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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m and EA have given us Richardson Do you want to be able to afford to Complete new sbcs and test out new Players if so visit U7 by to buy your Foot 23 coins they are cheap fast and Reliable and make sure to use my code Nip at checkout for five percent off He is coming in guys with a four-star Skill moves a five star weak foot Good Pace good shooting All right dribbling very good physicals Good jumping and heading Bear tray outside the foot short tray Power header Is high medium you can play center Forward left wing and strike which is Quite nice Um I really like his positioning Finishing shot power as like Gen generally is agility balance is a Bit mere Uh physical's really nice how tall is E511 but it does depend on how expensive He's going to be and how long he's that Therefore Is that for 28 days He's gonna cost an 87 rated which gives A Premium Gold players back An 86 rated with a premier league player And 85 rated with an inform and an 83 Rated with a Brazilian player I don't know like I I honestly think the

EA have priced it this highly because It's Team of the Year and everyone's Grinding upgrade packs and getting loads Of excess fodder Otherwise I don't think it'd be that Expensive we have got the final upgrade Pack and of course If you guys haven't done this you would Have missed out but if you don't want to Miss out do it right now go and open Your phone your computer or your console And just complete it because today is The day where you get all of the rewards I've saved all of the rewards right so I'm going to get all the rules at once Uh we have also got The 88 plus icon upgrade is back The 85 Defenders upgrade pack is there Again for 17 hours That's a bit weird isn't it Let's do this anyway An 85 rated Squad needed will open this Uh momentarily maybe I'll finally Pack A Team of the Year out of it and 85 rated Squad needed Pop in some 84s May fives and some 86s Um That's uh boom I don't know why this is for 17 hours It's a bit weirder Those of eight fours there let's get uh An 87 and an 86 in just in case we need That

Oh no that's 85 Ray perfect so we submit That Man that could have been like a segment Of Richardson instead I'm going to get 385 rated Defenders Um What else have we got 78 plus triple upgrade pack What are the requirements for this One rare Nine Commons That's all right I don't mind that Actually I don't mind that I feel like that's Reasonable and 85 Plus double upgrade Pack What's that gonna uh Require an 85 rated squad for an 85 Double upgrade pack Just not as good as it Okay let me build a 78 uh triple upgrade Just in general okay you have to put a Rare in and that's like That sucks a little bit But Why didn't they just give it as a 78 Double upgrade Is it still more efficient it's not as Good as a player pick so I don't think It's more efficient than a double Upgrade pack Um Is definitely more efficient than a Double upgrade pack you know nine


Comments for two 78 plated 78 plus rares Is better than 11 Commons for two any Rares right so the 378 plus is is good And also you can exchange a 75 rare for A 78 plus rare Um what else have we got let's go back Into live We've got the aea plus is it back again League upgrade that was already there Team Media One Challenge With the Future Stars swaps token The draft token's back again and again Expires in 17 hours All right what is Team of the Year Challenge one future style swaps token Is here One rare 75 rated 22 chemistry same League Max 5 clubs minimum two regions Minimum three Or you can't have Like clubs minimum two is just a dumb Suggestion because you have to have Minimum two clubs anyway because you Have to have two leagues Generally nice and easy to do Um you can't I don't really have much in The club so I'm not gonna be able to do It right now but that's nice and easy to Do and you get your first future style Swaps token oh wait where did it go First you start swap token and a prime Electron players pack okay Uh what else do we have down the back There

We had draft token And then just the league sbcs so do we Have the swaps program here already No we don't so we've got a swaps token Without having to swaps program that's Quite interesting Uh let's have a little look though I want to go check the um The other side oh was that a pack of the Front oh those packs over the front Nevermind What do we got so the a plus one the Eight plus double upgrade Um there is Reed oh he's the guy I did a Hundred and out on Way back in like FIFA 11. Or FIFA 12. I played games with him Until I scored 100 goals with him and he Ended up tweeting me because of it That's mad in it what a throwback It was that 281 plus upgrade pack that's All right here Um 378 plus upgrade pack What a throwback that is he's still in The game that's mad yeah Reuben Reed Was it Reuben Reed I don't think it was Reuben it was his first name maybe it Was I can't remember Um where's the other pack that I want It's going to be at the back here which Is going to be the 85 Plus triple Upgrade Defenders pack Wait

Where on Earth did I get an 85 Plus is That because it was at the back and I Didn't open it go on oh gonna give me a Team of the Year there we go can you Jamie read that's his name oh that's all Right Good father That's good father Let's go get the Defenders back over I'm Feeling a team of the Year here I'm feeling the TV here nope just to Walk out oh damn it Oh dear Trent Theory And then is there a store pack The New Year cheer pack contains 10 rare Gold players with one guarantee to be 85 Rated or higher in addition to one Future style swaps token So hold on The Stars isn't even out yet And they've already given the New Year Cheer pack with a future style swaps Token Oh my days I don't think I'm gonna do that just yet I will do it when oh here we go future Style swaps future stop swap starts now And you can progress towards your blah Blah blah blah blah how many tokens did It say there's gonna be you can earn up To 30 future style swaps tokens every Single day in game From now until the program ends on February 16th do you know what's crazy


About that the way that reads and I tell You why the EA have made a stinker here Again you can earn up to 30 future style Swaps tokens every single day in game From now until the program ends on February 16th That suggests that you can earn 30 Tokens per day not 30 tokens in total It's not going to be 30 tokens Every day we all know that right but That's how it reads right Um Huge Stars tokens can be found yada yada Yada and then uh that is what's Available two tokens for an eight one by 11 pack three tokens for a future stars Team one pack five tokens for Zola ten For a coutinho and now somebody said That these were on Um the front page you could actually see Oh here we go objectives 88 coutinho oh can we actually see the Rewards if we go in here No or do I click R3 on that to go and See the rewards don't I No that takes us to the store So it is just The 88 coutinho The future sales card design is nice to Be fair it is quite nice Um is there any new objectives today Anyway No just daily objectives I have now Finished

Um The Daily login upgrade I'm going to open All 10 of these at the same time and Hopefully ball out But otherwise other than that no new Objectives maybe new Milestones Obviously the season ends in two days So what team of the Year draft is the The most recent thing so nothing new There let me just go on to football We'll have a little look at our e Charlie's on And Um I think with Charleston and coutinho now Coutinho is apparently got in-game stats Here Five star four-star Outside the foot shot trade flare trait How many tokens was he I can't even Remember 10 tokens Pace's Pace split is terrible and Generally terrible defending a physical Is terrible decent stamina dribbling's Quite nice I think you give a maestro to him don't You Where is it there is it I don't know like people are saying like He's bad bad I don't think it's that bad with a Maestro he's got 96 shot Power 99 long Shots

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He gets 90 short passing 91 long passing 99 free kicks 92 Vision 97 curve which Is great he's got outside the foot shot Trait his dribbling becomes insane with Five star four-star the only downside to This card is the pay split is a bit Weird composer's a bit low but I don't Think it's that bad I don't think it's That bad Maybe not like 10 tokens good but I Don't think it's that bad You know flare trait long shot take a Trade outside the foot short trait it's All right Um already Charlie's on now he's coming In at 450k That is see I think this is like I think Continue let's actually compare them Obviously four-star five-star for a Charleston Coutinho has more passing more dribbling Less shooting less Pace but It's one of those ones where Richardson's like Stats like his a Jillian balance is way Lower his reactions of ball control is Way lower Shooting's quite nice he's a weird one What do you do you put a hawk on him Great Pace very good shooting very good Physicals on retardless and I do like That Pass is not so good but he's a striker Who cares dribbling's not the best so

Maybe you put an engine on him Maybe put a finisher on him Get that Jillian balance up get that Dribbling up get that shooting our pace Is quite nice I just think that this is another card That On the market would be nowhere near 450k How much is that Harry Kane card Harry Kane's 305 000 coins Three star five star instead of four Star five star But Has way more shooting way more passing More physical A little less dribbling and a little Less Pace but even then the Sprint speed Is actually the same I think when Charleston's card would be A little bit closer to Kane's price 450k is like Quite wild isn't it Um It is quite wild and then yeah 90 for Charleston compared to 88 which Allison Oh it's it's plus one on his 88 even Though it's a plus two overall and his 88 is 310k so yeah I do think that Richarlison's 90 on the market would be Like 350k And then it would be tradable so if you Were finished with it you could sell and Get your coins back if you put 450 cases

As I said at the very top of the video EA have priced this so high because they Know people are grinding League upgrades Or upgrades in general and getting loads Of order and they're just charging a Premium for it which is crazy uh but That's gonna be the end of the video for Today guys let's have a little look What people think about it retardless And downvoted Team of the Year challenge Upvoted Eight five double upgrade down voters Because it's terrible 78 triple upgrade Upvoted because it is decent and that's Going to be the end thanks for watching And I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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