FUT Champs w/ 93 Keane & Team Titans 🇮🇪

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All right let's make a team Let's make a team everybody let's see What we could do here we gotta finish Keene oh we still have to finish Keen as Well obviously we gotta use Lucio Obviously we gotta use the Don and this Team is gonna be insane man Is there anyone else No we just got rid of Lucio oh my God we Still have all of these players man What on Earth is this team gonna be Today man Pedro all right sorry Pedro Like this I don't even know dude all Right give me one sec I feel like this Is probably the coolest team I've Assembled all year I think that's a good alternative like Instead of saying fun because when I say Fun my chat thinks I'm saying my team is Alright so I feel like four three one Two maybe we need to use Dino sorry Everybody I am Adeno Merchant Dino will Be in the team now what is what is munye He thinks he's on the team come on man No no no no no chat I'm not dropping Dino sorry guys sorry guys it's funny Joke you make but that's not happening All right all right fine we just do this Why do you guys want to bench Dino Though man so weird 815 nice now I'm Like Darwin man viera's getting benched That's tough we're ready for Titans Champs jeez man what a squad no boys We've got one we've got one Hunter


Remaining we have to use it wisely Wait engine or anchor on Yaya chat Shadow no no that's not an option no bro You guys just said anchor now you say Engine bro chat del Piero engine right Engine engine the balance affiliate Engine Marksman Hawk Are you saying finisher I'll put a Hunter on zidane this team actually Looks so insane this team cost me 70k Chat this team was 70 000 coins Thinks he's on the team Oh Oh oh oh what a first match my Matchmaking is Fun the goal of these Matches is just make it the halftime Level right and then we can sub on Ronaldinho [Applause] Nah Lucio what's going on Lucio [Applause] Oh I overcooked Whoa is he done man I'm worried about LOM Being a little weak that's what I'm a Little worried about if I had a one Weakness with this team so far Keane Looks like him Oh That was a bad like angle for me but That shot was Dude zetanus and nuts Hmm no nice Carlos Paul

[Applause] Let's go man he just moved it enough That's a great finish to be honest that Was a tight one Nah this guy does more step overs than Me he's so good he's so much better than The 94 I have Yes Yes del Piero and what a ball He's got six more physical I just Noticed him defensively like oh Carlos Thor No I retined it that was perfect what's Taurus got for jumping Look it's Ethan man so inspirational Oh [Applause] Almost man almost I just had to beat one More damn Defend defend defend defend What a tackle from Desai Thinks he's on the team and he is on the Team well we're playing somebody decent So good first half I gotta tell you man The difference between like my main team With Dino gerzino Vieira zidane who else Chad Ramos this team I'm using feels so Automatic like the presence on the pitch Crazy I don't know man my team just wait What is that club name what is my Opponent's club name even what the hell Is that name bro Shot cancel nice nice can see us [Applause]

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Oh is that Del Piro nah what a finish Oh what a goal that was a crazy first Time shot he's got 98 finishing right Yeah yeah This poor guy thinks he can stop you With mid uh World Cup Lucio yeah that's Right Nice lamb What is that dance Del Piero perfect pass Torres Torres oh Oh my God I'm being called a lone rat in my chat Yo tell I love del Piero that's so good Let's go inside No Imagine maybe I have to Green that for a Post maybe I don't know Oh what a save could see us all right Ggs ggs Zero goals conceded game one Automatic team Automatic we need to get more of a test With Keen man I don't really know yet With Keane Can't really figure it out Um del Piero feels like he's my best Attacker Taurus feels crazy Jammy uh Like crazy Jammy Carlos feels absolutely Crazy too and this zidan might be the Best center mid we'll see yeah we want The Bulls bro that's how we get a team Review Oh

What a five back Keen Oh he's just gonna run down the line With Trent Oh this rat This rats man He's gonna sit in his fight back now the Whole game this we we've given him Exactly what he wants man his first goal In his fourth minute now he's gonna sit On it bro Oh my vvd bailout bro are you kidding me With that Run down the line cut back driven past Where's the driven come on I can't move Bro it's so annoying to play five back Man my FIFA experience not fun I don't even know what to do right now Bro Oh these fight backs I don't know how these five packs defend With 15 bro and then like get forward With 20. I it's like he has so many Attackers too dude Good Keen good Oh what a ball come on what's that pass He's wide open Go go go Oh my goodness man Come on vamos let's go God man how we Missing that finite shot Let's go Oh Keen man come on


Need these interceptions bro you're Missing a lot of them Strengths driven past that's going to be A goal Lucio great tackle Nice Yaya Good Keen What's this press Why is this psycho pressing me When he's winning Good Carlos now we go now we go now we Have to go Why are you launching Run down the line Driven past across had to move the Keeper What the [ __ ] is going on man this guy Does the same thing every possession and It still works somehow Oh that was it man that was a good Chance I had the green hat oh I pass it to the wing All right this is definitely gonna be a Loss Can't see myself winning this one To be honest with you Yeah ggs man I would say like I don't Think I sold there's nothing else I Could have done in this game man like I'm not on my a game but if you if you Can see it early to a five back you'll Probably lose if they're a good player And this guy knows what he's doing Leaves quite a bitter taste in your Mouth

You just got outraded you are 100 right Bro but I won't play fight back man it's Just dead I think he just shot that through my Player to be honest with you Nice Nice oh I feel like 80 of weekend League now has Captiva too I was noticing that in the cup this week Like everybody's gotten captivia now Jam nice Wow what a finish that was a yellow as Well Oh My Torres is crazy wait Taurus has five Star weak foot or skills I don't even Know Carlos let's go what no DDA Oh Nice Let's go for a power shot Nice ozio said Keen is amazing and asked Here well s tier is like three players Though right I don't feel like he's Asked here but he might have used them In a 2dm which If you use a 2dm setup it's a little bit Different man because you really test All players if they're isolated like That's why Viera is so good because he Can play one dm He's that good like his presence is that Crazy you could play psycho attacking

Bull backs and if you have like vvd and Lucio or like Ramos and vvd you're Chilling you can get away with it So that's why I feel like it's good that I'm giving him the test I'm gonna buy a Shadow real quick and try that out Oh my this team bro Lucio Holt he's Doing kickoffs dude there has to be spmm And Champs man has to be this is my what Eighth game I don't even know man every Game this is gonna be so sweaty all Right let's go let's go let's go as long As not fight back who cares [Applause] He's gonna move it yep because he's a Sweat Bro oh my goodness man [Applause] Oh my goodness bro the matchmaking I get Is something else bro this is [Applause] Nice What oh you missed that Oh that was such a nice scoop turn from Taurus And he shank that it's like one thing to Lose bro but then it's to lose to fight Back or people doing this man it's just Like Disgusting man behavior Where are you going where are you going I don't care if EA's RNG system makes me Miss that where are you going bro where Are you going

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Oh [Applause] Keen come on yeah That's right man Enjoy your DC from EA Sports enjoy what A blessing man from EA thank you Chad you want to say anything Good afternoon folks this is your Captain speaking from the flight deck uh Congrats on your loss to dancing dog Three two seven seven Oh he's got his settings off oh he's Ruining to fund these rats can't can't Take in the messages what they decide to Play Can't take it back Okay my my first reaction after one game With Keane with a shadow is that Keane Is way better with a shadow than a Catalyst Way better what a surprise Oh wanna go Del Piero what a pass this will be a Rage quit your opponent sucks yeah I Think this is going to be our uh Potential one free win right now Keen Keen Oh my goodness I did not bro how fast This could see us nice pass from Keane What Oh my God Oh that's terrible defending [Applause] Nice can see us wow

Look at the jam see Torres Jam del Piero Step overs Longest step overs I've ever seen I Probably should have passed that Hey Taurus bro I don't know what you did to that shot But Hey we'll take it nice finish Yo What a first touch and then what a Composure on the five-star weak foot How Islam good Good a little a little weak but good Good I think the the prime is going to Be a lot better Good though what about the returns in The attack Closest got four to be honest Torres is Killing it

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