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All right guys just like to say before We get into today’s video I do have a Premium trading Discord pretty much if You don’t know what that is I’ll put it On the screen now Um but in short you pretty much get uh Daily Investments daily snapping filters Mass bidding filters all that kind of Stuff uh from seven plus Um literally very very good FIFA Traders Um so obviously you’re gonna be making Millions of coins which is a big dub uh If that does sound interesting to you uh Which it does to me to be honest um all You need to do to buy it is go down into The description uh click the buy premium Link and then obviously it’ll take you To the site you pick your membership it Costs eight pounds a month or ten Dollars and then the main thing you need To do once you’ve brought it is join the The Discord benefit Um on the patreon because there will be No tips or anything going on the patreon Website it’ll go straight to the Discord And once you’ve done that you’ll be in You’ve been making coins and yeah if you Do join I appreciate it and uh yeah Let’s get into today’s video right boys If you’re looking to buy the cheapest And most reliable for 23 Ultimate Team Guns make sure to head over to u4gm link Will be in the description and purchase Yourself some FIFA coins from there also

Use code King at checkout for eight Percent off on the Halloween special Rivals before we do get into today’s First method just like to say if you Want to join the premium now is probably The best time to join as obviously Team Of the Year is right around the corner And obviously if you get yourself in now Trust me you will make enough coins so Probably buy one uh you know I mean Maybe a little Harland or something uh But yeah if you do want to get yourself In link will be in the description get Yourself joined up trust me you will not Be disappointed and it’s trust me as Well it is much better than spending FIFA points you will you make like 10 Times probably 20 times more than you Would on FIFA points so there you go uh Enough for me trying though let’s jump Into today’s first method like we always Do we got two low budgets and one high Budget Um so we’ll start off with one of the Low budgets which is going to be a gold Common filter position you want to leave Any chem style Any Nation any a league Gonna get down to the league one Ubereats and then Club you want to go Down to uh Marseille and then obviously Finally by now which um is around about Uh 2.4 cell 2.5 or so so 2.6 kinda so so I’d probably say if you depending on how Many coins you’ve got if you’ve got like

A lot of coins you can sell them at 2.6 Um and they’re going to sell but it’s Just obviously like there you go they Are selling but you know you’re gonna Have to wait maybe you know 20 to 30 Minutes maybe 40 minutes so it’s one of Them if you’ve got the coins you may as Well if you don’t have the coins sell it 2.5 and they’re gonna sell instantly Um I’m gonna sell it too sick because I Do have the coins so I may as well and They are going to sell so pretty much Um Yeah there you go another one but 2.6 You’re Gonna Lose 130 coins on EA tax Um so if we go down maybe 300 oh there You go 450 so go down 300 to 2.3 K and I’ll obviously try and pick up anything That does pop-up uh mate these are Literally coming up left or right and Center Um but yeah you’re pretty much making a Guaranteed about 150 coins per card but Like I always say they are literally Coming up left right and Center below That we just had two Min price Snipes Apparently I can’t snipe Um do you know one thing right you can Actually do Um you can actually do the filter on Here I might try it because it’s just Much better and it’s not that difficult To just keep putting in might as well 2.3 and literally just snipe like I say

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This is the best way to snipe but Obviously oh wait apparently I can’t Snipe and then you can literally just Swear refresh keep Square refreshing Um so yeah you can do it this way Obviously it is a lot easier to pick Them up Um but you know it’s one of them 2.3 I bottled that but uh yeah 2.3 it’s Not a bad little price for this I can’t Like I want I do want to check the mass Bidding though it could be pretty good With this filter especially is that you Know there is quite a lot of um gold Commons but uh yeah the only bad thing Is if you do it on this Market as soon As you click off your filter disappears I don’t know why EA have done it uh but You know it’s it’s so annoying I don’t Get it like what what do you achieve by Doing this apart from running ruining Every filter on the game Uh 450 mate I am bottling these Snipes Big time but that’s the only bad thing But yeah we are going to jump into the Second method now though uh we’ll go Back onto this Market because it’s just Easier Um we’ll jump into the second method now Which is going to be a brand new filter Um so let me quickly find it because I Forgot it right so it’s going to be a Foot centurions obviously a high budget Method uh position you want to go down

To Defender Uh Kevin Starr want to leave It uh it can start Any Nation you want To go down to Spain Um and then League want to go to just Any doesn’t really matter and then you Want to obviously finally buy now which Is going to be pretty expensive like I Say this is a high budget method it’s Not a medium uh it is a High Um so pretty much refresh the market Okay so 59k are probably sell it in Maybe 10 20 minutes or you can go 58.5 And they’re going to sell instantly Um it’s up to you I’m just gonna get 59k Why not so pretty much you’re gonna lose About I think it is literally 2950 coins To be exact so go down 3 000 coins to 56 That’s 50 coins profit and go down Another 500 might as well so you’re Making about 550 coins per card and Vasquez has just come up literally Instantly Um and we’ve bottled it because I did Not expect that I can’t lie first Sniping it come up that is quite strange But Um yeah hopefully someone in the premium Has picked that up because like I said Do put them in the premium before uh the Video Um you know so the premium boys can make A bit of cash you know what I’m saying Uh but yeah let’s see if we can get a Few of these bad boys like I say you’ve

Got two players in this film let me Quickly show you if you don’t know You’ve got Aspen aquaya and you’ve also Got Vasquez they’re both obviously 87 They’re both pretty much the same price Um so yeah Like say if they do pop up Um there shouldn’t be like too difficult To pick up I mean they’re going to be You know a little bit hard Um but I mean I did kind of bottle that First one but that’s generally because I Didn’t expect it to come up I’m not Gonna lie uh come on please come on just Pick let me pick one up man come on me But uh yeah I think the main thing in This filter is going to Defender because If you don’t go to the defender I think You’ve got literally so many of these Coming up yeah so you do have to go Defender uh but yeah I think we are Going to leave that there though and Jump into the final method like I say All these methods you know I’m doing This pretty early in the afternoon as Well but if you are going to do it do it After six and trust me you’ll see a lot Better results so we’ll literally come Up left right and Center especially with Lightning rounds and stuff but yeah Jumping into the final method is going To be a gold rear filter position you Want to go to Center back chemist out Any Nation you want to go down to


Uruguay which is going to be all the way To the end uh Uruguay here and then League gonna go to the LA Santander And then finally by now which is about I Think 1.3 K so yeah you can either sell At 1.3 Um which you’re gonna sell I mean the First 20 minutes to half an hour so it’s A bit like the first method if you’ve Got the coins do it if you don’t sell it 1.2 and they’re gonna sell instantly as You can see I’m gonna sell it one three Just because like I said I’ve got the Coins might as well Um so pretty much you’re gonna lose 65 Coins on tax uh so if you go down 200 And then try and pick up anything that Obviously pops up Um but the thing is with this method is Um you know they’re literally gonna come Up left right and Center they are you Know they’re not that difficult to pick Up and obviously I mean they’re Literally coming up for Min price all The time like 850 I think is the Min Price apparently I can’t snipe at the Moment but I mean you know I’m doing all This they’re literally coming up every Single search well as soon as I say that They don’t there we go 1.1 finally but The good thing about it is if you do Miss 10 Snipes you are going to pick up The next one like you know the thing is It just come up that much it’s quite

Hard to not pick them up there we go Another one there 850 so that’s Min Price uh and that’s how many coins 150 That’s like 450 coins profit takeaway Obviously 60. so about 400 coins after Tax Uh but yeah because obviously like I say There is so many coming up you should be Able to pick a load of these up but There you go that is going to wrap up Today’s video though three very nice Methods like I said if you’re gonna do Them do them after six and obviously do Mass bidding as well on all of them Apart from the the high budget the both Of the low budgets do a mass bidding and Trust me you will make a load of coins Uh but yeah enough for giant drop a like Subscribe I’ll see in the next one peace

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About the Author: futhq

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