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All right the first one of three 90 plus Evig ethics tots of course because there Has only been the Premier League and the Um Community talks so far with ethics Players in these are Juiced one of 390 Plus Let's see what we get in the first one Can we get a monster monster pick Yes we can I I don't even care either Son or Sanchez I feel like Sanchez is Probably the way way better option I think he does indeed want Alexis Sanchez because he's clicked on him yes It's a 900 000 coin card but not only is It a 900 000 coin card This is a ridiculous card four star four Star with just overall Outrageous stats The like really good uh traits as well 95 rated Boom give me that What a start what a start it's amazing Let's go the next one Oh here we go I'm playing together with the host on This one we just want to see another Like just we don't even need three mad Picks just one just one like all my days Are you serious I mean it's It is it almost it's not even almost the Exact same pick it is the exact same Pick isn't it it's zinny son and Sanchez Again Tom what are you looking for here

Hyung mint son of dreams that you Probably got on Thousand game loan Anyway like everyone else Or we go if I was James before wasn't it Not zinchenko it's got to be Alexis Sanchez for me it's got to be Alexis Sanchez Yeah two two two picks two dubs two Alexis Sanchez's let's get in to the Next one Yeah I think it's definitely um Definitely a case of If you can get this ASAP get it ASAP Because yeah even though the Bundesliga Will come out and there'll be some Really awesome Bundesliga players that You can get Premier League generally is Always the most expensive talks outside Of a few you know a few individual cards From each pots and um oh we're gonna Have to get the share play invite again Please Yeah so if you can get it open before Bundesliga Bundesliga comes you've got a Much much higher chance of hitting an Elite team of the season Of course there are going to be more Elite team of the seasons available when Bundesliga comes They'll also just be more non-elites And it's Coleman it's James again and It's Sanchez again and Kingsley Coman He's a he's a decent option isn't he 93 ready toss he's half a million so

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It's it's again Gonna have to be Alexis Sanchez Assuming that that's what you want Um Yeah Sanchez Sanchez is clear Coleman's Still half a million coins though Almost half a million coins with a five Star skill moves But yeah cocktail gamer would indeed Like Alexis Sanchez so the third pick The third Alexis the third dub he's Gonna be discard priced by the end of This and we guess something different Let's find out right about now Posh Straight in there Bang Yes Rodrigo let's go Vanessa is all Right but Rodrigo is the one in a Five-star Four Star Right wing right mid Real Madrid Great Pace good shooting great dribbling Good physicals traits are a little bit Disappointing But overall rothery goat Retailing for 1.5 million coins that is A massive dub that is a massive dub what A card to get 95 red hurricane On the road to glory don't I To make it worth my while right the next Player pick guys can we get another Banger we want to we want like a de Bruyne or a Holland I think that's What's needed here Well it's another Alexis Sanchez I'm Starting to sense a pattern

Like okay is decent as well but Affordable James is well cheap Alexis it Is It is one of those ones where it's like He is mad mad mad good he is mad good But for some reason he just doesn't have That sort of like oh my God Factor you Know what I mean All right another one inbound Another one inbound here we go Excuse me that's a sneeze of good luck That is watch this the sneeze of good Luck boom Yo Rafael Varan you have me on The fact that you can actually get these Guys in here as well the uh the non-team Of the Season team of the seasons Raph over around is currently worth 1.9 million coins Unbelievable unbelievable Mate what a car that is as well up a Little anchor on him ah magnific I told You the sneeze of good luck man oh yes And tyranny as well what a beast oh this Guy's got a spare player at the side as Well Jack greedish he's got that man City Player to the next You can go back onto the game for me Please brother He's got that man City player next to it Because he knows kdb or erling Holland Is coming right here Right now

Oh Oh that's pain That's pain That's like the worst and the worst Thing is that none of them are not dupes That is brutal This guy could take all three of these And still feel like hard done by a man Because that is brutal Oh dear oh no grimsa what are you gonna Take you want casimiro Just for the fodder Problems in it That's tough at least be tradable no It's not Got 42 games on him though so at least He's got a player he's gonna play with The pool of players right now is just so Small that you've got a really high Chance of getting like a sick player However there are also going to be loads Of really cool Bundesliga players that Will also pop up in this pick so I I Don't know to be honest See now that Coleman's act all right but That again is actually one of the worst That we've seen like James and erdogard Are just so cheap on the market Coleman's still a dub it's still a dub a Half a million coin player Especially with the Bundesliga tots Coming he's going to be linkable so Easily and it is a quality card as well So it's not too much of an L to be fair

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I I would say it's a dub half a million Coin player is legit 2584 plus players pack coming eight we Need our knit we need blue oh yeah oh Yeah that could be seven eight in here Striker Striker 92 erdogard Oh dear oh that is that this for me is Why you don't take this pack and you Take the pick Because okay there's a lot of fodder Here but I guarantee you you'd rather Like a Varan or a Sanchez or something Man That is it's just it's just it's just Bad in it it's just bad It is just bad All right here we go again another one Another one Yeah it's another Alexis Sanchez Venice Sanchez big dub we take those It's another Alexis Sanchez mind you but We take those do take those another one Come on we need a monster one to make up For the couple of pretty poor ones we've Just had Come on let's get it Hey it's again it's good it's good Rodrigo Rodrigo it seems to be super Common but uh hey happy days are very Nice all right next Let's see come on Come on big boys only There is definitely a pool that we're

Getting players from But an Alexis Sanchez is just not bad You don't mind it All right here we go Gotta Be Careful Here because it connects you on We don't want to accidentally take the Wrong thing we want to only take the Right thing Now that we've only got seven pixels You know where the Varan it's Varan Son oh saving that to be fair because Ramsdale and James are not the one but Son is what's he worth oh let's go 500 000 coins again Love that love that and all of the Pixels as well it's brilliant War pixels on the screen and uh sorry Less pixel on the screen than numbers on His card Play a pick One of 90 Plus Here we Go big boys only please Oh I mean Vanessa is a good card But also that is just half isn't it 300K Card it's not bad man it's not bad it's Just Not good either compared to what we've Been seeing we've got another one 22 minutes until 6 PM for the Bundesligas But this guy wants it now Give me the big ones

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Yeah yeah I don't like who do you want Rodrigo or you want like James dupe look At before Sanchez I can't pick anything because he's gone On to the game so I can't All right oh we got the player pick baby Come on the Bundesliga guys for those of You that have just watched US Open like 10 15 of these with no Bundesliga in Here the bundes league is now here And so we're gonna find out Whether or not These are still Juiced Oh yes Rodrigo or goretzka That's a massive that I don't even know I will take gretzka I would 100 take Gretzka That's not me doing it that's not me Doing it this is this yeah yeah you Gotta take this man you gotta look at Those stats Oh that's wild That's wild fair enough man fair enough Fair enough Gigi's to you man GG's to you Yeah but yeah I think I think you see The nation first all right we've got Another another pick here Bang This might as well be of one of two Because James is in literally all of Them Um Starting back's a bit too cheap Sanchez

Still the still the dub there Sanchez Still the dub Yeah 750 000 coins another one in the Bag Bundesliga player pack Oh we got the player pick Here we go Another one come on here bless us now I don't even know who you want out of This like they're both all right it's Jake I just ignore James pretend he Doesn't exist Is better I feel like he is All right Another player pick Straight in there Well that's the first Martinelli we've Seen it's it's James again obviously and Another Alexis Sanchez it's just all to Say about it Bundesliga players are impacts but you Wouldn't know it All right another one Oh we're watching The Host play Let's See if he's got the good luck Uh maybe like 25 vibes I I don't know I I genuinely don't Because I've been opening them all day I Don't know might be might be it might be Like 18 to 20 might be 30 I don't know This is gonna be the last one though We've got another one come on Let's get it

Good players only to to end off today's Player pick video Come on Another Rodrigo And James Rodrigo is I'm out peace

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