FIFA 22 HOW TO SNIPE PLAYERS FAST. Fifa 22 best sniping method. Fifa 22 sniping filters. Fifa 22 players to snipe. How to snipe on fifa 22 ultimate team. This sniping method can be used on how to snipe icons fifa 22

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In My Videos the Concepts I will cover will be: Fifa 22 Trading, how to make coins on fifa 22. I will show you how to make coins sniping on fifa or trading / investing methods. My sniping videos will consist of the best sniping filters on fifa 22 and SBC videos will feature the cheapest solutions to sbc’s such as the advanced sbcs on fifa 22.

[Music] It’s black and white If you want any cheap and reliable Ultimate team coins make sure to check Out There’s a link in the description they Have the best prices and make sure to Use my discount code i has a 5 at check Out for a discount what is up welcome Back to a brand new video on the channel And in this video i’m going to show you Guys the fastest way to snipe on fifa 22 Ultimate team how to snipe on the Console and basically the easiest way to Make coins on fifa 22 ultimate team in This video i’m gonna go through sniping On playstation sniping on xbox i do have A separate video about sniping on the Web app so if you want to know how to Snipe on there head over to that and Maybe in the future i can even show you Guys a mobile sniping video but i’ll Show you my hand movement the easiest Way to get cards how to do sniper Without getting banned and just to General overall and hopefully we’ll pick Up some good snipes in this video so if You have never sniped before basically Sniping is finding a player on the Transfer market and then buying them Under their minimum buy now if someone Lists that card up for cheap by by Accident obviously you’re going to buy That card and then sell it on for a

Profit so my sniping filter in this Video is gold rare germany chelsea so With this filter we can pick up havert Rudiger and timo verna basically we’re Just going to find haberts because the Other cards are a bit more expensive but There still is the possibility we could Pick up a teemo verna So what you need to do is then find the Minimum binary of your filter obviously You could just be searching one player But filters with multiple players are a Lot better because obviously you have More chances to pick up cards and if You’re struggling for filters i will Have filters on my channel every couple Days so make sure to subscribe down Below for that so as you can see we’re Trying to find the minimum binary of These players you can see there’s a card For 9.2 a card for 9.6 are there any for 10k okay so There’s a lot of cards for 10k so we Have to sell for at least under that i Reckon we’re looking yeah 9.8 there’s a Lot of cards So we’ll be selling our cards on for 9.7 000 coins obviously when you are selling A card on the market there is a 5 ea tax On that card so a 9.7 k card we’re Getting taxed about 480 coins this means After tax we’re only actually going to Get back about 9.2 000 coins if we sell Them for 9.7 so you need to snipe

Anything under 9.2 is profit so in this Example we’re just going to go 9 000 Coins so the smallest profit we can make Is only 200 coins but if we pick up a Card for 1k obviously we’re gonna make An 8 000 coin a profit so once you have This filter set up you obviously need to Snipe players so you can’t just Constantly press search that does not Work you actually have to change the Pricing so the easiest way to snipe is If you press the right trig or r2 on Playstation you set your max price all The way up to 15 million coins and then You just lower the price search for a Card press ok lower the price search Your card press ok and you basically Just repeat this process over and over Again i will show you guys some hand Movements later on in the video so you Can see if my hands moving quick i don’t Really think so sniping does also depend On your internet connection so Have a hard wired ethernet if possible Because that will actually help you and Apparently the next gen consoles are Actually better for sniping as well but Sadly i’m still here on the ps4 so this Is the easy way to snipe you just go Price down triangle to search okay but You can actually just hold your left Stick or the arrow to the left and your Price will constantly scroll down and Then you can just press search okay


Search okay with your thumb just holding Down the stick to the left doing it this Way is i guess one less button to press Because you can just hold your thumb Down but it doesn’t make up too much Difference some people prefer to Actually manually press the price down But yeah this is how you snipe the Easiest way and then obviously you will Wait until you see a card on the market So you just want to search press ok Search press ok until you do find a card And then when you find a card all you Have to do is basically buy them as Quick as possible so we will keep Searching until we do find a card Sometimes the ea servers are a little Bit slow when you search i will just Keep searching keep searching and Hopefully a card gets listed up for a Decent deal and we can pick up a very Nice night here we go h6 oh we’ve missed It so When you actually finally get the chance To buy the player i’ll just show you the Barn presses on like a normal card so as Soon as you see the screen load so you Can see when i go to search the screen Sort of changes and you know that cards Are about to pop up you want to go Action closer x Down X up x If you just practice buying players like

Normally you’ll get the hang of it but Yeah it’s click on a card down Press i x or a up and then x or a again And you have to just practice doing that As quick as possible obviously sometimes You will mess up and might miss a snipe However once you get it locked down you Can actually pick up some deals so this Is the main way to snipe however if you Have too many actions on the chancel Market in quick succession ea can Actually kick you off of their servers And then you have to log back in again So the problem with that is obviously if You get kicked off once you’re more Likely to get kicked off again in a Similar time so you can’t sit here and Slide full speed for a long time so There’s actually an alternate sniping Method which isn’t actually too much Slower it’s just a different sort of Method you have to actually check the Card whether it’s a deal but i still Think it’s quite a good method so you Need to find the minimum buy now again So that’s actually a deal but we’re Going to miss it You need to find the minimum buy now so Around 9.7 k Once you’re here you want to scroll to The very last player in the 59th minute And then you want to press Square or x on the xbox to go compare Price then you go back and then you


Quickly turn to the right and look at The new cards that got listed So you go compare price back And then you look to the right to see if The next card that got listed is a deal So 9.3 9.6 not a deal 9.3 we’re looking For a card that’s about 9 000 coins Obviously it’s a lot better when only One card is getting listed at a time but This compare price method you’ll be able To actually search more on the market Without getting a market ban and it’s Also quite helpful for finding deals Where you’re not looking for the minimum Buy now so this is useful for silver Trading i could do a video on some Silver trading if you guys would like That but yeah you go compare price back Out go again compare price back out and Then you just look at the next card Still no deals But we should be able to find one at Some point Now i’ve shown you guys How i look for a deal and how the Methods to snipe i’ll give you guys the Hand cam where you can see me sniping a Card and if you notice anything oh this Is just my personal preferential snipe But yeah you guys can see that and let Me know what you think So here you can see my controller This is a bit of a dodgy camera setup But it should be working perfectly fine

So again you want to set your max price To 15 million we’ll go to the minimum Buy now so we’re at 9k And then either you can just go left Search okay Like this this is just the casual method If you’re just looking for a deal or you Can just hold down the stick and then Just search X triangle x triangle i prefer using the Arrows because i’m actually used to the Xbox controls but You can use the stick if you prefer that But i don’t know i feel like my hand Just naturally feels more comfortable on The actual arrows So again yeah we’re sniping we’re Sniping Hopefully i can actually pick up a live Deal because these cars are pretty hard To actually get on a deal because a lot Of people i think are using this filter I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s Already bots on the game But You can only try and if you pick up a Card you pick it up i guess Here we go 9k oh i missed it I feel like though it is just Impossible to pick up one of these cards I’ll go for one more snipe but It it just feels really hard to actually Get one i know this is a video on how to Win snipes

Pick a different filter if it’s like This to be honest Just just try another player Just just Admit that there’s going to be a bot or Somebody who’s just Super Fast like i can’t be much quicker than That Like i’ll show you guys on xbox just Like the controller and then i will Actually show you some live snipes so Here’s my xbox controller on the xbox Obviously i would just have the stick I’d be holding left and then i’d be just Going y a y a like that i’m going to try Bamba because all of these higher tier Players I don’t know i just physically can’t Snipe so we’re gonna just go for a cheap Goal rare he’s worth 1.5 k We pick him up for 1.3 we’ll list him up I’m convinced that These higher tier players Are being botted or something because I’m i’m instant on these cards and Nothing was going through like bamba First gotta pick up We pick up with the snipe we can sell Him on i guarantee the next card here I’ll pick up okay ignore what i just Said The next card i see I guarantee i’ll pick up this one

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That’s what i’m calling the next card 100 no i won’t even cut it i’ll show you Guys the next card that gets listed is Mine we’re picking it up here you go 700 Coins and we’ve got it There you go minimum price bamba list Them up for 1.5 k Double dot coins There you go that’s how you snipe boys Just If there’s a filter where you can’t buy The player Just just find some random some random Gold card that okay we’ll we will land That one we’ll ignore it just find some Random gold card I was my hand was on the controller not That one Just find some random gold card That isn’t being busted or people Spamming it on the web app because then You actually will be able to pick it up On the snipe We’ll get another bamba and then i’ll Pick another player to end off the video But i will have some sniping filters on The channel to come so you won’t have to Be dealing with all of these players Botting these high tier players or web Apps sniping whatever it is Or they’re just crazy fast but Okay yeah i’ve missed that one up but Definitely if you pick just a lower Priced card or just some random player

I’m missing i’m messing these all up We’ll just cut that and i’ll get another Player so as you can see on our transfer List our free abandoned carts have sold On i’m going to try and find a good deal Just to end off this video and then we Will have some sniper field just coming Out tomorrow so stay tuned for them i’m Looking at aubameyang now so he’s going For 57 500 so if we sell that we’re Gonna get back 54 100 so anything under 54k Is a deal for aubameyang I just want to get like one decent snipe Like a 5k profile like like that pretty Much that would have been a 4.1 k profit I don’t know just the playstation market Is It just feels impossible to snipe a Decent player like you can snipe some Random gold or non-rare gold who’s like 2k But if you want to snipe any decent Player like it’s impossible i don’t know It’s it’s it’s definitely people on the Web app because i’m convinced sniping on The web app is faster than the console i Will drop a video comparing the two and I will drop a video comparing Playstation versus xbox so make sure to Subscribe down below to see those drop But i’m just gonna go for one more slide And just get this video up because it’s Getting pretty late my controller’s

Gonna die Okay i didn’t actually see that on one Hour so i’ll let myself off for one more Try But yep i will have actual sniping Highlight videos coming soon if i can Actually manage to pick up some cards Yes we’ve got the apanyang 52 500 You don’t understand how many tries it Took me to get this card but we’ll list Them up for 57 500 so before tax is a 5k Profit after tax it’s like two I’ve pressed the ban too many times but Yep There’s our decent snipe thank you guys For watching i hope you did enjoy make Sure to drop a like if you did and Subscribe down below to the channel for Loads of sniping content and i’ll see You on the next video

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About the Author: futhq

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