How To GRIND Packs For TOTS!

How To GRIND Packs For TOTS!

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Craig Douglas

What's up guys nepenthes here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video Today we are going to explain and Discuss how to grind the brand new Upgrades if they're going to be worth it Especially throughout team of the season And uh the general benefits that you get From it of course we broke down in the 6PM video yesterday Um the fact that actually the rewards Have improved or at least the amount of Players you got has increased the Downside was that the amount of gold You've got is slightly less but the Number of cards in total are slightly More Um so Owen who is a premium grinder said You do gain 12 more players over the League Uh but in this setup I'm not overly sure How beneficial that is when bronzers and When it's bronzers and Silvers but what I think is that because the bronzes and Silvers become more Golds I think Overall it's quite nice and what I Personally like is that the tradable Packs have been buffed a jumbo gold pack And a prime mix players pack instead of A small Um was it a small Prime gold players Pack here so just getting 12 tradable Players to sell on I think is going to Be really helpful really handy and uh For the mixed leagues upgrades they've

Now changed this to a jumbo silver pack And a pre uh what's the other tradable Pack and a small electron players pack There So I'm going to take you through like The general Like way it works but first of all I Have completed all of the sbcs because I Want to go to the end to start and of Course if this helped you feel free to Drop a thumbs up guys and the reason why I wanted to go to the end to start is Because I wanted to see what what kind Of stuff do you get and the reason why I Think that's important right now is Because with all these sbcs for like Team of the season warm up and with team Of the season obviously coming this um This upcoming weekend 83s 84s 85s have gone really expensive So I wanted to kind of like have a look At how many coins can you get back from What you're you know what you're doing Do you get anything that is valuable to You in any way Um like to to redo the sbcs and then to Take a look at the market and kind of Like how much everything is going to Cost to complete so as always with the Silver pack Um just check I mean the badges don't Show up so we'll just list that Just check the kits some kits are worth A whole bunch and this for me look at

That bruntby kit is looking like it's About 2 000 coins that for me is a Massive reason as to why I think Changes that EA have made has been Really good in fact that kit weather Like it sells you know whether or not People are actually interested to buying It or not well only uh we'll only have To find out but at the very least uh We've potentially got about five or six Thousand coins worth of kits air let Alone the players and it does look like This guy I know he's hey maybe he sells Sells for three four hundred and of Course if you if you get players from Like the the sbcs that you're going to Complete then great there's also Something to be said for last time Around I didn't I personally didn't Think it was worth so we've got 600 Coins back from that as well I Personally didn't think it was worth Doing the smaller version Um on this occasion the smaller version Is coming in at the moment at 16.8 K and The majority of that is the libsood and That's that's really nice from a Tradable Premium Gold pack because Hoiberg as I said is about 2 000 coins Right now all 83s are and worst case Scenario You've gone 83 for some photo best case Scenario You have got

A couple thousand coins that's going to Allow you to complete a complete segment So the way the league the minor league Anyway is working like the the smaller One Is the The MLS and Championship is coming in at 5K The Bundesliga two and League two is Coming in at 2K Liga smart bank and Siri Bkt are coming in at 3K and the libsood Is coming in at 6K and of course the the Tradable jumbo silver pack from the Libsood at six and a half K could Genuinely be really really helpful For getting Um all of that money back so the idea Again like for For this setup here is not the the Question for me Isn't can you make coins With it because I think EA have always Done really really well to ensure that You can't make coins and man I'm Surprised how cheap these limited these Uh Commons are Um the question for me is Is it sustainable with minimal or no Coin loss And if it is that then is great for team Of the season what I don't think you can Do these days The way EA set things out is I don't Think you can stack packs so it's going To be less about can you save hundreds

Of packs between now and team of the Season and more about is this going to Be sustainable throughout team of the Season you know if you're kind of like Brand new to the game you know what Actually I don't think there's a single Instance for anybody where you can have An excuse of not having coins or cards On tap if you're brand new to the game There is an infinite number of ways to Get coins and cards And if you're if you've been playing the Game for some time you should just have A bank of coins so it's gonna be it like Let's say it's gonna be curious for me As to How many coins per run through are we Gonna lose what are we gonna get and you Know that's really nice is that a Walkout I mean boom there you go like We've got an 86 rated From that that's coming in at about 20 000 coins that is more expensive Than the mixed League upgrades although This pack was this was a small Prime Gold players pack Yeah this was from the MLS and efl Championship so this pack alone has Given me more fodder than its uh than The whole SBC set is worth On top of all the other photo that comes With it Which is really nice and the private Player pack is like the last one

Obviously so we've got a small electron Players pack And a prime mix players pack a couple of Rare mix players packs and then stuff That I've got saved and then I built Like some of the common and rare packs Because I just wanted to see like the General understanding of what you get Out of there so I'm actually just going To open the prime gold players pack here Now with a guaranteed minimum of 82 Rated as well is really nice and we're Getting ourselves This time just an 83 Fabian but it's a 2 000 coin card it's not bad Um I'm gonna throw this stuff away but Again it is more Um just just more stuff that is super Useful for redoing and and getting back Into it and again the question I suppose Comes into like is it sustainable so This small electron players pack is from The mix League uh no is it from the mix League this is from the premium isn't it Oh this is from the mix League Um Small election players pack is from the Bundesliga 2 and one of the great things About the tradable silver packs is these Guys are generally worth a healthy Amount five six seven eight hundred Coins I think some of them are coming in A little bit more But obviously even the silvers you get

You could just pop these straight back Into an SBC if you get Bundesliga 2 and Championship players brilliant getting Premier League players brilliant like You don't have to sell them if you if You've got like a low coin balance I Would suggest to sell Everything that's tradable because you Will be able to buy a cheaper Alternative we're getting another board Here that's tradable so there's another Casper schmeichel Um or another 83 anyway which is another 2 000 coins and this again is why I Think this pack which is from the main The premium uh one this is the prime mix Players pack that's tradable it's again Why I think this is all right because We've got some bronzers here But we've got two Bundesliga two cards We've got this guy who's gonna be worth Wow he's actually worthless 200 coins Um the Bundesliga two guys can obviously Go back into the Bundesliga set up we've Got a French league silver That maybe sells yeah 700 coins on him Which is quite nice and overall I just Like what I wanted to do and the reason Why I wanted to open the packs first is I just kind of wanted to get a gauge of Like What are you getting back are you are we Getting lucky are we getting some Walkouts and boards and the answer so


Far has been yes we are which is Brilliant And even though you do get bronzes and Silvers as I say I think one of the Reasons why I personally don't mind the Fact that you get bronzes and Silvers is Because EA have given those bronze and Silver upgrades so we're going to get Another board here Spanish again is Sentiment again it's titaco again Um what are the odds of that uh and then French league silver lovely Siri B Silver lovely Um French 2 cards I'm actually gonna Have to throw that Tiago away just I Wouldn't normally you know I would I Would go and put him into an SBC but for The sake of today's video where I don't Really want to be Uh stopping and starting Um the idea of what we're talking about I will throw it away and then another Remix players pack and again a minimum Guarantee of an 81 overall is really Nice and it's overall two rare mixed Players packs which again is generally Really nice Uh Spanish player there loads more Premier League players and and whatnot So obviously you'd be able to reuse Those back in and I do think Just off the back of what I've seen There They're good now you've got the rare

Silver fire player packs people were Telling me that they were unable to open These But what's incredible about this is the Bronze cards right now are 150 coins Right if you want to get them on open Bids and even Silvers are cheap as well But you're you're effectively looking at 1 650 coins for five Silvers which means It's 3 200 maybe 3 300 coins for all 11 Silvers Um but we'll get you six common Golds Which is more than what just about more Than what you'd pay for the price of six Common Golds but if you're Building these sbcs continuously You're going to be getting uh you know Silver players back and What I was getting at before is usually I would always say ignore the mixed League upgrade and only stick to the Premium mix League upgrade on this Occasion I would say do the mix League Upgrade as well because you're getting So many Silvers that will help like this Yedlin is brilliant this Evan Sanchez is Brilliant for two different segments Right You're getting so many Silvers back and So many cards back from those smaller uh Options and the fact that the two Tradable packs from the mixed League Upgrade are actually really nice it's a Small electron players pack

With you know those Golds you could Obviously hit something massive but just Worst case scenario you get yourself Um you get yourself uh Two Golds and that jumbo silver pack I Think is massive and then these packs Here they are coming in at the the Bronze upgrade is coming in at 2.2 k The common gold six player upgrade is Coming in at 4.5 K but of course that's A buying our price so if you did it on Bid instead of buy now it's even cheaper And even for the uh bronze upgrade you Could get it cheaper so as I say I think Even when it comes to the silvers from What I've seen I think you can buy the silvers at 200 Coins each I don't think you need to I Don't know how it's got the the setup at 4.5 K but we're gonna go and have a look At the bronze and silver market And we're gonna see if they're selling As cheap as I think they're selling or If they're not so bronzes Yeah Commons are not selling at 150 so You could just map it on loads of those Oh yeah I even think rares Rares are not even selling at 150. so Again you're looking at 150 coins for Basically every bronze Um what about the major leagues even Premier League bronzes that matters and I will explain why that matters Um as we go through and then Silver's

So the cheapest silver players probably Even four or five hundred coins actually Yeah about 400 coins for the cheapest Silver Which obviously just isn't good value You're better off going to buy bronzes At 150 on bids and then converting them Into the upgrades but actually The whole silver to bronze silver to Gold upgrade might only be worth it with Untradable cards that you get From grinding the upgrades so the Process now that we've seen the packs Now that we've done the last bit first The process the process is Get your bronzes into the Silvers And then your Silvers into the common Goals to get yourself common goals which Can be helpful for a whole bunch of Things Um like What have we got You've got the uh the upgrade not these Upgrades Trophy crafting I still there for 13 Days is this this is all Commons isn't It Yeah one rare and one rare and ten Commons so it's really helpful for that Straight off Um and then all of the other upgrade Content that is there which actually Is is just trophy crafting these days What's this one

Oh You might even be able to like couple it With silverware smelting as well which Is only eligible seven times per day but It'd still be worth it Um But yeah putting all of your bronzes in Here Putting all of your Silvers in here if They don't Sue one of the league Upgrades but as we've explained and Expressed with so many before Just completing it opening the packs as You go if you've got a like I've got 600 000 coins so I would personally just Store everything unless it's like you Know if I hit something big that's Tradable and sellable like an 83 and 84 And 85 and in form when team were the Seasons here a team of the season I Would sell those things to keep Replenishing the coin balance if it's The common Golds or the rare goals that Are basically a discard price I Personally wouldn't bother selling them Uh because I don't need the coins but if You've got probably less than like 50 000 coins you might want to sell as you Go because as I say it is always cheaper To just go and buy something instead so For example you might have an MLs gold Right and you'll think okay This MLS gold is like let's in fact Let's go to the market and have a look

The MLS One two three You might have the MLS gold for 450 Coins you you might think nothing of it You might be like let me just store that If you've got low coins but you only Need six Golds here uh in this whole Setup so if you've got a tradable gold Sell it if you've got an untrainable Gold use it because then what you're Going to want to do is go to like the Bronze Protection and go and get yourself a Bronze rare From the MS instead and you could easily Go and build this team out 74 rated you Put your golds in easy but you go and Fill up the rest with bronze rares at 200 or if you could be bothered to wait 150 coins and it brings the price of This down by a lot and uh They've got it in a price of 6 800 coins No that's the Premier League one they've Got it in at a price of 5 000 coins Which I think is just way way higher Than is actual priced out because Five rares you can get as bronzes 150 Coins each right and that's only going To be obviously 750 coins the six golds Will all be common goals that you don't Even need for chemistry I'm actually Going to go and build it for cheaper Than 5K just to prove my point so I will Be right back and here we go guys so I

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Have built the team for 4 000 coins and I had to overspend a little bit on Zalorian at 700 coins instead of like 500 or 450 coins Um because I needed the rating and I Couldn't be bothered to find a 79 rated For 500 coins Um and I couldn't be bothered to change The goalkeeper and use Herrera who's Also popping up a 450 coins and I also Bought the res at 200 instead of at 150 Which obviously would have saved me Another 250 coins but there you go the full Bronze rares are there And then it's six common Golds and so The price at 5 000 coins just definitely Isn't the cheapest you could probably do This for about 3 500 coins So if this is 3 500 coins uh Siri B and Liga smart Bank are about 2 000 coins And the Bundesliga and League two is About 2 000 coins you could probably do This all three of the other you know all Three of these segments For honestly like three and a half five And a half six about seven and a half to Eight thousand coins Um the packs that you get back from that Is a small Prime gold players pack a Small electron players pack and a Premium Gold pack so straight away With a guaranteed minimum of eight Overall straight away it's just it's a

Good exchange of coin value for cards But also you're not going to be spending That money because you are going to be Packing cards along the way that is Going to allow you to not have to spend Those coins and it might it might take You some time to kind of like get going You know you if you've got an empty Club It might take you five or ten run Throughs before you're like oh I've Already got a whole bunch of cards I Don't really need to buy them anymore But even here look if we go to the uh Let's let's go to this one because it's Tradable Bundesliga 2 and League two You need it to be 62 rated and I think What a lot of people don't do and don't Understand with things like this is go And buy these guys right go and get These Dirt Cheap cards that might be Well under the rating thresholds Um and get them on bid for 150 coins as Well right you need three res so again We can go and get the rares because hey Guess what it's not a problem so you are Looking at 200 coins per card As a maximum But of course Don't do it at 200 coins per card do it 150 coins were called and again like one Of the one of the ways you can do is Just go and spam bid on loads you only Need to get 15 chemistry which is really Easy just go and get some uh didn't we

Just pick up that club just go and get a Whole bunch of Germans uh they're all Linked together And uh once you've got the 15 chemistry You can kind of stop there let's take This guy because he's 63 rated so like We're two more players away now because I haven't got enough German links but We've already got all of the rares so we Could just go for bronzes and just makes It really easy on ourselves you know and Uh if we do pick up a German there just Get the chemistry okay somebody to that Guy Um But yeah like it's it's nice and cheap 200 coins per card on this one 200 coins Per card on the other one as well and You get your cards back and obviously if You pack these guys because you because You only need 15 chemistry once you've Got that chemistry let me just go and Finish it here Once you've got that chemistry Take this guy do we have those as a club No now that you've got the chemistry and You could do it with five players as Well right if we lose this guy instead We've got the 15 chemistry everything You pack at that point untradeable or Tradable from this league or the S the League two bkt you could just throw into The other gaps which is why it makes Sense to go and mass bid on players at

150 coins because to be able to like if You if you went a bit on like 30 or 40 Players If you weren't able to generate just 15 Chemistry between them a you'd be Desperately unlucky but B you could just Go and buy the one or two players that You needed at 200 coins to facilitate That chemistry and make the process like Nice and quick rather than sitting there Going oh god I've got to keep like Meticulously going through things going Bid on 50 100 players boom you could do This like 10 times through and you could Do the same with bidding on Um These guys here 150 you can go and do That 10 times through now this one is a Team overall of 68 which is why it's Slightly more expensive And you need four res so you are gonna Have to obviously go into Silvers if you Want those rares like that but the Reason why the website easyspc has got It down is a bit more expensive is Because it doesn't realize that you're Actually better off so League of Smartbank and Serie B you're actually Better off grabbing one of the golds Of which there are a lot including like A Jonathan Vieira I don't think it's Worth putting that price in there like You're better off just getting One of these guys for 450 coins right 70

Maybe even two of them Um but one of them should be enough two Of them might be enough uh because Obviously the silvers you don't want Unless again you're getting like a big Silver or you can pick them up for 300 Coins and then you're making good money Back right I genuinely think from the Packs that you're getting back you're a You're getting good cards back but You're also making coins back which you Don't need to sell if you've got a low Coin balance you can sell the problem on This one is the libertadores and Southern Americana this has to be a Maximum silver and minimum rating of 60 And again 15 chemistry but you also need Six players from the same club and That's where this one gets a little bit Tricky and why it's coming in at around 6K and that's because the cheapest Sudamericana player at all let alone Somebody that works for you in a club That you need is 600 coins so what you Need to effectively do is go and get Your Six cards from the same club which is Obviously at 600 coins is 3 600 coins And then the other you know you need 11 So it like they've got it down to 6500 Coins it is going to cost you 6 600 Coins 11 players or 600 coins each Unless you pack one and obviously Everyone that you pack is Gonna Save You

600 coins Or unless you manage to snipe one for Cheaper You can't escape the fact that this is Six thousand six hundred coins but I Think genuinely for the whole set for Everything Um it's it says that it is For the small one anyway it says it's 16 800 coins I think it's closer to about 13 000 coins from scratch but of course The more you open packs the more you'll Just save that coin balance and you'll End up actually probably paying like Less than 10 000 coins each time five Thousand coins you might even make Profit if you pack something worth Selling Um so I quite like this one this time Around and as a the reason why I spent So much time focusing on this because I Said to you guys before every time we've Done an upgrade video in like previously The non-primary one or what do they call It premium one was always just never Worth it because there was just Something wrong somewhere that just made It a really bad deal on this occasion This is definitely worth it Um and it gives you a really good mix of Packs back that help you into the Building And then for the premium mix League Upgrade this is just the same as before

Um I don't think I need to go into too Much detail on this one the league one And Erie division you can just you know You need one Club you might already have A whole bunch of players from one Club So just go and buy the other ones there Are specific clubs that are way cheaper Um they have this down at 6K for a Tradable jumbo jumbo gold pack I'm gonna Go and do this for less than 6K or Around 6K and uh I will uh I'll tell you What team I ended up using and so guys I Ended up using Nantes Um I already had a couple of their Players in the club well I actually Found I looked at a few weird division Squads I looked at a few French league Teams they are they are all pretty Similar there's a few that are way more Expensive and so for this one definitely Would just suggest that you use The team that you already have the most Cards from but for this one to be six You know about six seven k A jumbo gold pack for this I just think Is brilliant value and then the rest of The segments as we're uh we're gonna get Nothing in there aren't we Um nothing of any real no anyway The rest of the segments are thousand Coins back are just Nice and easy you know again like the Premier League And La Liga segment is nice and easy

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Nice and cheap The Bundesliga and Syria segment is nice And easy nice and cheap they've got that Down at 5.3 K because there are some Really cheap bronzes and Silvers and Actually something this is what I wanted To go back to from earlier on Even for the Premier League side of Things yes you need a 79 rated team Ah There are lots of bronze Premier League Players at 200 coins including 63 and a Few 64 rateds in there Although that's like way behind just Popping in the extra like 81 or 82 is Going to allow you To really reduce the price there you go You've got a center mid there to 64 Rated from Palace obviously Cinema Doesn't really fit the bill with this Here and to be 79 rated you are going to Need like the extra Uh like an 81 82 rated a couple of times Whatever but it's just it's so nice and Cheap and the pack so you get back from This are also quite good so to to recap Because there isn't really much else to Explain with this premium mixed League Upgrade I think it's very good to recap The prime silver upgrade and the prime Bronze upgrade put your untradable Excess bronzes and Silvers into these That don't go into the mix League Upgrade in the Premium League upgrade

For the first time this year the mix League upgrade is definitely worth Completing You will obtain a lot of the players Back from the packs that you get here And of course you will Be able to buy the extra players for Quite cheap the only one that's Expensive is the lips Hood but of course It's not even that expensive comparative To uh prior occasions when EA released These and for the premium mix League Upgrade again you're looking at like a Little bit of an excess price on the Libsood again however it's not that bad And you don't need a huge coin balance To sustain this and if you have already Got a huge coin balance just keep Banking these cards the tradable returns Are so much better but depending on your Coin balance again if you've got a low Coin balance sell everything tradable if You've got a high coin Balance store it Unless you you know get into a need of Selling it unless it's worth something You know if you pack an 83 tradable sell It an 84 and 85 or above sell it a Special card promo card sell it the only Downside to what we have here with this League system with this grind And uh just to just to go all the way Back to the beginning again you don't Need to do bronze pack method for this I Think bronze pack method now is just

Irrelevant bronzes are too cheap anyway You can't even sell rares now for three Or four hundred coins and there's so Many icons there With the uh packs you know the the Bronze the bronze rare and the silver Rare segments that give tradable packs That they haven't even like moved the Needle for the bronze cards Um but so I I think bronze pack method Is is a waste of coins I think you're Going to struggle to get more from the Bronze pack than you would get from just Going out and buying the bronze players The only thing that is bad about this And that is sad about this is that you Can't save packs like you used to you Know we used to go into any particular Promo whether it was team of the season Team of the Year something in between And we would have 50 K's and 25ks and 45ks and mega packs just stacked up to The nines every pack you every pack you Open here is kind of important to the Next run through of keeping that cycle Going at the least cost of coins And so Because you can't really save packs and You can't really complete this in an Efficiently fast manner it's not like You can go and build load save 20 or 30 For team of the season and then start Ripping through you know Prime World Players packs unless you're happy to

Take quite a considerable coin loss Because that's where the loss will come When you're not getting those 12 players Every single time like imagine you save 20 of those Primal player packs that's 240 players that would have otherwise Gone back into the uh upgrade path Um that you've now saved so that's the Downside the upside is and you'll have Until Friday to kind of work into this Upside the upside is I feel like this is basically Sustainable at little to no coin loss Over time you might in the short term go Down in coins if you don't pack Something big but I I think you go down So few coins at a time That it doesn't take much to replenish That coin balance and because it's going To be good to run through with team of The season rather than to say Pax four Team of the season that gives you until Friday when team of the season starts to Try and bank as many coins as you can And uh and and play through you know and If you're sitting there thinking man I Don't really have any coins and don't Really have any cards As I would always suggest Go ahead at your score battles games if You can endure Squad battles if it means Completing other objectives alongside Better still go and get your division Rivals wins go and get your foot Champs

Wins and your Champs qualifier wins and Sell everything just open the take Tradable packs even individual Rivals Sell everything start building your your Bank up and then for collecting Untradable cards to start your journey As well go into that objective section And just start opening packs from Everything that you can complete there Is so much available here in terms of Pack how content to Milestones through Objectives and through season progress That there is there's just unless you Just don't have the time in which case This just isn't for you anyway there's Just no reason and no excuse to not have Everything you need to be prepared A team of the season grind so guys That is how to grind uh the upgrades It's nothing groundbreaking it's nothing Revolutionary there's no secret method On this one or hidden tricks or anything It is a genuine case of just utilize all Four things in tandem with each other And you should Be able to open Infinite packs at little To no cost so thank you guys very much For watching hopefully this helps you if It does let me know if it did if you've Got anything that you can add that maybe Will add value to this let me know in The comment section down below thanks For watching and I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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