FIFA 23 – Fix Your Dribbling Now WIth This META TRICK – How To Technical Dribble Like Pro

FIFA 23 – The META Left Stick Dribbling Technique That Pros Use – How To Technical Dribble Like Pro
How to left stick / technical dribble like a pro player, this is a dribbling tutorial
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What’s going on boys no guys here Welcome back to another tutorial now Today’s video I’m going to show you how To left stick dribble um for those that Do know me one of my arguably best Skills is left dribbling but yet this Year is completely in the mud so I’m Explaining how you can keep the ball Safe take a Touch Away a couple of new Tricks that I’ve learned as well Um and don’t forget if you want to get Better people come from people School Series links Down Below in the Description but I’ll go through that at The end of the video so let’s digital About the first thing is um for those Yet that don’t know I used to flick my Left analog stick rapidly and that was The best way to dribble par using I Suppose you can say um analog dribbling Now this year it’s the same thing but You can’t flick as you would last year You’ll get micro starter movements or Shimmies but what you want to do is you Want to basically rotate it in a smooth Motion now my best advice is think of Yourself like you’re holding a Paintbrush okay like again a paintbrush I’m an easel and you’re just kind of Painting in one long stroke that is the Way you want to dribble okay so the First thing is when you get the ball is You take a touch completely away now Look how long I hold my left analog

Stick for so you see when I’m going to Show you an example now and don’t forget This is live so what you’re seeing right Now and you can see on my controllers Everything’s happening live on the Screen So the idea is you take the touch Completely away so look here completely Away here completely away you see that Don’t just go flick and then decide that Don’t go like this And decide to pass after hold it for Longer than you think like this see that Go for it the complete movement and what This does is because the way the game Works out the ball passage you’re based Into the game I want you to force the Animation I don’t want you to start the Animation and then Midway through then Change it And that is the way you can listen and Once you get used to it you can send Lester like this and you can understand The movement even with someone like Ronaldo you can understand the Intricacies of how someone can move with The bullets his Defender situation over Here Go with a hard slide cycle it’s going to Run back here now I don’t even know what Formation we’ve got to set up over here Um but yeah so when I’m going and I’m Attacking if I want to be fast I do the Same thing but I take more of a risk

When it’s okay I got space around me so I can take more of the risk here now I Still do the shimmy so example I still Go one way and the other way you see That that’s a shimmy those yet no I Don’t use skill moves I just use less to Dribbling you can still do the shimmy Now players like Neymar in theory they Should feel better but they don’t so What I do is I use the L1 button like This I supplement my left situation not That R1 button this is important okay The R1 button is used to keep the ball It’s basically R1 and in my opinion R1 Dribbling So is this one over here R1 dribbling And less stick dribbling are gonna be The same movement the reason why less Stick was important is because your body Covers the board so what I do now is I Just touch the L1 button like that it’s Touched on and this is something I used To do back in FIFA 19. if you watch some Of my old 15K FIFA 19 videos you Remember this is a close dribbling Mechanic so when you tap the L1 button You’re basically pressing strafe Dribbling in FIFA 19 it was close Dribbling but it was something that I Used and if you’re in trouble you can Always hold the L1 button to move the Ball away is because the way you take The ball in your passage and you stride It backwards so if you want to evade you

Can always use the L1 button and go Backwards because your foot is on the Ball you can even use it inside the box If someone is next to you because you Can go into these spaces that other Other skills can’t do and you can Combine that with for example the Run Button L1 button and then a run button Like that to get a bit of a speed boost So that is one of the key ways you can Use it so you hold the L1 button in a Straight durability and if you’re part Of my patreon series you’re going to see A video on this in detail coming up Um later on today but you could see how Ronaldo and Ronaldo’s got architect Style on him so technically he should be Lengthy so you can see even though Ronaldo has a lengthy style he still had That short burst explosive runs in the Area the second one you can do is close Dribbling which is like this now um so It’s like this I believe now I don’t Really like it um I’ve tried it now this Isn’t my biggest gripe and I’m going to Pause the game here so I can explain This to you this is very very important I’m going to kick the ball out of play Here just so I can get some time explain This to you because it’s very very Important first of all let me just sub Off um I Still Play Walk and cinema by The way fantastic player watch when the Meta changes was this guy with lengthy


Unbelievable anyway besides that so this Is very important when you’re left stick Dribbling you have to think of it like Um the way you move the ball is you Protect the ball now you can use Shielding the L2 button but shielding Doesn’t protect the ball as much as you Think because it pushes your body up Against someone else and you lean back Okay agile dribbling keeps the ball Close in between your feet the idea Behind the Lesser dribbling is it you Take the ball you capture it you kind of Not trap it but you kind of get the ball And you slide it along on a half turn And your body is covering so if your Opponent tries to tackle you he can’t Because he’s behind you so because you Can’t do that anymore what would doing Is we’re using the strafe dribbling Movement alongside it to create that Space now if you are going to use a Shield button I’ll show you an example Where you can use a shield button If you’re going to use a shield button Use it as the first touch quickly like Like that because if you hold it too Long like you saw just there you can Lose the Boomer for a beautiful tackle With Carl Walker absolute magnificent World class right there but like that so You can just literally just tap it A short tap and that’s only if someone Is realistically behind you like that

You could do a short tap and you can Change direction so we’re not using it To Shield the ball almost using it to Kind of take a touch and go into that Direction you’re basically forcing the Ball on that stutter you see that so What I do is again close dribbling I Would not use it And you can see showing that doesn’t Really help when you try to use Independently because the way your body Moves and then if someone’s in front of You you could be in trouble we’re just Going to run back here with gretzka And Jeremiah by the way a absolute tanky Card now you can also use skill moves to Give you a speed boost so you could for Example use the explosive fake shot like That look at that see that speed boost Um another video a video on my patreon Series if you want more information in Regards to that but I think Um realistically you’ve got the open up Fake shots all these are all Pace boot Attributes that you can use so for now The solution I have is if I’m in an Attacking final third let’s say for Example I can I’m like you know what I Really need a speed boost then I would Use for example a skill move so I’m Probably going to release a video on Skill moves the speed boost Um it should be coming out later on Today

Now the second thing is the player type Does the player type influence um how Left it dribbling is yes and no Um are you gonna see a significant Difference this is the key a significant Difference with Neymar Maybe not Um I think if we if we move someone like We’re not Ronaldo on the boat I mean He’s he’s very clunky as you can see But you can argue the strength kind of Helps him a little bit if we give the Ball to Neymar which when I get the ball Back get the ball to Neymar You can see it like this he’s a bit more Smoother so for the more acute turns It’s fine now you see for example like Here I normally move my left hand I said now You just two ways you can also do this Right you can move your left analog Stick incrementally like almost like You’re caressing it see like I’m barely Moving the left analog stick you can do That this is also so you’d have to flick It where you hit audible click to Audible click you have to flick out it’s The way to drill back in the day I used To use analog Sprint and then what Happened was I changed my run button so Long story short I’ll give it a bit of The story so I put ISS control so when You’re seeing the controls on the screen Apart from the left analog stick for

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Example I teammate contain um with Another with square Now or Circle whatever it is now what it Is I used to use the the analog Sprint Now this is something that I would Recommend for advanced users now to be Honest even I don’t use this but if you Go to controller settings and you scroll Down you can turn off analog Sprint now For me it’s R1 with R1 it doesn’t work Because it’s kind of like it’s a binary Um not binary I believe forgot of the word it’s not Going to say boo you know I’ve Completely forgot the world is going to Say but it’s just either on off is Either zero or one you know what I mean Like like a like a light switch Um whereas when you have analog Sprint On with the R2 button Um it’s kind of like a gas pedal on your Car so the more you hold it in the Faster you will move so you could Effectively control the speed of left it Dribbling it’s very hard to do and I Wouldn’t recommend it because there’s Some knock-on effects like if you’re Using the running jockey you can control The speed of the running jockey like That as well Um but the only downside with that is is That um sometimes if you just touch the Right hand or um the L2 button or you Just literally just tap it like just how

You can see my L2 button where you can Gradually tap it you don’t get a full Registered run so I wouldn’t recommend That so I don’t want to give you is Like this see this the quick flick It creates a stutter movement Like this See that you’re creating a start Movement so what you can do is you do The quick flick and then move your left Analyzing so we’re going to show you now A real real life example now on me Actually playing now because To show you how I would do it so let’s Say I was in a game I will control the Ball here take a Touch Away that was a Bad pass mistake on my end take a touch Completely away Look at my left and I’ll see how long I’m holding it for and then if I’m in Trouble you can see like that you see How the player you can’t turn as well You can also use a ball roll turn now The ball turn has been nerfed but the Ball keeps the ball close to your feet So you can dribble and then dribble out Like that you see that Like this Do you see that so using the the ball Roll to give us the angle and then we’re Kind of exiting sharply with the with The left analystick now the ball will Turn has been nerfed significantly gonna Run back here with this

I’m gonna go for the hard cycle if I can Read this path I’m gonna wait wait wait Wait wait wait And you can see again pay still trumps Everything Again we want to take a touch here take A touch for left analog stick Again take a touch upwards Quick Pass L1 Trigger and also try not to pass the Ball in a difficult place I know it Sounds like common sense but a lot of Players who try to pass the ball like to Ronaldo when he’s not clear if you can’t Make that pass just pass the ball away Get the ball back and wait for an all to Go in space don’t try to force the ball Um So now I want to mention you can also do A first-time skill moves as well by the Way that gives you also a bit of a speed Boost as well I’m going to use the Running jockey here just gonna run back Here I still use the run and jockey this Way I still think it’s the most Superior Method of left it dribbling although It’s quite hard it’s just the fact that You can variably can there’s no way to Run in Jockey style that can invariably Control Um your your um your running jockey Because you see if you do that um I like To call um There good save if you try to do the Running jockey with the L2 and R2

Um but you let go of the um of the Run Button you could only have two spin Sprint speeds you need to have zero or 100 but when you hold it with L2 and R2 Um but you control the Sprint speed Yourself manually with the amount of Pressure you put on the R2 button it Changes the way any left analog stick More importantly it changes the way you Can dribble so you see like here I go Like that and I’m going to run into the Space I’m not too sure if some take a Touch Away you can see that’s the thing That even I’m trying to get used to you See those touches there when there’s Someone directly behind you you can’t Keep the ball safe and that is why when You try to use the rr2 button like you Can see you lose the ball because you Open your body up when you want to when You’re trying to make that touch and That is why that L2 button I mean L1 Should I say is the best thing I’m using Right now so it allows you to spam it so For now if you have no idea what’s going On just Spam it but as you can see be Careful because when you spam it you’re Going to send players going forward at The same time so what I would say just Incrementally turn it and you know what If you struggle with triggering players Forward it might be a good way To get your get yourself you see that Habit see that I turned there in that

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Situation but again you see you can Trigger a play going forward so you’ve Got to be careful with that you can Select that get that movement in and Again you can hold it as well This Touch tap tap tap tap Not too sure I’m gonna try I’m gonna try To bun and weave into this space now It’s going to be quite difficult but I’m Gonna try to make it from here in this FIFA this is actually the most Challenging thing right because it is so Easy but we’re gonna okay I was trying To go all the way from there to the Inside of the Box just lesser dribbling That’s what I used to do normally that’s Why I don’t use skill moves Um but this you might be a different one I’m gonna win the goalkeeper again is to Close the angle out here and we want to Go cut the cut back here running jockey To defend the angle towards goal again The basic principles defending hasn’t Changed much as you think it’s just that People are just of course used to being Very aggressive especially with the last Year there’s a new um goal kick golf Goal kick goalkeeper throw I was meant To say I’m gonna go ahead and L1 trigger and Then we’re gonna go with a shimmy let’s See if we can get it here Like this

Nice a bit too slow and we tried to do a Part of school but that didn’t work out Um but that is the general gist so the Tapping the L1 button you can tap the L2 Button as well Um you can still use agile dribbling but Again I would say the Sprint speed boost Is kind of the main thing that you Really really want over here Nice play Nice through ball again you can use the Ball roll as well then once you know how To use the left analog stick completely You can then go into these unique paths I say look guys it’s the first iteration Of technical dribbling don’t forget all Gen you haven’t got this issue lesser Dribbling on Old gen feels amazing Um but this generation on New Gen there Is definitely a big big issue in my Opinion it has to be buffed um there has To be some change less driven because as It stands is basically unplayable in Some situations I think I’ve done a very Very good job of learning Um left dribbling and even then I still Feel like there’s so much to learn and I’m at this point we’re just Experimenting and trying to find out the Right formula but if you can control The L1 button like this and go for the Speed boost like here you can use Combination of ball rolls like that you Could find yourself in these in these

Nice pockets of space then we’re going To close out the game and I’ll show you One last thing in regards to Stats at The end of the video Nice slide tackle there L1 triangle Gonna go for the little player lock here Which I don’t really use Um but this FIFA change a bit of a see That stutter there Like that bit of a stutter and we go With Should have been a goal it should have Been a goal um I want that to be um I Wasn’t an L2 shot by the way I wanted it To be on a stronger foot of Neymar Um left foot but anyway that didn’t Really work out Um oh hang on Oh my God that was a better player he Would have probably has scored that goal Big mistake but anyway that is one thing I wanted to show you in regards to that Um but yeah just bear in mind the left Dribbling anyways hope you enjoyed this Video try to go and play some good drill Team balance while I’d recommend shorter Players as well that’s one thing you Want to say don’t forget you want to get Better at FIFA you can click on I think Over here Over there Um I got my patreon series we actually Got videos from last year over here on These patreon series let’s dribbling

Incomplete detail for old gen but also Some new videos as well so very very Interesting to watch Daniel guys thanks For watching take it easy of course I’ll Catch you next time peace out

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About the Author: futhq

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