I Sent Everything in My Club For 1 FINAL Icon Pack!

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


A rat would do the icon pack can't get Bobby Moore every time that is true but I don't know if I have enough fodder to Do an 88 that's the thing I would have To check but yeah the weight seems Pretty good I'd probably rather do the Icon with the current weight than the Campaign and just use because the Campaign you need a 85 just put the 85 For that I don't I don't even know Though we've got to send it man With this weight today we've got to send It we've got to try it out I guess the One issue is I have so many icons so I Could get a dupe quite easily I kind of Want to pack World Cup Figo All right let me just see real quick Chad because I don't even know if I have Enough fodder dude did we pack like a 91 Or something crazy recently do we have Like Lewandowski I feel like we packed Lewandowski right player of the month Messy I kind of want to keep messy for Duke Theory though I don't know let's See what we have dude I guess we have That in boppy but I'd love to keep him Boppy for Doom Fury bro just put in Genola nah bro do you hear yourself Yo Chat after the 88 though look at what we Have how am I supposed to do this time To send everything bro this is I don't Know man all right all right all right We're committed chat we're committed you Know what we also on the transfer list I


Know for sure we have uh yeah we had Yeah yeah we do have some fodder there As well man this is so crazy uh imagine It's Pele how are you down this bad what Do you mean is Ben Rama fodder I don't Really want to put the foot fantasies in That's the thing oh wait we packed Benteke today Chad so we can recover him Oh this is where we're in trouble this 85 we have nothing maybe I'll put Gomez In chat or a red Griezmann no we're Chilling we're chilling we're chilling Anthony nah these are Club Legends yo no Way no way that's not no way a lot of These are loans guys so if I'm scrolling Past someone is because they're alone You're not even close with that many 82s Really Ah what a profit what a profit boys it's Time it's time for the icon pack all Right please EA please EA it's a prime Oh bro didn't I pack him like before Bobby Moore oh I've just sent everything In my club to pack Prime Veron bro oh I Think I packed him before Bobby Moore my Last couple on this account have been Bad

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About the Author: futhq

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