Extra Time in the TOTY Cup 😈

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I was thinking maybe we would start with The cup I don't really want to sit here Doing packs for like four hours bro I Really want to try out some cards today Not Di Maria in March bro respect me Maria yo Chico what no I respect the Maria please wait what is this Di Maria Slander I'm hearing Parkway is so bad right now but aside From bad this promo does not suck to me All right oh my God we gotta lock in Wait how many how many games a day can You play of this cup does anybody know I Think it's like five right I just want To jump into it because I want to get These done I feel like was the draft the One that had the 811s I can't remember I think it was Man Ramos is so good No but You know what bro pack weight is like Really bad so I I do understand it it's It's honestly I like at all time it's It's probably close to FIFA 21. like I Haven't even seen people getting Anything out of upgrades that's a goal Oh that's a goal damn man Team of your DVD is the best defender I've used really I feel I think Lucio's Clear Could be a bad take though Oh my God Ramos stop that bro all right Ramos you might be him Okay this guy is actually a demon man


Good morning to me This dude is so good Go go go go Jersey no butra Butra nice fine Dino How does he defend so well What a ball What no broken broken card absolutely Broken there's no way man he got tackled Oh my God Boutros stop man what a player How did I even score that I feel like he's totally gonna score Come on BBD No man Bro This guy's such a rat bro he just Crosses to the diamond bail man now what A cup experience bro Chure Jersey no Jersey no Cooked cooked again Oh my God imagine if I passed it bro Guys I know this is crazy to say like Crazy But very low-key Real Madrid could win The Champions League again this year man Very low-key keep it on the low chat They could actually win again man it's Wide open bro it's actually so wide open Man City are Byron are injured bro PSG Kind of got that same problem they Always have I don't know man it's Actually so open this Champions League I Think actually even like Napoli could

Win bro Napoli's frying as well It's gonna be such a good oh I'm so Excited for Champions League oh my God Chelsea are gonna win nah man Chelsea Can't even put like more than one pass Like a 18th Place Team bro in England Please man guys I have to focus we can't Talk football right now no fighting Right now hold on Dino Let's go and one ref I want free throws Stupid Celtics refs where's the foul Look at this pace from Maldini no way is That DDA hey bro oh my God no EA Sports bro what if I just watched oh That's tough that's tough that's gonna Be tough to come back from Go go go go go go he's gonna follow me 100 turn Uh Yes Foul foul Good Extra time in the team of the Year Cup First team of the year and Bobby here we Go here we go here we go oh it's Definitely time for Ronaldo definitely Time for Ronaldo this is definitely if This is the most Ronaldo time I've ever Seen Watch out watch out watch out He's gonna cut back Oh this guy's such a F rats man kick off After kickoff and cross oh that's on me

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Bro I've got to defend better man that's Just so bad I just turned off for a Minute this guy loves to celebrate too Huh Murder rap murder I'm telling you this Guy's such DDA man he's been getting all The bounces no fouls all across is just So damn man whatever he's gonna cross it Again because Yeah I just crossed the ball you Oh I had to shoot it I had to do that Man I had to shoot it because Village Was Ronaldo I had to do that bro Oh man ggs ggs ggs bro ggs we'll see We'll say warm-up attacks actually we Lost we lost Saturday first game two Four three four three right was that 4-3 Ah Ronaldo man how did you miss that man The largest Club Legend right now is Alaba the second largest is cuadrado Vieira is probably third unpopular Opinion this team of the year is yeah it Doesn't seem unpopular my whole chat's Been saying that but I've been Thoroughly enjoying Team of the Year man It's really brought back my want to play This game To be honest with you I didn't want to play FIFA for about a Month and a half man I actually just Wasn't even really playing man at all Hi stinio Well Done Dino for me like the

Only thing about this team of the year Is the Packwood is really bad but Team Of the Year man that's what's gonna Happen like I wish with this pack weight In my opinion the rating should be Higher like if you're gonna make the Packway this bad okay make the team of The years 99s man if they're that hard To get like make them insane because They're they're good but they're not Insane No pass it pick man pass it Inside temperature One more Yes let's go Di Maria my go let's go Guys this game mode is the sweatiest Mode in foot but it's actually like the Most fun I swear I like this I like this I like these cups so much I have like I Have a really good time playing these Cups it's too it's like super sweaty but I like it that's because I have problems Though Dima Red no no that was not a red it was a Yellow oh What is the DDA EA Sports I'm going all The way Foreign All right let's do the strategy is he Moving it No which means he's gonna dive Oh it's my strategy sucks it's not Working recently guys all right I think

It doesn't apply in cups though bro People just stay middle Di Maria can you Dimrium man can you stop can you stop Whiffing [ __ ] jumping over the Ball the whole game bro come on dude Daniel that's a goal Let's go Chad let's go chat let's go Let's go let's go nice cool nice cool Nice cool no Demery is not outdated you Know what I keep doing But screw me over What I keep doing bro is like when I'm Oh I I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I Didn't mean to do that I'm not trying to Do that I didn't mean to do though wait what was I saying I don't remember what I was Saying oh I clicked the R1 button Sometimes chat and then it like Megs and He jumps over the ball it's so weird I know some of you guys go in and out of The streams you know what I mean so Hopefully your day is very good guys Let me cook let me cook chat let me cook All right well you guys have a great day I'm just gonna be out here cooking That's it No no Oh No man oh control your center backs bro Oh what a sweat she's probably already Played 90 matches in the next season That hasn't even come out yet Rivals


Guys next weekend I know when we stream We just kind of we just kind of vibe we Need to try to get two rank ones next Weekend 40 games thoughts We need to try to do that that would be Insane if we can pull that off I think This weekend I can play 40 games Chad I Think I'm gonna be able to I'm not 100 I'll know by like hold on do you know Time Nah this is the best player in the game Bro This is the best player in the game There's no player like dino man there's Nobody like him this year thank you EA Guys he's doing first time elasticos That's pretty scary stuff That's on that's on boutrosan Boucher Versus the world What's he gonna do step overs oh she Should have done a power shot first time Bro Ramos is so good man playing Prime Ramos out here I'm actually intimidated By him too honestly I just want to pass The Butcher and spam R1 and just send Him Oh I had him bro I actually had him I Did too much okay so if Di Maria doesn't Feel good for you put him at Center mid Put him at Center mid I'm telling you You'll love him Why did you pass it oh I should have Just I had him bro I should have just Ran to the goal bro what the [ __ ]

[Applause] Okay chap vvd is crazy am I seeing man Oh that was so poor bro Butra Putra Okay Ramos oh my God Ramos is so good Have we sold not doing that SPC man he Is crazy I I can't I cannot cook Ramos Bro with butra it's like the only Center-back yeah I've not been able to Cook I feel like I kind of should have Done the SPC I did it on my other Account though so that's good I don't know though he seems nuts bro Now I'm having second thoughts I just Don't have PSG players in my team though How many games do I have left still have Two games oh my God bro this cup is so Sweaty how do I still have two matches Left we have objectives though what do We have oh Team of the Year cup play Four we've got an 81 too what else 83 Double okay all right let's let's open Those now when are you sending upgrade Packs I'm not really sending them much Man the pathway looks so bad why would I I don't feel like I should waste my Waste my coins L sharp please Oh that's not bad 84 it's pretty good That's a good pack that's 81 too where's That 83 double dude my last five of These have been 283s please EA Is that a walkout All right what's in 84 but damn

Yeah five I have five wins right now so Oh wait no I have four it's right there Wait I only have four what I swear I have five all right so I need To get six more wins out of 15. Do you know is he on I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Red That's like such a FIFA 22 goal bro That's how you that's like literally the Only way you could score last year Pass it around until you're like wide Open I feel like the AI might have been Crazier last year you have such an Automatic team thanks bro I've made some Good decisions bro you know like I sent I take risks on those icon packs I did Vieira I haven't missed a lot of the really Good spcs like maybe A couple but Oh my freaking God bro what have I just Done so like I'm thinking he's gonna Move the keeper there So I've just shot a volley but Daniel Goes for the header man what like what Are we doing man shot volley near post I Don't know what happened man that was so Weird [Applause] Oh my God Dino you just made captivia Look like A bronze bro what

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Did I see that player picture ending out Content today like watch this this will Probably be a crazy goal Oh wow so right there I missed it a Little bit because of my left stick Direction those are insane man you see That No No Dino stop A little bit just jealous I have Dino Man Wow this guy plays like a rat man I Didn't even touch the ball yet [Applause] Wow he's really good at tribbling man What is this Jam though bro Beauty we're through I [ __ ] goat man Best attacking AI man he always makes The right run chat is Dino a pro player Card this year he feels like he's like Full meta like for the first time I Don't watch Pro FIFA but he has to be a Pro card right I'd rather use him over Aloeiron Oh my God I almost had to lay That's a goal shambolic defending Oh DDA man Oh it's probably restrictions that Actually makes sense it's got to be Restrictions guys how's Ramos bro Honestly he's been the hardest Center Back to like left stick dribble around I Think he's really good

I need to press this guy bro he just Keeps the ball So annoying how did he just get away With that He just scored two because I got Impatient yep That's what happens against possession Rats man you get impatient and they just Wait for you to get impatient and then They go This is unbelievable this is Unbelievable this is unbelievable this Is unbelievable Let's go let's go quadrado look at the Bounce look look RNG bounce bro how does He just get the ball there what am I Seeing man So obvious Look at this bro look at this Yep I told you You idiot should have kept the ball like You've been doing all game man don't Give me another chance Something a thumb up bro Let's go Michael Dino dude when I when I Get through on goal now I do step overs And I feel like it I feel like it's so Good to do because You just wait and see if someone's gonna Move their keeper it like helps you have That time I feel like so good to see if Someone's moving the keeper I didn't Really know what to do before because Sometimes you get caught in like

Some terrible animation just running [Applause] Ah The Ronaldo greens are crazy bro his Shots just go flying all right boys That's uh I think that's the sixth win Reward very nice We've got I think an icon sailor too as Well yeah we have one we're up to 1.6 Mil with an icon on the translucent two L-shars about six or seven informs bro We are we are bawling man we're probably At like 1.85 Maybe We've actually got two packs we've got 84 plus and we've got an 80 83 Defenders Pack all right let's get a team of the Year let's go all right 84 plus can we Get a team of the year All right 83 Defenders can we get a team Of the year courtois That might be a walkout I can't really Tell though was it Oh dear that's pretty good we'll take That That's pretty good 283 is not the best But that's not bad not bad I'll take it Boys that's not the worst

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