FUT Champs w/ Eredivisie TOTS!!

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Okay guys so I built this team on stream Um and I wanted to just intro it because Obviously we've got so many players in The team so many now unfortunately I did Not like unmute my uh audio so this Channel you guys actually like the post Com more so we're gonna have a post comp Today that's just what it's gonna be Um so we can get the video up because it Was an awesome team Um honestly the gameplay that I had for This session was terrible I wouldn't Upload it because I'm not even proud of It because the goals I scored sucked I Didn't have much control of the game but We used a crazy team so first of all we Tried out RK 90 acceleration 90 Reactions obviously a lot of hype for This card 210k the value is crazy this Is how the market is right he's got a Lot of Supply so it's just crazy he's Dribbling is good aggression is really Good great less Center back with the Composure Um We've Got Gear gear through Eda medium High probably a little bit more of a Center back but I tried him as a stay Back fullback but yeah 92 strength I Mean the value on this card is crazy if He was playing in a top five League oh My goodness his price Um nothing too crazy in the Midfield Tadich


Um you know really he's fodder five-star Weak foot I don't know I packed him on Tradable Tadich though on the other hand Uh 95 finishing 98 attack position he's Got five star skills at a four star weak Foot um he's only 134k is what we paid For him it's one of the largest upgrades Really the only downside is that 80 Agility that's about it but other than That really really crazy card Um like super crazy so yeah his card Nuts a lot of alternate positions Chavi Simons right what a card four star four Star 99 agility and 99 balance wild Right 97 ball control 95 short passing 99 attack positioning this card is crazy And I think the crazy thing about this Card Obviously he's got all he's got all 80 Plus stats he's got two stats in the 80s The rest are 90s you can play them in so Many positions that's what for me is Like the wild thing about this card so You can play him in so many positions Striker out wide cam Center mid what a Card right what a card uh Stevie B four Star Four Star as well great balance Great out wide really nice affordable Option as well and then we've got Hull It up top with Kudos Kudos is going to Play our box to box center mid and we're Playing at four three two one Yashin and Net And this is how we're going to line it

Up guys this is how the team is being Lined up so enjoy the gameplay enjoy the Postcom and I'll see you uh when the Gameplay is over all right guys so yeah We're still in the four three two one uh This account all year this has been the Second account that we play on this Account always has different gameplay Than the main now it's interesting Because most weekends that we play on This account we usually get rank one Like usually I always say this account Has easier matchmaking uh everything Just goes smoother on this account and You know what this time around that was Not my experience at all but yeah so the Way I lined it up was I had tatachat Left forward I had uh Simon's at striker Uh Burke wine at right wing and then Hull it in the Midfield Um and then really in the back line There was nothing too crazy we played Gear out at right back okay at left Center back but For the most part the conditions this Weekend uh that I was playing were some Of the worst I had all year just Everything was not going my way Um and it was just one of those weekends Where you know I I was losing my head a Bit but you know what we did score a lot Of goals defending was definitely the Tough part for me but we did score a lot Um and you know some of the returns that


We had just kind of going through it While you guys watched the gameplay in The background Tadich had five goals and Four assists in five matches which I Thought was really really really special Um you know for me He was still like a little lacking of Something I don't know but his upgrade Was very noticeable chubby Simons was by Far the best player in this team he's Like one of the best players I've used All year I've not been able to dribble Uh with anyone Else this year the way I can trouble With him maybe you could argue butra is In that you know that category with Chubby Simons but he really is the real Deal I know he's up at like 8 50 now we Bought him at 7 12 but super super Special card Um 95 short passing on his card too The the stats that I felt like I really Noticed with him the ball control at 97 And the agility balance at 99.99 Sometimes EA releases cards with 99 Agility 99 balance but they don't really Feel that way because they have low Reactions and he has 90 reactions right So I I really felt like that was Noticeable with his card Um and yeah I just made him absolutely Incredible and then obviously he has 99 Aggression crazy though he's a 2003 Right crazy crazy that that's going on

In FIFA bro he's 2003 time is flying Um okay was the real deal too I thought Okay was really really strong I know he Conceded a lot but AKA was really strong I thought Burg wine was really good too Just for that outlet spot all in all Though guys I mean this week in League Like just playing the weekend League I Was hating my life I don't know I just Felt like the meta now is just everyone Is playing so defensive and robotic I Feel like the playstyles I'm coming up Against it's really just run down the Line cut back it's so robotic and now Everybody's adopted these like 541 Tactics and they're putting these you Know like I'm gonna play like a pro FIFA Player tactics and it is brutal to play Against it is not fun playing against Fight back Um at all And what's really not getting fun is the AI defending is getting so much better Because now we've got these crazy Defenders in this game and it's starting To get very noticeable where it's just Almost impossible to break down back Lines but aside from that side of the Complaining the amount of like random Stuff in this video the amount of random Goals that you will see in the Background is just crazy whether it was For me or for my opponents the amount of Rebounds I I don't know what was

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Transpiring in this week in league but It was it was truly truly special I mean It was really crazy and my my my concern With going forward with EA is that I've Always talked about this like they need To find a way to figure out how to make Their gameplay more consistent because If you guys watch this channel I know It's a very complex thing to understand But for years there's not only been Server delay but there's also been bad Gameplay so sometimes when you play FIFA There's something that's coded in the Game in an incorrect way that gives you Bad gameplay so sometimes you've got This like crazy server delay where You're fighting your commands with delay And you've also got bad gameplay so bad Gameplay is really when your players are Taking those heavy touches and anyone That plays FIFA a lot you will know what I'm talking about some games you play You hop on and you're like oh my God my Game is on speed today like my players Are actually passing the ball they're They're Um It did you know the ball is pinging off Their feet and then other games you play It's always like a push right or you do A driven pass and people take that that Kind of like throw up touch backwards Where it's taking forever to do so I Don't know man it's really interesting

To see that and hopefully EA can kind of Get a fix on that in the future Um but I've really enjoyed you know as Much as I on my main account I've been Stressed out a little bit because I've Been doing those League objectives but I Really enjoyed this account I like that We try out players so if there's anybody That you guys want us to try out in the Future just let me know uh in the Comments down below I do read the Comments like I try to read the comments In the mornings before my streams so I Can kind of like content plan my streams For the day and figure out what you guys On YouTube want to see because I'm fully Aware that most of you guys that watch This channel do not watch like the Entirety of my streams I'm very aware That like my twitch audience and YouTube Audience is definitely different people Right like YouTube a lot of people I'm Assuming who watch YouTube are working Through the day or you know maybe this Maybe just can't watch a stream all day Right so you guys like to watch the Re-uploads and see what happens and so I Always try to consider you guys because At the end of the day a lot of the Stream content that I'm doing is always Like Um made towards YouTube videos right Like I'm planning YouTube videos in my Streams right so I'm kind of like doing

Them live so if I'm doing a you know a Squad reviewer we're trying out players I'm usually trying to see what YouTube Comments want to see and obviously on This account you know we have the Ability to really go out and buy some Players so if there's anyone you guys Want to see just let us know in the Comments down below I'm always checking That out We're gonna have a couple videos go up After this video we're gonna have the Remaining uh foot Champs so we'll Probably try out a couple players there And then we'll have that on both Accounts we've got a couple gameplay Videos coming out this week I've still Got to play the air dvz cup I'm assuming Many of you watching have played the Already busy cup I haven't even played It yet so that's gonna be another video Too so we've got a lot of content going On this channel Um players that I just didn't love in This team kudus was kind of mid he had One really good long shot Um Um Other than that though everybody else is Pretty good other than that everybody Else is pretty good Um keeperwise uh vanders are drove me Crazy I there's like some mystery right Now with I don't understand how every

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Pro Player uses him and also when I play Against him he's incredible I use it on my team and I think he sucks Like I can't even play with him so it's So confusing to me vanders are it's Really such a mystery I don't understand Why I can't really get along with him But it just something's not clicking for Me I just don't really like him so yeah Again I don't really understand it's Like a mystery to me but it's just not Worked out well I mean he was perfect For this team too because he gives the Dutch chemistry link we've got hullit We've got the aerody busy Squad so Freaking bizarre why I didn't end up Liking him but is what it is Um what are you gonna do so other Talking points other than that Really not too much I'm starting to get Very excited for this summer because I Feel like EA is going to continue to add A lot of these cups and I'm very excited To do like a shapeshifters cup that came Out last summer they released it like on A Friday with weekend league and it Didn't even have uh it was in friendlies And it had crazy rewards and there Wasn't even like a limit of how much you Could play in a day so I'm really Looking forward to EA kind of stepping That up and doing more of that obviously It will be interesting to see is EA only Gonna do cups for the minor leagues

Because we didn't get a community team Of season cup we've only had an area to VC team in season cup so Um yeah other than that guys Um we had some copyright music playing For some of it so we'll just kind of see How that pans out and yeah thanks for Watching guys hope you enjoyed a little Bit of that commentary and I will see You in a video soon peace

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