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Today’s video I’m gonna be walking you Guys through the best hero Investments To make in the current market crash so Just before the video does start a quick Little ad on a trading service I offer Over on Twitch for the cheapest premium Trading service for just four pound four Euro all free with Amazon Prime you’ll Get yourself daily trading and investing Guides covering both Xbox and Playstation with an array of different Techniques depending on your budget I’ve Been trading for over 10 years making Over a hundred million on multiple Titles and recently making over 10 Million in the first month for the last Three years so in today’s video we Aren’t going to be walking you guys Through the best hero Investments to go And make during the World Cup crash the Reason we’re doing this is because we’ve Literally got about one or two days Until I think the crash will be the Bottom which is going to be a Thursday Evening to Friday midday and then again I think there’s a really good rebound on Some of the cards so the main reason the Market has crashed is because there is Anticipation around the world cup that Is both World Cup I guess promos World Cup up Heroes World Cup icons and a few Other things and as a result the market Has crashed and for some players have Generally dropped about 30 40 now this

Allows us to have a great investing Opportunity but what we need to do is we Need to see which ones are the best Invest in and why they’re the best to Invest in now in today’s video I’m going To be mainly highlighting Heroes and That’s because Heroes Have at some of The highest percentage drops and also Because some of the base Heroes got our Packs so if you guys aren’t aware we Currently obviously have Um not these and sorry we currently have Uh like the base Heroes for example Marquez has got himself that hit Marquez And then we’re gonna go and get this Marquez this uh Friday now what’s Happening is this Marquez is actually Going to replace that markers I don’t Know why I’ve decided to pick an icon But I can’t pronounce but you know we’ll Work with it so this basically Marquis Is going to be in packs instead of this One it’s a little bit low when they take Baby icons out of uh packs and they’re Put in the primes they’re basically Doing this with the World Cup Heroes for The six weeks that um the World Cup or Whatever is going up so as a result Um there’s a nice little invested Opportunity and that investing Opportunity comes in the shape of It’s a little bit like icons right as I Said But it’s a little bit like people are

Selling let’s say for example let’s go Over Henry okay what’s basically Happening at the moment is people are Selling baby on ready in the Anticipation around prime one re coming Out and we obviously will know that Primary is millions and millions when he Comes out So selling 500k baby Henry even though Yes he can play a striker You’re not going to be able to go and Sell them for 500k and buy this for 500k Right this is going to come out like 2 Million or whatever So that’s kind of the equivalent with These cards this is equivalent with the Likes of the World Cup cards right Because for Latin His base card is this and the client That they’re gonna go and release on Friday is this which means four land has A plus six Pace a plus five dribbling And a plus four shooting he’s just got a Plus for physical he’s got to just have A plus full passing and no one really Cares about defending so I guess it’s a Little bit like this where you see plus Ones plus threes plus nines and as a Result the cards are so different and so Far apart in terms of ability that this Card is at the moment 240k Um and he’s obviously down from about 320k and it’ll keep dropping and Dropping maybe down to about 220 210 but

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I’ll turn it for free this card is not Going to be 210 when it comes out this Card when it comes out is generally Gonna be the best part about one to Maybe 1.5 million potentially more than That so the same people who sell this Card that maybe you’re expecting people To go and buy this card it’s just not Gonna happen it’s completely different Demographics I say it’s like a imagine a Wagyu steak shop opening next to a McDonald’s people aren’t all of a sudden Gonna go oh I don’t fancy a McDonald’s Let me go to this fancy Wagyu steak Place no there’s different demographics You know people who sell him for 240 are Not gonna do the same people buying in For 1.5 million and that’s why we should See such a great rebound because the Gonna anticipate buying this card They’re not going to be able to for this Card at least for the first few hours And they’re going to go back and buying That card so what we need to do is we Need to identify the heroes that have The biggest difference between the base Hero and the World Cup here because There are actually a few Heroes which There really isn’t that much between the Cards who is a good example I think Nakata is a good example here because We’ve got a Nakato’s card here let me go And get in a cat’s base card The castle has got a plus two on the

Shooting a plus one on the dribbling a Plus two under shooting Um sorry plaster on the pace and a plus One on the passing like there really Isn’t much between these two nikatas and The same league same nation and as a Result I can’t really see I guess I do See this card rebounding because this Card will obviously it’s got a fancy Image and that will increase its price But there isn’t a big enough difference That I’m like yeah the different Demographics you know one’s a Ferrari One’s a Ford cat uh it’s like one’s a Ford cap one’s a I don’t know Everything’s about 4K I’m not a car Person So what I’ve done is I’ve gone and found The biggest differences uh between the Two cards Um and I’ve got you guys the best Investments now there are a few problems I do have as well with this and that is Some of them have such drastically Changes I wouldn’t really go near them So like a value I mean his car doesn’t Really that much of an upgrade but this Card goes from ligonos to Prem I mean These are kind of like different Demographics I mean it’s this can’t even Panic so that much Yeah I mean this card hasn’t really been Panic sold whatsoever I think um another one I do struggle

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With is small wreck uh is because his New card is polishly but I still think There’s a bit of an investment in it so Let’s go through the Investments that I Think are the best to go and get and We’ll start off where we literally were A second ago for land Diego 409 has such A massive difference between this card And this card that I think the base card Is gonna be a great investment again We’re looking to invest in these Thursday evening or Friday gonna be About midday 1pm I should say although We’ll be tracking the prices Live and Stream to get you really really specific Buy prices to the minute hopefully so Forlan is the biggest uh has one of the Biggest differences and as a result I do Believe that he uh is a good investment The second player that I think has one Of the biggest differences is the likes Of Park G the sun now interestingly Enough the card actually isn’t too Different from this card like there Isn’t that much of an upgrade plus one Pace uh plus one shooting plus four Passing plus two dribbling and plus two Defending so you might go well that Completely goes against everything you Last talked about for the last few Minutes but the main thing with this Card is this has no Central utility you Play him on the left you play him on the Right you play him in the wing whereas

This card I would be surprised if he Doesn’t have CDM sentiment can and as a Result of him having such good Central Utility he’s going to be very very Popular he’s also now 80 plus stats Everywhere and that really making the Hula Club is quite big so I can see this Gpark song rebounding really really well Because I can’t see this card in the First few hours which is when people are Gonna be building their teams back I Can’t see the car being below 700k I Think it might be close to a million so As a result that car being so expensive Because of the central utility and the 80 plus all stats I think we see a great Great rebound on this card Um and once again you are looking to buy These cards Thursday evening or uh Friday midday but there we go that’s the Second play that I think is great it’s Maybe not so much because of the stats And it’s more because of the position Utility we then get to the third Investment if I can go and find them and That is the likes of Brolin now Brolin Again has massive upgrades plus three on The place plus 200 dribbling plus four On the shooting the main relevance is it Just makes all these stats above 90 Which looks a lot lot nicer I think that This broken car be again about 900 to 1.2 million in the first few hours maybe Even more

And as a result the rolling for 200k is A completely different demographic he’s Three you know this card is gonna be Three four five times as much as this Card and as a result I see a very good Rebound also he saw some crazy crazy Demand and bread in here which uh you Know obviously demonstrates you know if There’s good demand there I said that Should demonstrate some good demand After 6 p.m on uh on the likes of Friday Uh some things people may bring up is What about the free icon don’t worry not Only are not that many people or I don’t Believe a high portion of player is Going to get the free icon they’ll get a Loads of trash anyway and I’ll be honest With you is is bit dead but those in my Opinion are literally the best three There’s a few outside ones I think could Be decent and that is capital Villa the Only problem I have is this card is Generally absolutely awful I can’t say I Really comprehend why on Earth it’s 82k In the first place but maybe it’s Because I know nothing about FIFA but um Yeah obviously this card has a massive Massive difference I never I never Understand people paying for 500k for Left backs but obviously you’re going From 84 Pace to 90 Pace is a massive Massive difference so I’d say he’s one Of the outside cards I’d say uh looks Decent who is another one smaller egg


Again I think because this card is 94 Pace 92 dribbling and 90 shooting the Only problem I have is it now plays in The Polish league and it depends how Much people are relying on the utility Of this card but yeah again another card For a bit of an outside shout could do Quite well especially I guess because This is Bundesliga and obviously this is The Polish league but because it’s the Polish it might make that cloud a bit Cheaper and you know that’s the kind of Problem I have with that card Um and I believe that’s kind of all she Wrote again diversity is always good but There really isn’t too much that shouts Out to me follows cards are just very Expensive in the first place uh Nakata Irrelevant perk and again I don’t think There’s much Demand on his base Yaya Tori Yoda Tori is actually an outside Shout there because this card has been Panic sold is rebound a little bit since From 1.3 million down to about a million Uh and again this card on the get-go is On the release of the game is going to Be one most demanded cards out there and It’s gonna be about 2.5 to 3 mil unless He a scuff the pack weight because it Literally is going to be the car that Every big YouTuber wants to use every Stream is going to want to use but in Theory he should be packed next to Nothing and as a result being double or

Triple the price of this card we should Say a decent decent rebound at least Bands 1.3 million so um yeah I think That is probably going to go and wrap it Up for a video and give you my two cents Of course I do stream every day so You’re more than welcome to ask me any Questions I will be streaming obviously On the Thursday and the Friday Um when you guys should be buying these Cards so uh you guys can obviously ask Me some questions and uh yeah I believe Just having a quick look at that team That is all she wrote but uh thanks for Watching I’ll see you guys tomorrow with A brand new video

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About the Author: futhq

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