I opened the MAX 89 WORLD CUP HERO PACK and got…!!! FIFA 23 Road To Glory #67

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Welcome to the best FIFA 23 road to glory episode 67! In this FIFA 23 RTG ep 67 I will show you the best way to start fifa 23 ultimate team with no money!
Today I packed a world cup hero from the 89 max world cup hero sbc!


Hello my friends how you doing it is me Lastly here welcome today to a brand new Episode of the FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Road to Glory now today is of course Black Friday so happy Black Friday to All of you guys today’s video is once Again powered by my awesome sponsor over At Elgato now Elgato have let me know That there are some very special Black Friday deals going on I will leave a Separate link down below as well as the Link to my Elgato profile page if you Want to save between 15 and 35 off of Selected products across their range Then the link is down there it’ll be the Black Friday I’ll go a link Down Below In the description make sure you go and Check it out for all of your content Creation needs good deals on the best Products trust me I use this stuff to Make my videos every single day so as we Get on into the episode Do me a favor hit the Thumbs Up Button Would you mate that would be amazing Let’s get three or maybe even four Thousand likes on this episode that’ll Be absolutely Fantastico Um and don’t forget of course to Subscribe if you’re new around here so I Built this team yesterday after Buying myself Park ji sung and also Unlocking the player moments cuadrado Definitely needed to get him in I know He’s a fairly expensive player but

Worth every penny of that SBC in my Opinion Um cost me about 15K all told and fodder But I I start the episode off here today With Three of the what are they uh the Double The 80 plus doubles whatever you want to Call them and they go all right to be Fair the very first one I literally get A walk out Um In 86 rated laotaro Martinez and then we Get Thomas party who is currently on the Pitch I’m currently watching Portugal Versus Ghana and it’s the 57th minute as I’m filming this video so um wait what’s Going on here there seems to be a Kerfuffle is someone getting sent off Has there been a major foul I’ll get back to you on that but you Already will know oh what’s going on has There been a little bit ahead by action Between Zhao Felix and is it kudus I don’t know but there’s potential for a Red there we’ll see uh anyway getting Back into the episode uh yeah we start Off with a few triple AE Plus packs they get me a little bit of Photo which is good because I’m looking To complete the World Cup hero SBC of Course but because we’ve done The quadrado SVC I spent a couple of my Higher rated players in that SBC meaning

That I don’t now have three 88 and above Rated players that I would happily use In as fodder so we’ve got to try and get Them Um Sorry please excuse me as the as the World cup goes on in the background Because I wanna I wanna see the color of The card if if a card is given Excuse me But oh wait it’s not it’s not kudus Who is it Not sure I think players are staying on The pitch though Which is a good thing of course uh Anywho So we move on I’ve got a couple of World Cup packs here for you sorry I’m gonna Try my best not to focus on the football Anymore unless a goal goes in uh and Then you’ll hear about it But I’m uh I’m gonna go through the the Start of this episode with my rivals Rewards uh I am division four I got Promoted to division four within my Games that I played in yesterday’s video And uh it got me the eight wins I get two rare Mega packs And two what is it Prime gold players Packs so uh a decent amount of of Coinage worth there’s 200 000 coins Worth of packs being opened right now And I was hoping that maybe we could Just go ahead and get 288 because I know

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I’ve got a Harland in the club that I’m Happy to submit into an SBC but I Haven’t got any other 88 rated players In my club Um And the first packs and no bueno uh we Get 83 rated uh in a rare mega pack Which or in a prime gold players pack Should I say which is not ideal Um as long as that doesn’t happen three More times in these other packs we’ll be Just fine uh so pack number two can we Get a walkout or anything no we can get Lights up and it is Colombian right back From UV well we’ve got a much better Version of him now and that my friends Is 283s in a row can you see a slight Pattern here Um we get ourselves a Wayne Hennessy in The um World Cup Red version and then a Kovachich for Croatia I believe yeah Um So yeah we we get a couple of Untrainables that we can’t do much with So I just discard them one of those is Darwin Nunez Who of course failed to score in that First game for Uruguay uh they drew nil Nil with Who did they play I’ve got a wall chart Over here who did they play Uh where is it where is it Uruguay oh They played South Korea didn’t they of

Course young men sun and Co and they Drew Neil nil But uh Ram mega pack number three Nothing really popped out of that one Either but we do get a lot more of these Um These World Cup red cards I tell you What should I do a little uh should I Pop on my console and see how many we’ve Got now because I’m not sure I go to the The famous red menu in the rest of this Video which is already pre-recorded so If I head on over there now how many Have we got have we reached a new level We’ve now reached level eight we’ve got Over 500 players gathered Um so we are now guaranteed the 81 11 Players pack in January I’ve got 505 Players in total so uh yeah 245 players Left to get uh in 40 certain days how Many days is it Doesn’t tell me on here brilliant I mean How long how long is it 41 days 40 Days By the time you’re watching this Um I’m sure with that progress that We’ve made so far we will absolutely get Those those red players and get to level 10 and unlock the best possible set of Rewards come early January uh and when That that’ll be a good day because Everyone in the can in everyone in the Community will have loads of loads of Packs and or whatever it is that they’re Giving out and whether or not some

People would save them for Team of the Year maybe That’s normally January time isn’t it so Could be fun but I am not a pack saver You guys know that I’ll be open and then Probably January 1st or whenever it is We uh are due to get them so I get an 86 Rated Thiago there but all four packs Ladies and gentlemen had 83 as the Highest rated gold player I mean what’s going on there I think Portugal might have just got a penalty Is it time for Cristiano penaldo Ronaldo Of course sorry uh yeah it looks like They’ve given a pen whether or not VAR Will overrule Kind of look like he got the ball to me We’ll see what gets given in the next Couple of minutes because it takes them Ages to figure it out but yeah this is My hero pack uh I decided that yes Harlan’s going in and all the other Players that we’ve got in our club uh Including my current goalkeeper in Edison because well I already had him And hero papan who I don’t use and was The same price as every other 89 rated Player and of course if I use a couple Of 89s and an 88 the rest of the players In my club can be lower rated um that I Put into this SBC and the 88s were Literally extinct or about 50 000 coins So uh kind of nuts Kind of nuts but we do get an 89 overall

Max World Cup hero I’m quite excited to Share this one with you because uh it is A they are fun cards I actually Genuinely they might be my favorite Cards in the game right now I I I’m Loving my um my aloeiran and I’m really Loving my youngberg hopefully in this One we’re gonna get something that isn’t Quite Those two we could get something a bit Better maybe maybe a marquisio or Yaya Touré that would be the dream so what Are we gonna get then here it goes it Opens and moves over to the right and we See Argentina CDM from the Prem it’s uh It’s Javier Mascherano who is 89 rated So it is as high rated as as it gets uh For this particular pack 89 Max and it Is Prem which is decent but it’s not Like ideal is it he’s over 100k so not The worst definitely not the worst you Know Peter Crouch it however much he is Is Tragic value and he can play center-back So I’m gonna do something fairly drastic Here And I’m gonna play two absolutely tiny Center backs one five for eight one five Foot nine and that is probably gonna be A bad call for me but uh I’ve got to get Him into the squad haven’t I of course Gotta give him a go uh so yeah we’ll Stick him and Cordoba next to each other I buy a shadow for uh Mascherano and he

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Is gonna just be as quick as possible Ronaldo steps up for this penalty by the Way and Slots it home of course are we Gonna get a sue We are so sort of his teammates kind of Got in his way there as he was uh As he was trying to celebrate so uh Portugal won nil up but you guys already Know so him and Nessie both now got one Goal at the World Cup both scored for in The penalty spot so far So I decided to put as you can see Donna Rumor in goal um I haven’t got a better Goalkeeper I don’t want to go out and Buy one that’s 88 rated or above which Are the good ones really because their Prices are elevated right now and uh in All honesty well I’ve done a rumor on One chem is is absolutely fine he’ll be Very good uh he always is I rate him as A goalie and everyone else is on Full Cam so it’s not like I desperately Needed the goalie to be on full I don’t Mind him being on one out of three I Don’t mind being on zero to be honest I’ll still use him on base stats and I Think he’s uh one of the best goalies on The game So I’ve got a fairly short team in Defense and a fairly large team up front Because if you think about it aloeiran Is six foot Liao is six foot two and I Believe uh moizer Kane is Six foot as well so we’ve got three out

Of my four attackers that are fairly Tall but NASA in Midfield is Tiny uh who Is playing next to him Park ji sung he’s Not very big either so uh yeah it’s Basically Theo Hernandez is like the Fourth six foot player plus that I’ve Got in my in my uh starting 11 right now Which is not necessarily um It’s not normally how it’s done normally You’ve got a couple of big lumps at the Back but hey I was four nil at three nil Up at half time in my first Rivals game Here despite my opponent having 11 shots On goal so maybe uh maybe my Defenders Would kind of doing something right and I go four nil up this guy had like um I Think it was like a past and present Liverpool team or maybe it was just Basically a present livable team but he Had Kenny dog leash as well I would Assume he was a Liverpool fan he has the Bald Darwin Nunez of course the ones to Watch version which People were hyping up as being very good And he does seem very good to be fair uh And is if Uruguay get literally one goal At the World Cup he goes up to an 87 I Believe Um so that is due to happen at some Point no doubt even though they they Drew Neil Neil in their first game Um it’s on 5-2 up here he genuinely like Started to press The Living Daylights Out of me so that’s why you can see him

Getting back into the game he was a good Player and he should have had more goals Actually shouldn’t have been three nil In the first half Um But my Defenders and goalkeeper did did Good good uh good job good work in order To uh to stop him from scoring loads but Yeah I I win 5-4 in the end but GG’s bro Because you genuinely were a very good Player and probably playing with a Slightly downgraded team to what your Best Squad possibly could be and I Respect that but hey I’ll still take my 5-4 win 3.2 XG to his 6.6 yeah probably Didn’t deserve that one did I but we get A win that’s good first game of the day First game of the week Um In Rivals and or for the new week anyway Of course Thursday is our is our day one Because of the rewards day uh but we get One win and we move on into game number Two it’s gonna be the final game of the Episode so I’m gonna I’m gonna get a dub In this one as well um and then I just Had enough content for you so I thought I’m gonna stop playing there whilst I Was in a good mood uh because I also Need to do things like Qualifying for foot Champs I need to get Get a lot of that stuff done Um the new rewards for Champs by the way I think people were a little bit uh

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Drastically over the top when they first Got announced with like the the player Picks and stuff Um if you actually look at them and you Get like let’s say I get 11 wins like I Do normally Um three player picks one of four 84 Plus players I reckon you walk away with A couple 86s and an 88 or a 90 or Something like that like half decent Level of Player yeah they’re not red but they’re Kind of very useful in SBC still aren’t They gold players hopefully promo Players can also fit within that as well Um so it’ll be nice to see you know some Some good path to glories or what not Popping up in those Um and overall I think that they’re As good if not better than than the Current Red picks until tots comes Around red pics of trash really aren’t They Um you have to be very lucky to get one Of the good ones you normally walk away With a couple 84s and maybe an 86 or an 87 something like that so it’s unlikely That you’re going to come away with Lower rated stuff from those player Picks the bit where I struggle to see Where the value is going to come from is The 583 plus players I’m guessing that Part’s tradable but normally of course It’s three team of the week players

Where you get a guaranteed minimum 30 000 coins now that’s going to be nowhere Near minimum 30k because there’s going To be some people that get 583s and it’s Going to be worth like five or six Thousand coins Um But hey if you can just pop one little Promo player out of that or something Then uh then you’re in in in for the win And you’re gonna probably make a little Bit more than you normally would with a Team of the week pack so I don’t think It’s all doom and gloom give it a chance At least and then we’ll uh we’ll report Back after the weekend League to see how It actually went Um But yeah we’re coming towards the end of The episode right now uh first couple of Games for quadrado I really like him Mascherano seems all right it might Become a bit of a problem to have him And Cordoba at the back uh but for now I’m gonna stick with it because why not Right it’s it’s interesting if anything Um I didn’t particularly like moy’s Keen Up front so I think I’m probably just Going to stick rashford back there I Think he fits my playstyle a bit better Although he did get two goals to assist In two games but we were very high Scoring today Um I just think rashford probably suits

The role a little better Um with the Five Star skills I don’t know he just yeah it feels a Little bit more well-rounded all all Across his stats um But yeah if you’ve enjoyed do me a favor Smash the thumbs up button that would be Amazing if you could support the episode And subscribe to the channel as well if You’re new cheers Follow Me Down Below On social medias Twitter Instagram Tick Tock and of course down below there will Be the links to the Elgato Black Friday Sales so check them out if you’re an Aspiring content creator it’s possibly The best time of year to pick up the Equipment you want to make your videos And streaming and all of that sort of Stuff have a good one ladies and Gentlemen I’ll be back again tomorrow I’ll see you then peace [Music] Foreign [Music]

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