First Owner Fiesta PASSION 😈


Maybe some flowers in here as well would Be a foot Sheriff you there yo food Sharing if you're there bro yo what Ben What's your score prediction for today United Barcelona just the bet I want to See what a bed says I already know what He's gonna say he's gonna say some BS in The chat like United eight nothing or A1 I already know what he's gonna say man 10 nothing how bad man you're doing the Thing man you're doing the thing a bit Yo I saw the market this morning Man Martial is 9 50. 9.50 can you believe How much he's going up Ggmu man Oh my gosh Bro what Damn man's he done Alrighty man yo that's a boom in the Chat yeah he's up 250k [Applause] What Dude is that Marquez Oh Marquez man hate playing this card Dude this opponent has a lot of passion Man Oh Putra and Papi So broken man starts making the run and He's open Oh km3 Play properly what do you mean man what Do you mean like you want me to try hard Come on man this is homegrown 11. we're

Chilling Yeah why don't you take that elastical Back to the menu let's go Ramos Oh Marquez man What's homegrown 11. uh there's a is it 8310 shot or 8210 Dude I gotta say something I gotta say Something those chips man I don't Understand how these opponents are Sprinting doing that chip like that Person who scored eight with aloeiron on Me dude it I don't I like I never get That option to chip like that man like They do they do full Sprint and then They do a perfect chip like my chips Will go right to the Keeper's head if I Do that I don't understand man It's got to be I move the keeper I'm literally so Sweaty uh I just move the keeper again Bro I am so sweaty it's disgusting yeah It's got to be a skill issue though Daniel season we'll see you later He's gonna be so pissed actually he's Gonna totally move the keeper Doesn't matter let's hit a gritty that's So toxic after he just missed those two Chances He's gonna hate himself right now ref Ref Ref He's gonna shoot he just greened that oh My God bro

This is the rapple Yo you see what I'm saying Chad yo you See Km3 yo you see what I'm saying bro I I These tips man can three attacks and Buffet tax Um Dude and Poppy man Adam honestly and Bobby might be the best like he might be Better than FIFA 19 gold Ronaldo no you Don't think so bro he's so broken I feel Like he has to be better man this Marquez is owning you I've scored four Goals little bro Oh no way he is owning me yeah he is Owning me What a goal man what a goal Oh he's subbing his sore lock man There's a hack on PC now that masks you As a PS player even though they're on PE PC so they can get past the cross play Are you serious wait what that's next Level bro I trust BJ Chad he's played Like a lot of hackers recently Respiratory I'm hacking I'm hacking I'm Hacking I'm literally hacking [Applause] [Applause] Please one chip EA yes EA [Applause] Oh Rebels Oh my God you think if I green that it Goes in

Oh Dino what a finish I feel like Prime R9 this year is noticeably a lot better Than mid R9 that Prime we played him one Time the amount of pace he had on the Breakaway I think it was yesterday R1 better than L1 it just depends on the Situation man I don't really I started Using L1 a little bit more but yeah I Think generally R1 is better [Applause] Oh my God man Moving different man Llama is so annoying Hey M3 The goat I feel like I feel like we have To get the player of the month I I don't Want to man But I feel like we need to man I do feel Like he's a lot better [Applause] Man what is that [Applause] Oh dude It's gonna turn back Cooked Cooked what a goal cooked Cooked man nice goal I kind of read that Man but I just was that that was that Shot wasn't that good man I think these Low drivens are so good I don't know if He tried to if she would load driven Volley I gotta stop with the power shots In front of nettle man these driven's Just really they just go in man oh did

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He shush me yeah we got it we gotta we Gotta get to business here man [Applause] He shot cancel that man to get that Angle that was a bit lucky I thought He's gonna move it though Oh my God man this guy is really the Goat Oh [Applause] I sold man nah I didn't I shouldn't have Extra passed man I I just didn't need a Time that I would have gone in [Applause] Dude Are you serious man [Applause] Ah yeah man Meanwhile Davey's man Davies man look at Davies man what is he doing bro Tails out here just Nah look at the puss guys Jam Oh my God the postgass jam Look at this bro look at this Look at this [Applause] What am I seeing what am I seeing So obvious man so 16 deflections bro he Got 16 deflections there 16 so obvious Man so obvious EA Sports with the DDA [Applause] Near post let's go move your keeper Look at the past look at the pass 105th Minute

No get it out get it out get it out You know what's up bro this puss gas is Running through Bravos No I am chill I am chill I mean I'm in a Good mood like this game has been really Fun but what the hell is this DDA man What's going on man in this extra time This one is this match has been crazy I'm gonna get cooked I'm gonna get Cooked chat These little drivens for all this rat Video no EA so much DDA in one match Let's go to Pence let's go to pens let's Go to Pence let's go to pens let's go to Pence let's go to Pence he knows man he Knows he knows respect respect respect Respect respect this was deserved Pence Respect What a pen no way you read this A Capitan El Capitan I knew it Oh [Applause] No Oh you rats Oh he's taunting Bro I'm selling I'm selling I'm selling I have brain fog I have brain fog I'm not focusing Bro I literally hate you I knew you were Going middle I literally hate you man Middle again come on oh my God man You're so weird Nah absolutely sold man oh that's the

Worst pen shootout yo ggs man that's the Worst pen shootout I've had In so long guys I sold so many times I Knew where he was going I just didn't Listen to myself GG's man ggs ggs bro Take some balls to do what you did I Only I only have respect for you damn Man I wanted to build a team man and try Some players bro I want to get this 8210 Though any flowers any flowers Gold to Mori bro Are you guys playing drafts right now Bro they gotta add a draft objective Back man I have like six tokens I just Have no motivation to play it so dead Right I I always forget to do the tab Shots man I already played my qualities Yesterday I was like the fastest I've ever done Qualities [Applause] I did it like probably in an hour and 20 It was absurd he's gonna rubber band is He Hope not man Oh man Putra is selling me today imagine Icon Showdown cards bro I'm telling you Right now the showdowns are gonna be so Mid this promo man last year was so bad I don't want to be like negative man but I just know how EA operates man they're Literally just gonna try to take Everyone's coins before like for Birthday they're just gonna release like

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Below meta mid players for like 200k and Just have like Twitter graphic Merchants Tweeting out plus twos all day man for [ __ ] cards I'm telling you right now man mark my Words Sadly to say I'm not trying to be Negative man but it's just you gotta you Gotta be realistic what we're gonna Expect [Applause] Oh I'm selling you saw a leak already It's dead really [Applause] Nice Well maybe we'll get some Silvers boys That is a positive maybe we'll get some Silvers thoughts [Applause] That's so lucky Wait so this mode track stats or no am I Stop padding right now boys is that what We're after here I don't know I forget If it does it's not Max chem so I feel Like it does Dude like honestly man You just need to add like rewards for Ranked Rivals that are better they need To add a dedicated co-op mode that has Competition And they need to add like a dkt bro Because to be honest right now there's The most ever to do gameplay wise and Like

Unlock wise in FIFA history at the Moment like Dude Like all these cups and stuff are Amazing man they just gotta add a couple More things man and like FIFA's just Gonna be like You can't really get off the game much Man I I'd like if they tone down spmm a Little bit It's not as bad as cod's spmm there's a Lot to do on FIFA man I think there's The most ever to do this year out of any FIFA Maybe you could argue the the 40-game With the dkt years but I think I think We just got to keep like asking for it Collectively like as a community man and Just like presenting like Stuff they can do man because everybody In here including myself like we were we Were huge on them adding these cups and Doing more of these you remember when we Were complaining to them in the Beginning of the year that the concept Was really good but the rewards were Like 278 plus players and then they Started adding 83 tens and stuff you Know what I'm saying [Applause] So I feel like we just got to keep doing That man and just like Might maybe they're not going to do it Till next year but well they probably

Can't but what's playable ping uh I mean if you're if you're if you're in Single digits you have a huge advantage Over anybody even on 20 or 30 but like Generally I think 35 and under is Fine And I know a lot of you don't play A lot of you play like 40 to 80 which Just sucks I play 2v2 on like 70. it's Not terrible but it's definitely Noticeable right like you can do less of The uh Intricate dribbles and stuff connection Wise man you kind of just want to make Sure that your ping is not jumping Around a lot because that's bad Like you want it to be around the same Number here's what could be good Tomorrow right okay we get overpriced Showdowns but maybe there's like daily Login maybe there's like a couple Tournaments or cups like maybe there's Something in packs like a best of right Like that's all stuff that's very Possible I just don't know if EA's gonna Do it [Applause] But there probably won't be I just think That EA is like really missing out on Like doing a mode that's like 15 matches Or something in the week like 2v2 and Like have it be Monday to Thursday or Something bro or I don't know man They're just missing out on like that

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Gaming With Friends aspect a lot Like right now there's no incentive to Like play 2b2 yeah there's so much they Could do Man daily knockout tournament We used to have like these tournaments Man They didn't always have players but nah They never really approached me for Ideas a couple years ago they sent me Some emails saying like they suggest That I work with them and I would be Able to work with like football clubs And it would be really important for my Career that I worked with EA I'm like I Just didn't even respond to that man Like what are you what are you waffling About that's the only real interaction I Know I know this guy bogdon man he's Really cool he works there I always hit Him up when I get hacked or like I think Inception likes him too other than that I don't really know anybody there I do I Do kind of feel like EA as a company had Better employees now than they had a Couple years ago because the people a Couple years ago had egos out the wall Man like through the wall the egos that There's probably still a couple but I do Feel like the employees there now care a Little bit more there's obviously been More changes in the last year gameplay Wise like game modes and stuff than There has been for years before that I'm not sure about that man they just

Make a lot of money dude like no other Game is gonna What It's just genola attacks man come on bro I'm right there Um I really want to pack a road to the Final man damn we gotta get this win Chat chat let's go we gotta sweat man we Gotta get this win we gotta get this win [Applause] Dude selling Oh cooking shot cancel Cooking no what's up bro food truck bro What are you doing man Oh selling so much Selling so much how can you sell so much In one minute leave come on just leave Man oh come on Oh man So much sailing in one match man it's Crazy gotta lock in man selling [Applause] Soon All right boys another week another First owner Fiesta done it's time for The packs we have a lot of packs we have An 81 double and we have 283 doubles And then we have an 8210 Good Start informing the first good Start Good start Excellent variety Excellent Man excellent Oh my God

Brazil Oh I thought it was gonna be Lucas Mora Dude would take him I would take it but Not looking great for an upgrade We'll take him man we gotta roll to the Final we'll take it no complaints All right 8210 team of the week [Applause] Ronaldo No walkouts though unfortunately in Terms of like 86 plus but that was Pretty good I thought that 8210 would Have at least an 86. I guess I'm like a Little I guess I'm like a little Surprised a little

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About the Author: futhq

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