FUT Champs w/ 91 Torres, 88 Ferran Torres, 86 Nuno Mendes

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Yo guys what is going on welcome back to Another video on the channel now I know Shocked because gold Mendy is getting a Break I know but we've got some games to Play not ideal would not love to be Playing but we're gonna make the most of It we tried out a crazy team that we got Right here uh and uh well we haven't Tried out we're going since we got Prime Taurus we're gonna start off with the Hawk we did the loan we got five games If he feels super clunky we'll put the Engine on but I want to try the hawk Because I think his dribbling actually Looks okay and with the hawk I feel like We're gonna maximize the jam uh we got To take long shots we gotta hold L2 we Gotta do step overs we gotta shoot the Ball all right Taurus has one of the Best goal the games on Flippin so we're Gonna shoot the ball all right now we've Got to use gordon86 because we are on Our quest to get his 88 so we'll be Subbing him off uh early on I feel like There's no need to really use him and Then uh yeah we picked up Nuno we picked Up Nuno four-star week play now he's 500k so he has a lot of coins he seems Very overpriced but it's the links Obviously and we're gonna try him out We're gonna see how he is uh he could be A crazy card eventually and then I Randomly just picked up ferrant Torres I Think he looks solid 4-4 she's got good


Stats all around he always kind of gets SBC cards and I never really get to try Him so I was like let's just put him in The team and let's just see how he does So as always guys we're gonna go with The four three two one and this is how We'll line it up and yeah we'll just see How it plays uh we're gonna be subbing Off obviously Gordon and we'll probably Be putting on I would say either Probably jerzino I think we're gonna put On diabi I used him earlier he was Insane if you want to check that video Out it's on the channel Love FC Ozymon really All right we got a sub Gordon off and uh We are gonna put the Abbey in and you Know what we're gonna use foreign Torres As a box to box we'll play the obvious Our left wing All right Torres is massive in game what The heck Massive No Daniel hit the post man I feel like EA did something with the Champs Matchmaking or there's spmm because like There's no way I'm 1-0 this guy is Really good he's canceling with his Fullbacks And he's making extra passes it really Feels like Champs these days is just Whoever is in your division Nice ball Torres go on Dino


On the green as well but tail gets there So sweaty so sweaty Nah friend Taurus so clunky there Din yo let's go What a sweatfest man early match tough Tough but Daniel gets it done let's go Man what a finished Dino my goat of FIFA 23 Ronaldinho He's so patient But Taurus Taurus is stronger let's go Taurus what A play Oh no way No No the post two times in one match for Antares on the four-star weak foot two Times in one match we hit the post It's always feels so secure with Ramos At the back though he's such a good Center-back Face on the left foot and what a ball From diabi I think that was diabet was That for Antares I don't know who passed The ball but that was a crazy finish Look at Torah is winning the the corner Passion Nice no no Oh foreign Torres man he just got Bullied bro Come on This guy is so good at defending but so Bad on attack Like he's had 50 more passes than me and I don't think he's had a good chance

Bro he's so good at defending Can't get open I don't know the last Time somebody's played me 90 minutes and Only let me score twice Bang Oh I yellow timed that and we still got It to go Wow Torres Auto shooter I tried to I was Gonna do a Power Shot and then I'm like You know what we don't want to miss the Stat pad opportunity with Torres you Know That's very lucky Very lucky that was a bad goal Oh how man What a run Torres yeah ranteo there that Was impressive Butland baby Rio Oh we got some ggmu [Applause] Oh what a tackle man I'd say going Forward there I know Nuno is on too but He didn't feel like he was anything Special Right there I don't know he felt a Little clunky like he actually felt Heavier than uh Mendy's gold card Taurus what a ball Taurus the Taurus Oh that would have been crazy I had hit That first time I had to hit it first Time would have been insane Choking this man Wide open chance there man I blew it

Yo courtois man What are you doing bro rasper on the Week but has just kicked it right at you Man Yo courtois man tough matches tonight Tough matches bro bro we are getting Destroyed by a ggmu team right now come On guys wake up Poor is this through come on Taurus What a ball diabi let's go for the sweat Let's go I was so hoping he wasn't gonna Mess that driven pass up Nice read Wow tour still got there oh what just Happened Taurus bro You read that So lucky That is so lucky I don't know how he Read that to be honest because Dino was So open Nah foreign Torres man The obby's off I think No he's on but he missed that that's Probably the zero cam effect right there Akimi's winning a lot of tackles though I'll tell you that Take the positives right He's moving keeper bro oh my God he's Moving keeper alrighty Breath whoa friend Taurus bro ref Advantage man Advantage riff What is up with me playing these freak Defenders bro Like this guy is also crazy at defending

CHECK THIS OUT:  "NO WAY! EA Actually Did Something AMAZING!"

And now he's through with elanga for Ggmu Courtois actually playing for the other Team bro I I don't know what I'm seeing Man I don't know what I'm seeing bro all Right we gotta lock in because right now We're not locked in we're we got we are Playing with slow reactions bro what is Courtois doing this match man the ball Just went through his hand bro All right we gotta lock in we gotta Really focus bro because we are about to Lose to past and present ggmu And we're giving the ball to him on Kickoff Oh my God Dino's missing from right There right great this is great Not fair play Man shocked honestly Shocked courtois didn't decide to throw The match there for the third time that Was his best chance as well extra time Man longest weekend League ever this is Still game number two oh Nothing but respect Jersey Let's go Let's go gerzino [Applause] Oh no butra just missed that what a save From Butlins bro that was the butra Special Yo it's 4.8 XG to 1.1 I usually don't Look at XG but that is insane Ref ref

All right we'll take it I try to shoot That first time all right boys so we are Gonna change it up We're gonna try the engine on Baran Taurus and on Fernando Torres yes boys On both Let's see how it does What a ball [Applause] That's such a crazy save I've green that As well man with Taurus What a save so we know he's moving Keeper now that's for sure Daniel let's go man Oh on the weak foot Torres let's go This guy courtois is not serious Courtois you better watch out man I'm Gonna put you in an SPC very soon you're Going with Ribery into the next 88 Squad You fraud man what are you doing bro Oh lovely Corner glitch what a talent What a talent this opponent is man what A talent Look at this possession Rap Man Look at this enjoyment he gets from Passing with his center backs that's What you get bro [Applause] He's not even moving the keeper bro Come on Jersey no come on jerzino [Applause] Cooked absolutely cooked absolutely Cooked cheerzino man in the kitchen Ramos man

That is incredible from Ramos That I feel like that could have been a Goal probably have to Green that but Yeah that could have been a goal I feel Like [Applause] [Applause] Oh I've tried Taurus is jumping but we Just couldn't get it to work Oh gercino wow Ah jerzino is literally insane man You guys in the comments tell me I don't Cross enough so you know what I'm Wasting possessions crossing the ball Praying all right that's for you To gerzino is actually insane man What a player Nice dribbling Torres but that pass was Horrible and that's concerning because That pass was not a long pass and we Also have the engine on him [Applause] What the heck bro that volley was crazy Oh my God bro [Applause] What did I just watch man like what is That goal EA what is that goal EA I Don't know what I just watched [Applause] Foreign [Music] Bro alrighty guys so no rage quits these Games I mean this just took an hour 10 Minutes to play Four matches but to be


Honest Torres he's not all that he's a Little clunky he's a little bit hard to Use I don't feel like he's as Jammy as Henry he's solid but he's nothing too Crazy I probably would pass on the SBC Unless you have crazy fodder kind of What I expected I was hoping to be Surprised he did have a crazy power shot Though this card is the most average Card I've used in FIFA of all time like I don't think he does anything so I Would pass on this card as well I was Expecting more just didn't really do Anything Um Nuno is really solid but I I again I Thought he would be a lot better as well I thought Nuno tabarez was a bit better Uh I did not love his going forward I Didn't think his agility and balance Really fell 87-88 it felt worse so yeah No one too crazy in the team tonight uh But we did go undefeated which is great And uh I think we had some more progress Towards Gordon which is always good I Think right now we probably should have The wins done Um if we're doing this right I don't Even know if we are and that we should Have to just play 12 so we'll probably Have to play seven more right or do we Have to get one more win oh the first Match I didn't play with him so eight More and uh we'll have Gordon as well

Which will be nice because we'll get to Try him out for the second part of Champs so thanks for watching guys and I'll see you guys later peace

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