How to Make FIFA Coins in 2023

Looking to get some easy coins in FIFA 23? Well, in this video, I’ll show you how to make coins in FIFA 23!

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Making coins in FIFA is harder than ever But in this video I’ll show you how to Do it in 2023 and the way we’re going to Be making coins is by doing something Called FIFA trading let me explain Trading is the act of buying a card for One price and selling it for another Price awfully higher and in between that You need to be careful of the EA 5 tax So for example if you buy a card at a Thousand coins on a 1 200 you’ll make Yourself a profit of 150 coins but in Order to get a deal you need to do Something called sniping or bidding let Me explain about an IEP sniping is Finding a player on the market for Example Jack Grill issue currently sells At around 3 000 coins and buying it by Spamming the market over and over again And selling it on at that selling price So all you need to do is just come over Here sell the filter just like this and As you saw just then I was flicking Through the max price by changing it by Pressing R1 and triangle over and over Again and eventually a card is going to Pop up and you need to be quick and try And buy that card but it’s not as simple As is that and I’ll be honest there is An easier way to get coins and if you Want to build the best team possible in FIFA 23 make sure to go and buy some Coins from mule Factory use that chord l E l e 5G so we’ve just bought this

Grealish at 2 800 coins and on the Market currently selling for about 3 000 Coins the reason why I know he’s selling Is because as soon as I’ve searched up We’ve got 56 minutes remaining which Means that when a card’s listed up it Goes to the 59th minute so any of these Cards that are near the 59th minute are Newly listed cards and there’s not a lot Of newly listed ones past say like 56 Minutes so we’ve just got ourselves a Really good deal but you might be Thinking to yourself all right cool I Know how to snipe players so what so What you need to do after that is start To use something called the sniper Filter now if you want a sniper filter In my opinion which is a really good way To teach you the basics of trading try This out so what you need to do is go Over to Silver and just set it to any of These leagues right here the way that I’m getting into these is just by Clicking this right stick and once You’ve found one of these all you need To do is just set up this now this is Called a sniping filter which means Something where you can search up on the Market which will see a lot of different Players that you can buy rather than Just going for one like we were doing With Greeley so we’re gonna do the exact Same thing here so the minimum price and All the is around 500 coins so I just

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Need to sit here and snipe for as long As I can at a few hundred coins lower And hopefully I’ll be able to get myself A deal and as you’ll be able to see We’ve just got one at 350 coins and on The market he’s currently selling for About 1 000 coins roughly which is Really really good now you might be Thinking okay sniping’s cool but what Else can I do so the next thing you want To try doing is Bid in now bidding is Better if you’ve got more coins so use Those methods I’ve just shown you in the First stages but this one will take you Honestly to the moon now you might be Thinking how does this guy know how to Trade do these methods even work but if You want to see me build a god Squad in One hour on this channel make sure to Get this video to over a thousand likes And I’ll do it so let’s go back over to Greeley so we know from before that he’s Currently selling for around 3.1 K so What I need to do now is go and do some Bidding so with this instead of setting The max buy now you actually set the max Price so I’m setting the max price to 2800 and I’m going to search up on the Market and I should be able to see there Are loads of cards here who have got an Open bid on them now if you’ve got a lot Of coins or if you’ve got a few coins What I need to do is just go through and Drop bids on whatever I was sniping at

Before so this is something that you can Do you can drop a lot of bits and whilst You’re waiting for the bits to come in You can just sit and snipe these cards So for example with grealish I’m just Dropping bids as much as I can do until I get myself say a couple of cars now You’re not going to win every single one Of them it’s just not realistic but you Will win enough which makes this viable Now once you’ve got your head around Sniping once you’ve got your head around Bidding you can move on to this method Which is a combination of everything Which will make you thousands if not Millions of coins the one thing that I Like to do is trade with cards who have Got say position modifiers on them chem Styles on them now you might be thinking What is this guy on about honestly I Have not got a clue what he’s talking About don’t worry I’ll sort you out so For example with brielish in left wing Right he’s going for about 3 200 coins But he’s actually got a secondary Position at Cam and with this one this One’s gonna sell for a lot more than it Does with say left wing on it or Whatever his default position is and as You’ll be able to see there’s gonna Start to be gaps in these plays and Right now is the best time to do this Method because a lot of new people are On the game from Christmas so at the

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Minute Greeley she’s selling for all 3 900 coins I’ve just found one at 3.2 and I can sell him on for a profit but this Is what I mean if I go over to Grillish’s card and go over to player Details take a look at his alternative Positions he’s got Cam he’s got left mid He’s got left wing he’s got so much Going on for him so what you need to try And do is try and pick up these cards With those position modifiers on them And sell them on for a profit so let me Just get these listed up and I’ll show You a few other ways and how to do this Too so when I was talking about sniping Filters before this sniping filler is Very very powerful what you want to do Is set the quality to Gold bro set the Chem style to Shadow all you want to do Hunter I personally prefer Shadow and Then what I want to do is go over here To the max buy now and I just want to go And see what we got chilling at the Absolute minimum so rather than going Through and just sitting and trying Sniping for an undercut this is a better Way to do this what you need to do is Just search up on the market to see how Much these cards are going for and say For example you see a card like this Very Chichi you pick it up and you Hopefully will sell it on for a profit But you might be thinking well why would These sell for anymore so for example

With barucho we’ve just got him at 1 200 Coins which is pretty decent and the Reason why he sells for more is because He’s got that Chemistry Style applied Onto him now like I’ve just said a lot Of new people are playing the game at The minute so that means that people are Building starter teams and the people Who are building starting teams will not Realize how much some of these cards go For for example bearish here with a Shadow on him let’s go and see how much He’s actually selling for at the minute He’s currently selling for around 1 900 Coins we’ve just got him at 1.2 we can Flip him on for a 500 coin profit so the Reason why he’s selling for more is Because the shadow Chemistry Style is One of the most expensive chemistry Styles in this game let’s go over here Let’s go over to shuttle and let’s go And see how much this is actually Selling for it’s currently going for Around 1 500 coins if bearish is maybe Selling for 1000 coins theoretically With this card on him his new value will Be 2 500. you want to try and buy these Players with those chem Styles already Applied on soon because what will happen Is people will buy these cards put the Chem styles on them be done with the Card and go right I’m just gonna sell it And not realize that they sell for an Absolute Fortune so as long as you can

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Sit here and just keep buying these Cards over and over and over again I am Telling you now you will make a fortune Look at how many cards are just popping Up look at all these cards but there’s So many I’ve just got myself a Navas and An arrow usual let’s see if they sell so Navas with a chem Style on him he’s Currently selling for about 1 500 we Just got him at like a thousand coins Our usual is currently selling for about 1 500 coins as well it’s just so so easy Please please please listen to me just Come here Step one stand up try this out so with Me knowing how much these cell phones Going to get these listed or better Teacher 1.4 let’s go for Navas 1.4 and Let’s go for our usual probably about 1.3 I want quick sales and now I just Need to put my feet up relax because Some of my cards are going to be selling In FIFA and I’m going to be making easy Coins and after only a few minutes some Of this stuff is already sold on one two Three four stuff four stuff what do you Want about Louis either way please go And try this out and boys if you enjoyed This video please go and watch another Video you will absolutely love it each

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About the Author: futhq

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