FUT Champs w/ 90 Ibrahimovic, 91 Neymar, 89 Verratti

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Yo guys what is going on welcome back to Another video on the channel so we have A video today uh you guys will see us Assembling some of the players together But we're buying a pretty crazy Squad uh We're using our content account we have A lot of coins on this account we always Kind of use it but I need to use it more Especially with Team of the Year so drop A thumbs up guys because we're going to Do a lot more on this account uh we went Ahead we splurged on some players we Picked up Neymar five star five star um EA did a really cool thing uh this week Where they qualified everybody for the Playoffs so you didn't have to play Rivals to get into the playoffs which is Really sick because for this account I Don't play Rivals and we can just jump On and uh and play so we picked up a Crazy team we've got zidan and bape's on Tradable I still have to put that pack On the main Channel it was crazy and Then we're gonna go with ibra so ibra And Neymar combined are like four and a Half mil we bought Ebert today for about 2.7 we're gonna give him a hunter and Then try him with an engine obviously The hype on this card is insane finesse Shot outside foot flare Um he's got the long shots he's really Notorious for that crazy shield in game Uh and just being Ebron just being all Around insane we also picked a variety I


Wanted to try him dribbling is crazy and For me one of my favorite cards in FIFA Last year so I want to see how variety Plays in this game guys I really wanted To see how he was 85 Pace 83 defending And luckily enough we're trying these Cards out before or rather after you Know EA's doing this crazy thing with All the the Um the stats and changing them so that's Been kind of nice so we're gonna play a Four three two one in game Um for me It's just one of the craziest themes I've used all year so we're going to be Jumping into qualifiers with it and if You enjoy it drop a thumbs up guys and We'll speak at the end these formation Stuff this year is a joke yeah but That's the problem chat I could have two Cams but it's not gonna work four four Two wait wait four four two Can Neymar play left mid for real nah This team is illegal bro this team is Crazy man all right we perfectly meet The budget Oh What A Team man what a Team What A Team bro what a team Look at the strength from ibra And papay Ebro strength Jam what is going on ibra passion you Think Ebro was nerfed Ref Errari honestly variety just got sent to The weight room right there that was

Crazy Nah imagine I lose with this team bro Imagine I lose with this team bro Nice zebra ah Papi Papi Bobby This is like my e football team bro Ibra Ibra Oh Oh my God bastoni watch out man we'll Talk to your manager pert about that one Nah that's a pen I bet I bet that is a Pen I definitely missed yeah Oh oh okay We'll cancel there too Probably just a little heavy man gotta Figure out how to use him I have to play More like direct I feel like Look at this passion man That's a goal mbappe is literally just The goat of this game bro there's nobody Better than mbappe man this is so good I'll bet are you are you going into the Team of the year with the expectation of Packing a team of the year I'm not I Have zero expectation wait not even the Not even like the 83 tens and stuff my Worst year was 21 I feel like did I pack One last year Hakimi right oh I packed a Bunch I was grinding last year the Weight last year's account the weight

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Was so high compared to the year before 21 was death man last year was high pack Weight not high but if you did a lot you Got stuff 21 was just like I don't know What was going on that year I remember Streamers spent like 10K they didn't get Anything Oh ibra you're so heavy man we gotta put An engine on you No that was nasty What Dude elite shot cancel Elite let's see And let's see a gritty with ibra Looks good Thanks man nice pass ibra This is gonna be a green and probably a Rage quit not a green but we'll hit a Little bit of a bag Ibra's Walmart Darwin yo why is Darwin Not in Team of the Year what's going on Oh Ref this is probably going in the stands Oh chat I was just trying to do a green Time trivella there I I don't know man That's not me that's not me that was a Yellow guys that's not ibra's fault Uh Oh dude what is this defending Oh I slid wait wait wait oh dude really I hate that celebration What don't scream no raising your voice Preserve your voice you bruh ibra Ibra Ebra

Jam no Why did his reactions are like low why'd He stop moving bro Step over zimbape who's catching him Nobody best player in the game Best player in the game Pass him the ball do step over so you Will be open every time shoot on either Foot it goes in don't even try to buy Ebra just because Bobby player lock Cancel rat player lock Cancel rat Neymar See you later Viera Finds ibra karate uses the fullback hell Variety what is that man What is that variety Rat rat rat rat rat rat that's a wrap Yeah all right man keep celebrating like That It's all good bro keep collecting those Losses big impape second half coming Trust me boppy's getting five this half What a pass Brody Ref And Bobby step over as he's open If I had this card bro I'd be kidding Rank one every weekend on my main Account man it's just broken bro it's Like literally so broke in this card Like how can people use aloe running and Boppy in their teams and like actually Post tactics thinking they're good at The game God man these cards are insane look at

This bro That should have been an elastico what Am I seeing man look at this card oh my God that's it I've seen enough I'm Packing primadier and Bape EA EA mic Theory I'm packing Team of the Year Mbappe I'm taking over Rivals this Spring Give me a Bobby please Ref that's a red I'm sorry EA did you upgrade origi for Him because I was using him yesterday and what am I Seeing bro Power Shot cancel oh Mbappe thought he was Superman bro and Buffy what are you doing bro he's just Dove he just Dove man he didn't even Shoot he just Dove Papi what are you Doing bro R1 dribbling Best player in the game after this game I'm gonna put um an engine on Ebro I Want to keep the hunter though for the Long shots you know what I mean Oh that's disgusting Ebro No way I should shift him bro Uh Center back Oh my God fair play center back Nice ibra Yo chat honestly bro honestly I would Have gifted a hundred I would have Gifted a hundred I I would have oh man Oh man oh man oh man oh man that this is

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This what this is why this is why we're Playing like this today man it's so fun Is that on Oh my God what a pass Shot nice Ebro all right we got our goal Did somebody say PowerShot oh look at Him Bape man I canceled ibra is so heavy Bro [ __ ] Look at him Bobby man like how is this Card even allowed Now imagine he scores right now Chad Oh my God I just Darwin man I chat Yo yo yo that's so funny what's really Funny is I'm about to end the game no All right extra time extra time extra Time I'm just having fun with the team Man I've not been playing like super Serious and Bobby's by far the best Player ebro's kind of mid though for the Price yeah he's he's probably wait he's He's he's way too expensive man way too Expensive Bro bro Well on Earth man [Applause] Oh [Applause] Oh I mean Martinez man oh he's Gonna Leave This rat I've totally missed Nah let's go No man Sold that was some crazy Jam bro I'm

Gonna do some crazy chat watch No what about a green you think a green Goes in no April bro just smash it man I'm trying To get these volleys going with him oh Vvd Maldini oh that's a good team bro Until I just saw baby Ronaldo man Ronaldo who's using baby Ronaldo But I love to watch her leave Yo fair play Fair play fair play nice goal man No Bro that was so obvious too so obvious He was moving so much come on man So obvious That was so poor Hotter than wasabi Shake and bake Ricky Bobby Dude Drake was so Elite man like 10 Years ago I love OG Drake guys [Applause] So clunky No Bro honestly I don't love variety Doesn't really have that presence it's Kind of weird I don't really like him That much he's good but he's really Lacking in that like physical like not Even just like physical but just like Like Viera yeah I don't really have a Proper DM like Viera really just Takes care of everything you know No way no he just scored bro Oh that's so toxic dies actually the

Most toxic goal anyone has ever scored Against me Oh my God dot is so toxic bro I'm Absolutely about to sweat through my Monitor dude I cannot be losing I've got 15 minutes to try to come back That is unbelievable rattiness right There holy crap man oh my God he's gonna Hold the ball now this guy's something Bro I want to scream so bad right now I Can't though I can't scream I can't scream I'll lose My voice [Music] That goal he scored against me was so Toxic I've never ever ever seen someone Do that to me he's beat me completely he Puts the ball in the goal line and makes Me have an own goal that is insane man Yo everybody I play has their message is Turned off man come on I just want to be Friends nah what a game what a game oh Now he's messaging me now he's messaging Me no no you don't deserve a message Back oh this guy's a sweat bro Oh this guy's crazy sweat I used to play this guy in Rivals like All the time unless he fell off which is Possible What a shot for Neymar For all these guys teaming man oh my God Oh what a goal dude ice play this guy Like I think it was this year last year

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I was playing the first week of FIFA all The time and Rivals we're the only People in D1 Ibra man so clunky bro turn man Oh ibra no way I green that I thought Damn Terrible defending Oh how unlucky is that man What am I seeing bro holy bro This guy is the best dribbling I've Played against what is he doing chat He's got to be holding Shield as well I Just maybe python is that strong Is crazy mid man I'm telling you though He's crazy mid his moments is crazy but Outside that I don't really like him man [Applause] There's the Jinx bro I'm literally a Legend on this game huh what was so Impressed about that finish too is I Moved the Keeper at the near post so he Shot it through Mike at the near post I Knew exactly where he was shooting Oh that was a cell man imagine crossing The ball the Neymar in a breakaway what Are we doing all right man GG to this Guy Twisted player bro I honestly on Another level right now So Han Oh my God man he gets the ball back so Much look at this bro so guys by far the Best player in the team is mbappe there Shouldn't be any surprises there he was Way better than everybody now for me

Ebro is not worth the price he's Probably not even worth over more than a Mill he's very clunky and heavy which Was a little bit annoying and he's not One of those players like Helen that you Could say is not as good dribbling wise But gets him behind really fast because His movement wasn't that crazy uh now His strength is his best part about his Game he's so freaking strong uh so the Most success I had with him was crossing The ball into him but not worth the Large price tag definitely a really fun Use though and who cares about if Somebody's more meta or not when they're Fun to use and he is very fun to use He's just very expensive variety I I Feel like was solid but definitely a bit Undersized this year whereas I I feel Like you're better off using like a Viera Um Um somebody with more presence in the Midfield solid but not in love with him For the price but very good as well Still for the links uh and still better Than most mids in this game uh for real Neymar was really really crazy the thing About Neymar I didn't really notice much Difference between this and his inform I Noticed obviously the difference between His inform and his gold but I don't know If this one was really worth the upgrade I think the next version will be but

Super fast Uh this version is obviously way better Than his gold Um not as crazy of a of a price but his Inform is like six or seven hundred so Just go with that instead but really fun To try out these cards today uh best Player in the team is zimbape by far and Hopefully you enjoyed it guys if you Enjoyed we're gonna do this a lot during Team of the year so we'll do more of it And thanks for watching guys peace

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About the Author: futhq

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