Gameweek 339 Bundesliga & La Liga Drafts – SorareRTG GW339!

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Gameweek 339 Bundesliga & La Liga Drafts – SorareRTG GW339!


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Craig Douglas

#PlayToEarn #NFT #SoRare

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another so rare Road to Glory video of course yesterday guys so Rare released a whole bunch of Information about changes coming in game Week three four one and of course that Is gonna influence the road to glory Massively for those of you that don't Know what the road to glory is I started A brand new account for the global Cup And the aim is to try and develop the Account into an account where we can Play through and up all of the divisions It's not going to be easy it might not Even work it's gonna take a long time But I'm here for the journey if you guys Are enjoying the content you want to Drop a thumbs up that'd be very much Appreciated And if you guys do want to get involved In so rare now is a great time with the 341 changes coming the free-to-play side Of things is going to be absolutely Amazing and we're going to take you Through every step of the way use the Link down below to get involved in so Rare now and of course if you do Purchase five limiters from the market You will get a free Limited at the end Um so one thing before we get into what I've done for game week three four sorry For three three nine is I was Considering starting again again so I Currently have a couple of uh trade War

Limiteds here Gets you Fernando and Jillian I overpaid Angelin a little bit we bought him for Nine pounds he's now selling for five Pounds you know uh it's a bit of a loss And Fernando I also bought or Three pound fifty six currently last Sold for two pound eighty seven it's not Too bad Um it doesn't take much for a player Like him to actually get a nice little Uh increase and we bought Stelios it Kicks you for five pound seven uh he's Since traded for more than that which is Very nice although the game week's Locked now so potentially that goes down The pan but What I'm tempted to do is start again Send these three cards to one of you Three viewers you know three viewers one Card each maybe get your limited side of Things going and maybe even send the Custom series cards to people as well Because they're worth 50p each I could Just give those away too and start again So that people that are joining so rare As free to play users from the start of The new system the new 341 uh you know Drafting system and stuff so that we're On the same Level Playing Field because At the moment the fact I've actually got Three limiteds means that when this new System comes in I can already enter into Certain divisions that other people will

Free to play users can't enter into so Let me know your thoughts on that I'll take the the community's opinion on That uh however it you know the reason Why I would be against doing that and I'm all for doing it I really don't mind The reason why I'd be against doing it Is because If there's ever any occasion where I win A limited from free to play even with a New system and then somebody joins their So rare journey and starts their server Journey and I've already got limited as A free to play They're also going to be on a different Plane so I don't know if it's Necessarily worth it for the sake of Three limited I don't know if it's worth Restarting everything we've built here However I was talking about this on uh Podcast I did with Queenie the other day And you know I even though I won a Couple of rewards from the global cup I Focused my Global cup to allow me to Take limiteds That would benefit me Long term in casual and kickoff And the fact that these limiteds now are Going to have no value Um it's a bit frustrating because I Would have played Global cup differently Had I known and I'm sure maybe some of You guys would have as well had known That the commons were going to be

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Effectively useless they're still going To be there they're just not going to be Eligible for any so5 competitions so That's a bit frustrating However Um we have got some lineups from this Week from the the game week just gone Wasn't very good wasn't going to be very Good which is why there was no video I Couldn't do a Like a lineup I didn't even have Commons For a lineup we had Tresor sealer no Goalkeeper well he did actually have a Goalkeeper but it got canceled because The pitch was frozen uh Messi had no Game uh Amala didn't get on the field in His game it was always just gonna be an Utter nightmare Didn't expect anything didn't get Anything However this Game week right now I'm gonna take you Through the Bundesliga draft that I did The La Liga draft that I've still got The kickoff limited and the Casual one So in casual we have gone for Alison in Goal uh maybe a bit of a silly uh option Against Chelsea although Chelsea aren't Really firing right now either Um you know Liverpool are leaking goals At the moment and Alison not really Getting the AAA that he used to get or Usually gets so it was a bit of a risk But I didn't really have any other

Goalkeepers available that I wanted to Put in there that made sense we've got Saucy Pedro I know he's been linked away From sporting Um however he is projected to start the Game and FC visela are not the toughest Matchup for sporting so a really good Attacking fullback for Saucy Pedro Hopefully he'll get some good score for Us we've got pedri in Midfield and Captained uh hatafe again not Necessarily the best uh pedry most Likely to stop Barcelona And um with no Lewandowski there uh Could play a bigger part going more Offensive for Barcelona it's not that They don't have good offensive players Otherwise but Um I'm kind of banking on pedri picking up Like 80 plus points the reason why I Didn't Captain Joshua kimmich Inspire The fact that I think he's you know one Of the top three top five players on Platform is because Leipzig are no mugs It's a difficult game away from home for Byron and uh it's the first game back For the Bundesliga boys so there might Be a little bit of rust there a little Bit of a tentativeness there so I didn't Want to put all my faith in Joshua Kimmich and then we've got dusk dush Duck as our Striker Um curtain against Verde Bremen it's a

Fable matchup for Bremen Um you know Bundesliga is generally Typically a very high scoring league and So hopefully he again he was the best of A bad bunch I've got a couple of other Good forwards I could have put in there For the uh casual competition however You know uh Isaac's success not really Doing the best at the moment and Anna Valencia not guaranteed to start you Know he's had injury problems a lot January over the last few years but also Over the last month since World Cup and So I didn't want to put faith in him so I've got this casual team this will Obviously be I believe other than 340 The second this is basically the Penultimate common team we're ever going To put in the penultimate casual team Before the new system so that's what We've got in casual in kickoff now Kickoff obviously is l155 I have put in A Valencia in here Because even though he is only 70 to Start uh morania sport are in the Relegation Zone they were just promoted Last season into the Turkish super League and although they've got one of The the goats by way of um Uh they're just not a very good team and So fenobache are a very good team if an AV Valencia starts or even if he just Gets minutes he has great potential to Score and get a decisive and do very

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Well our other comment is Florian verts We have a cheat code this week Um and I put him into kickoff limited on Purpose as well Because uh although Again difficult game Bruce Will glad back on an easy fixture By Leverkusen are a good team as well Troy and verts has an l15 of zero right Now so Um he fits the l15 under 55 and he's Guaranteed to start and you know he is Just a Quality quality player for Byron So we'll buy a lady accuser should I say So uh happy to have him in there and Then we've also got levakovich as well Very good match up now zogreb Unfortunately can see lots of goals Um but I'm hoping this would be one of Those occasions where levakovich keeps The clean sheet against gorika and Um should be good I bought Stelios kit To you Um he plays for gazian tip they're up Against civasball which is why I went For him if we have a little look at Kit see you Here You guys can see that he's actually in Fine form anyway you know two dark Greens and a green score in his last Five only one uh orange score there and A 47. uh he plays fullback and so I I Personally believe that against somebody Like silver Spore who aren't necessarily

Uh a great side at home uh he's gonna Have a lot of potential to attack and Get a lot of uh good options which is Wise Captain as well And I actually think he's going to be The difference as to whether or not we Finish within that 500 place prize pool Uh this week or not I'm hoping that he Is that difference I'm hoping that he Has a great game and I'll be watching That game with eager eyes and then we've Got Fernando in here again now Fernando Didn't quite get what I wanted out of Him from the first game I tried to sell Him on and nobody was interested and uh Although he's he is projected to start I Think he was 60 to start I I would prefer if he played in Center Midfield for Sevilla uh he gets way Better scores there Um but you know he's back in the team I Can only hope that he'll get at least 60 70 minutes even if it is a center-back Against Cadiz and then else in 341 Although uh who knows what we'll be Doing in three four one he could still Have that good potential it's two Favorable matchups and then I'll be Looking to get rid of him for the Barcelona game and pick up somebody else Or you know hopefully win somebody else So I've got genuine hope for uh kickoff Limited of course it relies on people Doing things that they should do and and

Things going your way you know it's Football it's so unpredictable Um but I'm really happy with kickoff Limited with my La Liga Santander draw First of all a little bit of feedback For so rare the way that you allow People to swap players is terrible you Can't filter you can't see anything About the players you could just send in The trade and look you know you have to Scroll down on an eternal list of Players to find somebody who hopefully Fits the bill it's not very good however For this game week we put dimitriyevsky In goal I did have Um Ledesma is an option as well but I think Uh dimitriavsky has slightly better Match up I know it's uh Counterproductive in some regards to put The two Associated players against the valicano Goalkeeper but obviously the uh The the win I'm looking for here and a Bit of a differential that other people Potentially won't have is the brace Mendes and saw off get a decisive each Um and or two decisives each you know Two assists two goals but what I'm Hoping for is that dimitrovsky doesn't Concede three goals and gets good a Which means braze Mendes and sawloth Potentially score one or two goals and Get good AA we then got Antoine

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Griezmann against Valladolid really Favorable match off for him and now they Have the pie as well so if the pie Starts Griezmann could pop off and pal Torres was a Defender that traded out Villarreau at home to gerona it's a Fable matchup for pal Torres hopefully He scores bigger couldn't afford it Couldn't believe I could afford him in The 49-point region that's my La Liga Santander draft and of course top 200 Get a reward I'm looking forward to it And then last but not least guys We've got the Bundesliga draft now as You can see first of all I've got Florian vert in this team and Florian Verts in this team and it seems like so Rare have announced that Commons will be Utilized across different tournaments You can use the same common in different Tournaments and I guess that's what this Is initially just allows you to use them Multiple times which personally I think Is superb I think is going to be a great Thing again for the uh amateur Semi-Pro Pro event and then also for the limited Kickoff as well Um and the cap 220 as well is going to Be great But what I've done here is I've gone for Florianverts because of course he had he Was 35 points of the 400 Point budget I've gone for alisane player who Although against Bayer Leverkusen has

Got a tough game is a very strong player Gets very good AA and good decisives We've gone for kimmicha meccano and Again I know Byron versus Leipzig is a Tough game but these are just two Premium scorers that it's hard to turn Down and then they've gone for Yan Summer now as you can see there Jan Summer is Leipzig vs Bayern and I did a Bit of research and I read a bit of the News and I read the novelsman interview And nogsman basically said so long as That they could get the transfer over The line on Wednesday night he would Travel with the team on Thursday and Start on Friday well the signing got Completed Wednesday night he traveled With the team and so it's a risk and it Is a risk but it's likely he's going to Start tomorrow the reason why I put him In and Maid took this risk Is because it allowed another Bayern Munich player in the team even though You're only allowed two players from Each team Before this locked before his Club Changed he was obviously a Russian glad Back player And now he is a Byron player so I've got A barn Half Stack Florey inverts and Alison player maybe it works out for me Maybe Leipzig score two or three goals And it backfires spectacularly and I get Almost no points from these three

Players only time will tell of course This game is played tonight uh at 7 30 So I am massively looking forward to That although it's Team of the Year on FIFA so it's very possible that I'm not Going to be able to give too many eyes To it and that's where we're at right Now guys so obviously nothing would have Been one from three uh three Three eight or three three seven uh We've got a little bit of things to Think about for 340 but we'll do a video On that closer to game with 340 kicking Off hopefully you guys are having a good Time hopefully the draft is going to Favor you guys this weekend as well let Me know your draft lineups in the Comment section down below thank you Very much for watching of course and I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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