FUT Champs w/ 92 TOTY Pires!

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All right so we got piras as well how Are we gonna put piros in the team he Can play right mid so that's pretty nice What what about munye we'll just sub him In maybe or something that's fine I Really put this Keeper in an SBC Damn what chem Style on on Perez boys I'm gonna try a hawk Three days in two hours okay Let's just score with gakpo What he just saved that No way man what a save that can see us Gotta get burkamp this gold chat Oh my is he gonna leave bro Oh my God man are you kidding me dude All right so I have how many I have to Score an assistant 20 dude so like that Didn't do anything that's one game man I Had a bird Camp assist as well like who Leaves at one nothing when you're not Even getting destroyed but so bizarre I think that was a snipe I don't know Though whatever they're quitting on Purpose yeah that's why I I think so man It's all good did I use coins for peers Nah man I even buy one player uh Pierce Probably has a little bit more of that Jam dude I would say than Pedro well Pedro had some Jam but Pedro's just weak I'm gonna German Cross right now chat Never mind never mind never mind never Mind I just watched Chad just watch Yeah I'm not doing my German crosses Properly


I have to get more into the opponent's Half dude I have to get into the Opponent's half I think Chad I'm Learning though there's only one way to Learn man just like how we got good at Skilling Oh he subbed in essien all right let's Go let's go come on Puris Come on pures let's go Pierce Let's go man Uh oh Oh You will you will only see that goal Happen on kickoff only you won't see That goal ever happen Only kickoff man that's it you won't see That goal otherwise What is this guy doing with outside Traps man all right what progress we've Made on verkamp objective in that match What progress in two matches it's been a Good start to the day first match we get An assist early on our opponent leaves That one nothing second match we don't Score for 80 minutes race start today Man Orsaur Po I I mean I doubt I'm gonna get anything Done here for bird camp [Applause] That's an assist I think for burkamp I'm gonna have nightmares about that Miss I'm gonna have nightmares about

That red time finish oh my God I'm not Gonna get the objective done I just know It I just know I'm gonna mess up this Game Oh my God No bird Camp you literally suck man he's Probably gonna Rage Quit Oh my God come on bro [Applause] Josh thanks for the two appreciate it All right that's one that's what we got You know what Chad we got some objective Progress today I'm happy I'm happy oh my God man Yo illuminite you better not be sweating Man there's no way This better not be a sweat game bro this Is not fair I'm literally doing Objectives with bird Camp bro you Literally know what I want to do man I'm Just gonna be passing and trying to Assist with this guy SMH bro Would you say this is worse than World Cup swaps no but it's like definitely Sweatier [Applause] Oh Oh your Pirates is nasty Baby D sucks see I have to put Ramos in I just can see because of EBD yeah just Concede it because of EBD [ __ ] trash man he's so bad now one One right stick flick man he was gone One that was my mistake I've been

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Subbing in Ramos every game I don't know Why I decided this game I was gonna Forget Yeah you see the German man look see I'm Doing German crosses bro I sold that Though really badly why did you pass Because I wanted a bird Camp goal bro What do you think I'm doing for gems With birdcamp four what do you mean why Did I pass Go go go go Did I miss I missed oh this objective is Turning you into a different person Pietro Um yeah dude to be honest It's really frustrating Wait I have to get hold on I have to get Burger Camp goal sorry I'm just Practicing my German crosses how'd you Do that I don't know man because you Know what I'm so tired this weekend I Took two losses to Absolute Bro using the fight back and I said how Am I gonna beat the five back so I Looked up Pro meta tactics tutorial and All the pros in FIFA telling me if I Learned the German Cross I can defeat Anyone yeah I looked up some FIFA Pros It's harder it's harder to score and is This what berkamp than it is to win Look man everybody has Captiva bro Who does not have Captiva in this game Now Penrith

Oh don't miss this Whoa Clutch to be fair bro the reason I've Completed pures is not because I had Fodder it's literally because it's the Bulls's best player in his team By far Pires was oh what is he cooking So I have to get an assist that's what I'm just going for now I'm just gonna Try my best here [Applause] Oh my goodness let's go come on All right now we play normally time for Destruction I want elastico a one elastico shot Cancel Courts See now we play normally now we play Normally that's what I'm telling you Guys remember you don't understand how Hard it is to score and assist I can't Play like that when I have to score with Bur Cam man Cocked gold Allison prime cannavaro Prime Lampard All right that is a shocking team Hopefully we can get the objective done In this match he does not really look That good Perez is nasty so good bro Yo Pierre's is like Dino with the pace Man Oh I I didn't want to pass it there chat Because again I'm trying to get the Burger Camp assist why is he so fast

Though he's so fast it's not selling Chad I'm trying to do this objective Oh here we go getting cooked by a Prem Team man No that was an assist oh that was an Assist All right so that's one back They want to keep bird camp in Perez well done Perez defensively is Crazy man he like tucks in and wins so Many tackles I don't know how Assist assist assist assist assist Assist assist assist assist nice play Simple assist Oh that was gross all right that's done That's done now we play normal now it's Time for the purest show Leaving Greening chips man what a second Half for me Ozil has been crazy for you Oh that's also another father I can use For the icon pack I have a 93 Ozil with All due respect to Ozil [Applause] The five back will no longer beat me in FIFA Ever again I found a way to beat the Losers this guy's not a drop back Merchant though to be fair I'm just practicing this guy is totally Cool no problems with him no no Tutorials because I don't want to Advertise this Behavior Wait I still have to use six Dutch Players I have to get 10 more wins man

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From what oh boy Oh that's probably gonna be a loss do I Even try to do the Bear Camp objective This guy's an elite division should I Just not Oh I should have kicked the ball out oh My God Oh I should have kicked the ball out bro Because I have to keep her in man It's not good he probably just plays Like the qualities and stuff or like He's just he doesn't seem good though She's got a good he's got a good team That's it really I could still lose but Those FIFA's like that but it's good That we got one back Cooked cooked Yeah I did periods today I didn't even I Didn't even buy one player Such an easy SPC to complete man such a W he's so good He's absolutely unreal Not good [ __ ] kickoff is so annoying man like on That I always can see in the 48th minute Bro because I just can't get out man Like I'm stuck and then they just they Work the chance well it's a good goal But man it's so tough to defend that Right there I don't really know what to Do Is that on My life man

I've just done the stupidest stuff bro Oh man Oh Nightmare Man honestly nightmare Terrible defending Pick off this game is so bad man his First goal was kickoff might like it's So obvious dude look how easy that was He can't even move his center backs bro Oh no way Lucky oh my God I needed luck though That's so lucky I nutmeg passed him Across the goal line oh my that's the Rattiest goal ever Come on what a ball I tell you man he is different Let's go up here is come on that was a Yellow too dude that's like dino man He's scoring yellows just keep the ball Keep the ball how many goals periods go For four Four goals for appear as wow four goals For Pires huh see now I don't want to do Bird camp for the rest I want to just Clutch up rank one should I just clutch Up rank one chat For the for the coins Mike tap soba it's like interesting team Nothing like the last team About bird Camp all right so we have to Get one assist now for the rest of the Match what a finesse shot I love you Dino is that a rage quit too Is that a rage quit too oh my God man That is the best possible like outcome

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Oh my God man we got a score and assist In the first two brodinho clutch the Fade away shot Oh that is just amazing it's just Amazing that was like two minutes we Gotta win in two minutes bro that that Feels so good guys I personally feel Like purees is a must complete for me Genola is obviously probably better at Striker but everywhere else on the pitch I just feel like Pierce is so good he's Fast he feels like responsive too all Right hopefully you know this one's for Rank one who's it gonna be I don't know Who that is not the Bulls your SPC track Record is oh Timmy there vandersaur oh Sweaty it's like kind of sweaty I don't Know gold BV Devo this is the Bulls Burner you think Chad the thing is this Is four rank one we'll keep bird camp in But I'm not gonna force it kickoff is Gonna be a kickoff Yep I I tackled him Dude oh my God kickoff is the worst on FIFA bro how the [ __ ] did he just score Just that's not a red bro that's because Burkamp takes 10 million seconds to Shoot the ball Km3 man That goal was hot Oh my God he red timed it because he Shot it on the left why is this card so Bad hey just shoot out your right bro I Think I'm gonna take bird camp out man I

Don't think this objective is happening I've got too far I know I know bro but I I want to secure this game bro and Honestly he's really selling me Ederson bro That's why we have to get a third goal Man this guy is so bad man he just plays So weird Pen that's a pen Oh my God that's a pen wow Oh It's cool Bro Focus man guy was so weird man I Don't know how he lost this game I just Lost my focus Well it's just I just played terrible I I I I just feel like these zero cam Players just that's not helping me man I I don't know my defending it's just not Good Good game good game I really really Really really really really sold that Game man he was such a bad Defender bro I don't know how I'm gonna score two Goals these objectives are like driving My mental crazy man yeah periods is Nasty I would definitely complete it

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