FUT Champs w/ 92 Alvarez, 91 Ballack, 96 Courtois, 89 Lucio

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All right boys so today we are jumping Into foot Champs guys I wanted to kind Of talk about this in the beginning of The video before there's any gameplay Because I was losing my mind today and I Don't know what happened to foot Champs Because foot Champs usually is like five To ten out of 20 games are really tough From the start today my games were Extremely sweaty I don't know if Something happened with the season reset Or you know maybe one of those are like Factors or variables but my oh my was it Ultra sweaty Um we had brought a couple new players Into the team today we picked up Prime Ballock we bought Lucio and we also Bought team of their courtois a team of Their courtois was one of the best Goalkeepers that I saw and played Against so I was like let me try him let Me upgrade he's perfect for my team Lucio I was like I just want to get an Auto Defender gold Millie tau is a Little bit outdated and then uh balak I Had some history with in FIFA 19 uh but It just didn't go so well so enjoy the Gameplay guys we'll speak a little bit At the end and talk about some of the Players guys the thing is man like the Balak slander is a little bit too much Man because he's insane respect for not Using mbappe nah you guys don't even Know man we tried balik earlier this


Year he was was crazy man what version Did we try at balik man I he was oh he Was so good bro what's up with my first Games man What's the gold team's my first games Bro actually I feel like Team of the Year 100 is like leveling up everyone's Team like heavy doesn't mean they're Good at the game But That's so confusing too yeah team of Their mothers and then gold Vinnie yeah Exactly Ricky can you just tell the chat Bro we have Team automatic today who Cares we have balik now chat Don't worry Lucio welcome Lucio No way Balik oh my God balak fight balik yes I Played some FIFA moments today That's a goal bro I'm gonna lose this Game all in one to 19-1 every weekend Man all right here we go we're losing Every first game Elite division game man Lucio let's go Lucio ah no control don't Go down two two is really bad nice Courtois oh no we play this guy all the Time bro KFC we play this guy all the Time mainly friendlies though he must Have been practicing man he's never he's Never in the mood to play us in Champs Must have been practicing recently for The match Cut back oh wow Yeah I'm gonna lose man

All right well we'll just lose the first So we can go 19-1 we can lose the first That's fine chat that's fine we could Have our our game of playing like a bot Like every weekend I always get cooked First game I'm like I'm like a hot Summer day on the grill Just getting marinated man you know what I get mad about bro because I'm not in The flow yet bro so I play these crazy Players and I wish I could play them When I'm like beaming you know what I'm Saying I just went on a walk in -7 Celsius outside man my hands have Frostbite and I've got Prime puss guys Rouletting through my back line I bro I just I don't want to have to Play a friendly to warm-up man I just It's not even that bro I I play 20 20 Games right my hardest game by far is Always my first match bro it's so weird That's not even necessarily about Getting warmed up bro Dean yo let's go dance Dino It's just weird man is it like a Matchmaking thing I don't get it where I Just have bad luck every weekend is this No it is it is a skill issue though You're right it it actually is a skill Issue Ah that was slow slow Daniel Oh bro See I'm not warmed up man I usually Score that

Come on we gotta win this game bro this Is like this is like a mental block that I have like a mental thing I have to get Past in my life Like every Friday morning I lose man I Don't want to wake up being a loser in Friday mornings bro anymore I don't want To I want to be a winner man bro it's Always postgast too man pooskus oh he's Something bail He's gonna do some back post headers bro Let's go let's go let's we're going back To play what you see play what you see Play what you see Oh Davies bro how are you getting a red Man I'm shaking chat I'm sweating I'm Actually sweating bro from a match of FIFA what the [ __ ] is wrong with me just Get the ball of Davies let's go Davies Why are you reading that man He's gonna win bro he's gonna cross the Ball to fail and win chat I'm shaking Yeah I'm really shaking I'm shaking bro no no 90th minute use it use it use it use it Go Go Dino Oh my God Chad He read that he literally read that why Are you reading that he read that oh That's risky sore lot that left wing bro All right we're putting sorloff in let's Go soreloff grabbing Birch come on tour Grabbing Birch let's go I see it now Sure I think I need to say a prayer to

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Win this game I'm not playing well Holy crap soreloth so automatic No I sold oh I sold I'm so [ __ ] when I First log on I'm so bad Rap riff pinaldo No is that one I'll cry I'll let it cry Yes I can't lose chat I have to win this Game please yeah yeah I jammed in a bro Cantona has 54 defending they tell you But it's really like a hundred bro so so Automatic let's go yo chat I can't win This game without you guys man you guys Revived me bro I was down two nothing But chat I say I can't accept being a Loser no kickoff no kickoff EA I love Your game bro it's so good and uh your Pack weight and I I want to spend 30 on A store pack every day For 486 pluses EA Sports no no no he's Gonna just cross the ball Chat Lucio the difference Nah Lucio Get it out check it out get it up the Price is so crazy in this game man I'm Tweaking I'm tweaking I'm geeking Over come on come on come on come on It's all right I've got Ronaldo it's all Right oh he's so finished man he's so Finished look at this bail bro no way I'm with a keeper oh my God movie keeper What's going on Sore love oh I sold

I he can't turn bro Ronaldo what's wrong With Ronaldo bro it's all right Dino It's all right we have Dino it's all Right we have Dino we have Dino King Ronaldo man I'm not serving him anymore I'm not subbing him in anymore man no More Ronaldo bro Nah man that's such a bad goal was that Like 30 And they start streaming I start playing Foot Champs on Fridays bro at like 10 30 And it's 1 p.m content and I'm literally Five and one uh what a match you just Have to say what a match chat we broke The curse we didn't lose we broke the Curse bro that's all that matters are You unrelaxing and unwinding with champs Yeah yeah totally bro totally I'm chilling bro Oh Oh Bro and Poppy player of the month man no This will be so easy you got this Johnson what's up you played him Oh Dude oh my God man dude I I No oh Chad I can't bro I I need therapy Bro I need therapy it's been one match Bro two matches I need therapy I'm dying Bro Oh God oh God oh that's a goal We're gonna lose chat we're gonna lose Ralph because just lose on Fridays man In the morning bro

It's too sweaty man Started Mickey Mouse thing man Nah I'm papay man Look at this chat my def look at this Bro my look at my T man Oh look at my team no you know what's The worst part man I make people look Amazing too man I play like a bot early On bro Oh we're missing greens like that Let's go Putra one more one more one More let's get one more it's the 39th 40th let's go one more before half bro I Need to Man Mark and Bobby with Lucio Somehow You're a second half player for sure nah Man it's just weird bro like I get off To these really slow starts in my early Matches But I just can see too much like Yesterday I lost that one game because I Conceded six oh Viera how'd you oh chat Chad this is bad I also can't defend Today look at that bro How does he like do that Come on butra come on come on Putra Clear of R9 honestly man I need some Coffee today with like tequila in it man Because it'll get me like energized and Also to chill out a bit yeah I'm gonna Have to do that Somebody defending today is so bad bad Lick bro selling me Time we got time we got time

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Oh that is a cell bro Please yes Oh no Viera man oh no no no no no no no Try to tie the match in the 90s 90th Minute bro these guys are crazy today Man defend defend defend fight Bad quadrado keep the ball Rat Rod rat Rat rat leader rat leader no one touches The ball No one touches the ball now shot cancels My center backs Oh how did we win that game bro how have We won these two matches man how these Guys have been sweating in Rivals all Morning they wake up at 6 a.m playing FIFA oh my God man I'm dying man I need Some easier games bro I'm gonna fall Over in my chair today man Um all right so balik out is balik out Is balik going out and and Cruz is going In are we going back all right here's What we're gonna try we're gonna try it Out for like a match or two and we'll See how it is we'll see how it is boys All right we'll see if we notice like a Difference why tequila coffee who does That bro it's just foot Champs man no we Play this guy all the time bro wait Don't we play this guy chat pack fiend No we do we I don't know Prime Jersey no Bro what I think we lost this guy all Right all right listen listen the thing Is bro it doesn't matter man even if

This guy is a demon which I think he is We need to focus because we can't go Down two or three nothing bro bro don't Hate on gold Theo man I I get rank one With him my second account like every Weekend Oh guys guys guys Oh please stop with this out of sync Matchmaking EA please stop with this Matchmaking man oh that is so bad I'm Already losing man I lost to this guy or I or I like had a thriller with him man It was like seven six in qualities last Week pack fiend man I remember this guy We literally scored four per game so Let's just like try to not concede more Than three What he just saved that on a green van Dorsar is him Oh man he's moving now he's moving it Too bro he wasn't moving it before do You see this matchmaking bro Guys guys we have to we have to use Cruz Over uh balak bro cruise is way better Man I can't use balik man I need Cruz Cruz Is so good man his passing is a joke Like he no one else can make those Driven passes man Finding yo One more Oh my God oh my God cook Ed man you just got good all right You're losing now what are you gonna do

Guys fofana is so good wow Don't let him score no man this jersey Was so good what was that run That I sell chat That was manual as well just show your Respect please for my defending Capabilities although I've given my Opponent the ball four times in a row Right now man that was a manual block Bro Oh my God What am I seeing for fauna bro goal here Let's go goal time Oh fofana man fofana is actually him Chat But he still has to face off against Butra the unguardable force up top the King butra baby all right boys not a not A pretty match but we were down again And we came back all right all right all Right good start man good start we've Been streaming for two hours and we've Played Four matches that's kind of how The games have gone today bro it's like It's the five five and it's the 96 96 Bro and the reactions man I and he's Like physical too I don't know like Balik weird bro like I feel like he's I Feel like Cruz is passing is just so Good I say we try Alvarez instead of Butra that's the thing Prodigy like you Know what I'm saying All right but how do we link him man Yeah but bro if I go gold Walker then I

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Bench quadrado How can we do that chat that's terrible I'm not deriding bro yo chill man don't Say that let's go hawk chat he's Controlled with a hawk Hunter keeps him Explosive okay so we we want explosive Bro I don't know what any of this stuff Means Chad I just play all I know is Lengthy you start seeing a player like Hit a crazy stride that's all I know About lengthy chat you start seeing a Player like teleport Yo fix for the charity redeem Oh my gosh man EA fixed the matchmaking Bro This guy's got pel who does he have aloe Way Ron bro Pele What is going on with the matchmaking Man Bro you have Dino It's not about that man it's not it's Not it's not about me having Dino it's The fact that like what happened to the The Champs matchmaking you know like are We playing Rivals here Water shot oh what a game face for Palvarez Hey who looks like a bum oh Alvarez Because he doesn't have a face Oh dino man what a pass from pelvis PIFA man PIFA man PIFA man PIFA man FIFA sweaty opening game bro all my Games have been like this today man Every single one except like one I don't

Know what's happening man on on FIFA Ultimate Team Hold it hold it hold it oh palvarez man What is that There's no way I I oh my I'm gonna break something bro There's no way man he's holding me on The ground man he's gonna [ __ ] her off It too bro This guy is so I'm gonna turn off my Console and enjoy my weekend man this Game today is so stupid man every team Is a 199 and I'm playing Man I'm actually so over man I'm just Tired I can't do this anymore man I'm Really tired I don't want to play Anymore was it doons and Dragons Whatever his name is man or Tom coleffy That decided yeah let's make Rivals Division champs matchmaking that's a Great idea yeah let's do that guys great Job EA well done EA you've outdone Yourself just once again Look at this broad shut up You're proposed how is he saving that It's just a bad game it's just bad this Game is just bad man like oh what's Going on man I don't understand that's How it should be no it's not man I Shouldn't be 0-0 and playing elite Players the first four games man You know where's gold reach Charlie said Man excuse me Oh that was to Alvarez

Oh my God like what have I just seen man How has he almost saved that bro Like what am I it's like it's like The Walking Dead right now like what am I Playing man Yo power is you gonna do something bro Please bro I hit the post Bro hit the post man hit the post man I didn't even move the keeper All right bro I'm done man I'm done here Ggs bro so uh we also tried Alvarez a Little bit he felt super generic he Didn't really get a fair test guys Because honestly the the level of Competition was so high it just was Impossible to really use anyone that Wasn't like maybe that direct full meta He has the five-star week for which is Nice I think also for me Lucio was good But the World Cup hero is the version That version is so clear of any version It's quite crazy uh courtois was the Highlight he was the best ballot I had The bench because I felt like Tony Cruz Ended up being better so thanks for Watching guys we'll keep it going with The gameplay videos you guys keep Supporting and see you guys in the video Soon peace

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About the Author: futhq

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