting for Bayern and Spain Fans

One area where Chavi Alonso’s SBC truly shines is his shooting statistics. His improved shooting stats make him a viable offensive threat during set pieces and long-range shots. Bayern and Spain fans, in particular, will appreciate this upgrade as they can utilize his shooting prowess to score critical goals from midfield.

Comparison with Other Top Midfielders

To truly gauge Chavi Alonso’s impact, we compared him to other top midfielders, particularly Savage, in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. Our objective was to assess whether Chavi Alonso lives up to his reputation and if he outperforms the competition.


Savage vs. Chavi Alonso

Savage is a highly regarded midfielder known for his all-around attributes and strong defensive capabilities. While Savage is undoubtedly a solid choice for any team, Chavi Alonso’s performance surpasses it on various fronts.

Dominance in Defensive Duties

Chavi Alonso’s defending and physicality are exceptional. His ability to win duels and recover possession stands out, giving you an edge in controlling the game’s tempo. When it comes to pure defensive duties, Chavi Alonso’s prowess makes him a formidable asset for any team.

Offensive Contributions

While our main focus was on Chavi Alonso’s defensive performance, we also wanted to involve Savage more in the game. Despite both players being primarily defensive-minded, Chavi Alonso’s offensive contributions stood out. His well-rounded attributes grant him the versatility to make key passes, join the attack, and take powerful shots when opportunities arise.

Surpassing Expectations

Throughout our gameplay sessions, Chavi Alonso has consistently exceeded our expectations. His dominant presence on the pitch imposes a sense of control and stability to our team. The combination of his defensive abilities and unexpected offensive prowess makes him a complete package and a crucial asset for any strategic-minded player.

A Rare Achievement – Powerful Shots and Free Kicks

During our testing, we sought to score a powerful shot with Chavi Alonso. Surprisingly, we managed to achieve this feat, which had been elusive for us throughout the season. His shooting attributes, combined with his accuracy and power, make Chavi Alonso a real threat in front of the goal.


Furthermore, our fortune continued as we even scored a free kick with Chavi Alonso. This rare achievement elevated our excitement, showcasing the diverse skills of this exceptional player.

Dominance on the Pitch

The impact of Chavi Alonso’s performance was made evident by an opponent who rage-quit after experiencing the dominance of Chavi Alonso on the pitch. This incident speaks volumes about the influence and control that Chavi Alonso brings to your team, making your opponents feel powerless in the face of his abilities.


Chavi Alonso 97 is unquestionably one of the top 5 SBCs in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team. His incredible defensive skills, improved shooting abilities, and overall impact on the pitch set him apart from the competition. He is a must-have player for any team seeking defensive stability and offensive contributions from their midfield. Don’t miss out on this second shot at the ultimate SBC of the year!

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. How much does Chavi Alonso’s SBC cost?
  2. What are Chavi Alonso’s work rates?
  3. Is Chavi Alonso suitable for both defense and offense?
  4. How does Chavi Alonso’s performance compare to Savage?
  5. What makes Chavi Alonso a must-have player for defensive duties?

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