How Does EA Expect Us To Complete This?

How Does EA Expect Us To Complete This?

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m it is Monday it is almost team Of the season we're still in the team of The season warm-up and uh hopefully you Guys are enjoying it and warming up Nicely it has been confirmed there's Still no splash screen but we will be Getting team of the season rewards Coming and I believe the foot champ Starts at 8pm Um this Friday to coincide with foot Champs rewards coming within Um that so here we go guys we've got Another 10 coin pack it's a walkout for me let's Go oh never mind hey still it's a Workout for 10 coins you don't mind it 86 as greniere make sure you do 10 coin Pack every day guys and uh what else do We have from EA in the promo pack Section just a Provisions pack and then Your standard other packs so do we have Anything fun for today Nothing in there obviously Nothing in here another Toyota is that Another token or is that the same thing That was there before I think it's the Same thing that was there before I still Haven't done any of the team the season Warm-up stuff I'm really supposed to Start pulling my finger out and getting Involved so outside of that it is just Gonna come down to what is there in

Sbc's that's new today obviously I think We're gonna get like the French league Or something like that right Um In terms of like the upgradable content Actually called team of the year was Already there That stuff was already there In live team of the season daily log and Upgrade you guys know the rules If you forget it you will regret it go And do it right now if you're a PC on Your phone on your console it's just one Bronze player For that the A1 double you can save Those as well till Friday as well why Not right Um and then outside of that what we've Got League upgrades mixed and Bape Marquee Matchups Simmons Syria upgraded back again why does that Say 17 hours the Premier League upgrade Is there or is back oh The 86 double upgrade Is Here Yeah so The La Liga was there so the Premier League is there as well is it the same Price Yeah I believe it is might be an inform Extra the 86 double upgrade as well We've got a couple new kits Global Native kit I don't really uh Um Roots set

Is there a badge with it like I always Like it when it's a badge but the TFO an XLT phone a stadium theme not not my bag Really Um And then yeah that's it man and We've got the A6 double upgrades it's One segment Wow All right that's actually a lot better Than I thought it would be I don't think I have an 84 rated Squad To put together I'm gonna have to use like Messi or Benzema man that's tough I don't even like listen team of the Season warm-up's supposed to be about Getting cards and packs and stuff ready For team of the season right it's just Had the adverse effect 83s are so Expensive now there's you know it's so Hard to actually accumulate some fodder Um Just because uh You know everyone's saving their packs There's nothing impact so it's a little Bit like What do you what do you do with it Really right that's an 83 I don't I Probably don't need too much more but There you go that's our 84 rated squad For the 86 double upgrade and of course Even if you wanted to right there's just No good reason to


Open these packs now because there's Nothing in packs and unless I'm like Massively mistaken There's no There's no reason To be on the game right like new players There is none A spherechenko as is used in Dynamo card Now The active sbcs is just a premier league One and again where where are people Getting the fodder from to do this the Kits are down voted massively even the Premier League's down vote and I I agree With it right and even though yesterday We got the upgrade sbcs and I'm gonna Have a video out it's it's on its way Today 100 be out today uh on the second Channel so go check that out if you want To uh for like how to grind these and It's not rocket science on how to grind The mix and premium upgrades like it's Not like it used to be where there was Like bronze pack method involved certain Like tricks and tips it's literally just Like buy it as cheap as possible open Packages Go and Keep Recycling and Hopefully we'll hit something right you Can't really say Pax like used to be Able to you know there used to be a good Way to like open Infinite packs and save Packs for a promo and keep your coin Balance up and get further for spcs now It's like you just got to open as you go

What I do like about these is they do Have two guaranteed 8 onepluses one Guaranteed 82 plus which is half decent Maybe even three guaranteed 81 pluses So in terms of getting like the 83s and 84s for something like Uh the pr the the La Liga 11 or the Premier League 11. it's there it's Available the the issue with it is is It's because of how they've done the Objectives here of like having to have One player from 11 different clubs and Stuff they've made it so just like the Process is just so unenjoyable like the Whole point of like the league SBC Grinding and things like that was it's Just it's boring it's dull but it's easy Right you it's brainless you don't have To think about it with these ones you Have to think about it man like you know You need to get one Club Max one one Club only here one Club Max one in this And this with other certain requirements And in the other one you have to get Like six players from one club and then Five players from elsewhere and it's Like they've made it so like unenjoyable To engage in To even care to go and get the fodder to Go and do these things And then these things are here and They're so expensive especially because People aren't opening packs people are Saving packs and so

You know the the prices in general if we Look at uh where's the um The the cheapest by rating 80 82s are now a thousand coins right Which is wild because they were like They didn't even sell on the market 83 Is cheapest player is 2 000 coins just Last week this was like 800 coins like If you invested in 83s you are loving Life right now you've at least doubled Your money 80 whoa I went a lot faster Than uh Thought 84s are up to four and a half k Which is quite wild in itself 85s are up To 13k so that 86 that I just got from The 10 coin pack which is the cheapest 86 that's not an inform from screen ER 17 000 coins and It it begs the question of like What in EA's mind Is it that people are doing to be able To complete this and of course You can go to the store right you can go To the store and you can go and spend Some FIFA points or some coins on the Promo packs and that will get you The content that you want right but Nobody should be buying the provisions Pack unless you're buying it with FIFA Points in which case you know don't buy It with fever points three points just Aren't worth it but if you are gonna buy This pack buy it with FIFA points Because if you buy this pack with coins

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Stupid sorry you are Um this pack here though 16 players 1 000 like you know 60 000 coins with the Price of order right now It's debatably worth opening you know Um 60 000 coins spent It could be one of the only times right So what have we got we've got a 30 000 Coin card there in manyan or just shy Right 28 000 coins on him Um We're gonna get 10 000 for the inform That's 38 000 coins We've got matip upper like 5K and then I Guess the other guy at 5K that's 48 000 Coins Um halfway threes that's 52 000 coins 54 000 coins with uh him I am not far off Of making profit From this gold pack I think with the Discards and like if we were to squeeze It now now that that took me guys a Walkout To get break even on that pack and it Would have been break even like you know I'm sure these guys are selling like a Thousand coins no they're actually about 800 coins I'm sure you know I I think With the 4 000 coins that we get from The discard there we're about break even On that pack but uh and of course this Is not a sustainable way to get photo Because I had to sell everything just to Get my my coin value back so it's not

Like you could go and open pack through It like look at that that's that's a Joke that is that's a diabolical pack Um How other than putting FIFA points in Which obviously is not advisable how are People getting the fodder now there are Quite a few objectives you can get the 81 double pack from the daily upgrade That's two players sure You can do first owner Fiesta you can do Foot Champs bonus objective which is There for 23 more hours so I've missed Out on that one maybe you did it already But other than that there's nothing here And there's only certain things in here And and definitely what have we got so Far an 80 plus by five and eighty three Double eight Syria which is not worth Opening in three a4s which again is Definitely worth saving rather than Opening right now Other than that like These are all loans so you can't use Them This is all worth saving for team of the Season This is all worth saving for team of the Season This might give you a little bit of Fodder to do some spcs I I like I I Appreciate that they just gave us the New league spcs but yay it would be nice It genuinely would be nice

If we could get Something like The premium mix League upgrade but just Easier simplified you know instead of Premier League in La Liga just a Premier League score like it was last year right Whereas like one Premier League Squad Um that was x-rated and x-rays one Premier League Squad that was x-rating And x-rays one club and then one team That contained some Silvers something Like that would just be so much more Appreciated right now where people could Mindlessly just go through it over and Over and over in fact it let's get out Of League spcs just give us like some More upgrade spcs and I don't mean Upgrade sbcs in the sense of what we've Got I mean give us a sustainable way To Just take something and spend some time And get some photo from it right because I think when you think about the Positives of why that would help people It would keep people on the game and Engage because right now a lot of people Have logged on today they've done Whatever they can do and then they've Logged off right there's there's no real Incentive to play today and may hey Maybe EA don't care if you play today You know like there's not even anything In packs or anything right Um


But when we look at like What would be the negative impact on People being able to grind something Like this freely build coins build cards And complete sbcs what would be the Negative impact that's where I struggle Because when you look at most people's Teams best teams right now and my I Haven't really like Configured my best team because I uh I Don't really play the game very much on This account anymore unless it's like One of the limited limited time roach Glories but when you look at people's Best players who have I got push cast 95 There Uh we've got Dennis berkamp 94. We've got Cantona vanbastian Keen urzyl Lam We've got A whole bunch of others we've got a Bape Javier Alonso birkam Zanetti Tammy Abraham and Barella the team of the Year Vander saw I haven't even done those Other sbcs I can do for like team ideas And stuff we've got that drb91 that's a Beast we've got banarama who's very good We've got a lot of meta players a lot of Non-meta players we just got a beast Team right we've got a beast team and so I sit here and again it always comes Back to my question of what harm is it By letting people just continuously Grind right where is the actual harm in

That And so I don't see there being a problem with EA giving us something that's Comfortable and easy to just burn Through over and over and over with a Monotonous feeling but that allows us to Build up packs get some cards do those Spcs and then be prepared for team of The season that's what for me team of The season warm-up should have been and Should be it shouldn't be a situation Where we're sitting here scratching our Heads going how the hell am I going to Afford these new sbcs that are out how On Earth can I afford even with the Upgrades that you gave yesterday they're Good but they're not good enough it will Take me hours of grinding that to get One 83 rated Squad done it's like Like give give us a little something to Us and I promise you we'll spend more Time on your game Um and it's a shame right now because Overall the content has been quite good Prior to this team of the season warm-up Um what I find really interesting is They don't actually announce this as Team of the season warm up there's no Splash screen for it there was no tweets From EF about it like there's no Official uh kind of like this is a promo Team of the season warm-up is here it is Just some sbc's and objectives right so

Again it it amuses me As to how we can have Better content and more Content during an actual promo week than A warm-up week for a promo that is about Building and saving Um so yeah I don't know VA man if you Are listening if you are watching it Would just be real nice to just get Something even if it's only there until The Friday comes so that people can sit And build packs and store packs and like Give give me a way to create the the Footer a reasonable way non-unreasonable Way but a reasonable way to create the Follow for these spcs for these spcs as Well my God these are so expensive but For These sbcs here give me a reasonable way To create the footer I would appreciate It massively uh but there you go guys Anyway Ron over sorry I didn't mean to Go into a little tangent there but I Just wanted to share my thoughts on that One thank you guys as always for Watching hopefully you enjoyed it and I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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