I Submitted My Entire Club for THIS SBC – Here’s What Happened!

We submitted our entire club for this SBC – and let us tell you, it was quite the adventure! In this blog post, we will walk you through our experience and share all the exciting details of what happened. From the challenges we faced to the rewards we received, you’ll get an inside look at our decision to go all-in and the outcome it brought. So, fasten your seatbelts and join us on this thrilling ride as we delve into our journey with this SBC!

I Submitted My Entire Club for THIS SBC – Here’s What Happened!


Hey there, fellow FIFA enthusiasts! Today, we have quite the tale to share with you. Buckle up as we embark on a journey filled with excitement, regret, and lessons learned in the electrifying world of FIFA Ultimate Team. In this thrilling account, we will explore our misadventures involving the submission of our entire club for a specific Squad Building Challenge (SBC). So, without further ado, let’s dive in and see what unfolded!


Selling Players We Don’t Need Anymore

As avid FIFA players, we constantly find ourselves searching for ways to optimize our Ultimate Team. With the arrival of FIFA 23, we decided it was time to assess our player collection and offload those who no longer fit our tactics or style of play. We took a long, hard look at our squad and contemplated selling players we don’t need anymore. Clearing out the deadwood would not only provide us with valuable coins but also open up opportunities to acquire new star players.

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our Contemplation: Putting Kante Up for Sale

In our pursuit of building a dream team, we discovered that our beloved Kante’s market value had skyrocketed in FIFA 23. Though he has consistently been a dominating force on the pitch, we couldn’t help but be enticed by the idea of cashing in on his high price. We carefully weighed our options, considering the potential benefits of selling Kante and reinvesting the funds into strengthening other areas of our squad. However, parting ways with such a gem of a player wasn’t an easy decision.

Selling Variety, Martinelli, and Blanc

While pondering Kante’s fate, we also found ourselves considering the sale of other players who no longer met our team’s requirements. Variety, once an integral part of our midfield, had lost some of his spark and struggled to make the starting lineup. Similarly, Martinelli’s performances had been inconsistent, leading us to seek alternatives for our attacking front. Additionally, Blanc’s role in our defense had diminished, making his presence less crucial. We contemplated putting these players up for sale, hoping to fetch a fair price and reinvest the funds wisely.

The High Ratings of Vieira and Savage

Discussing the thrilling world of player ratings, we couldn’t help but marvel at the astounding ratings of certain FIFA 23 players. Vieira’s legendary status proved well-deserved as his attributes propelled him to the upper echelons of the game. Savage, on the other hand, surprised us with his remarkable performances, residing in the same rating bracket as Vieira. The debate raged on about which midfield enforcer would truly rule our squad. Eventually, we found ourselves expressing a preference for Savage due to his versatility and playstyle compatibility within our team.

Selling Panda and Tammy: A Matter of Performance

In our pursuit of peak performance, we occasionally encounter players who fail to meet our expectations. Panda and Tammy, although initially promising, couldn’t quite live up to the standards we had set for them. We debated whether it was time to bid farewell to these players and explore alternative options that would better suit our tactics and unlock further success on the virtual pitch.

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Regretting the SBC Submission

Alas, dear readers, here comes the moment of utmost regret. Wavering under the allure of exclusivity, we made the impulsive decision to submit our entire club for a Squad Building Challenge. Crushing waves of remorse crashed upon us as we realized the magnitude of our mistake. The once-thriving team we had diligently crafted now lay in ruins, transformed into measly rewards that paled in comparison to what we had given up. Oh, how we wished we could turn back time and heed the warnings echoing in our minds.

Testing Kante’s Versatility

In an attempt to make the best of our unfortunate situation, we dedicated ourselves to testing Kante’s adaptability in various positions. Despite the initial shock of losing key players, we sought solace in the idea of potentially unlocking untapped potential in Kante’s versatility. Placing him in unfamiliar roles challenged us to reconsider our preconceived notions and explore new possibilities, even in the face of adversity.

Comparing Kante to Savage

As we delved deeper into Kante’s versatility, we couldn’t help but compare him to the ever-reliable Savage. We analyzed their individual contributions, assessed their compatibility within our team, and engaged in heated discussions. Ultimately, our preferences leaned towards Savage, whose playing style and attributes aligned more harmoniously with our tactical choices. The transformative power of adaptability and the never-ending quest for the perfect squad continued to fascinate us.

Speculating on Upcoming 99-Rated Footies Cards

FIFA Ultimate Team’s enchanting cycle of anticipation and excitement wouldn’t be complete without speculating on upcoming promotional events. The tantalizing promise of 99-rated footies cards with good links had us buzzing with excitement. While we couldn’t say for certain who would receive such prestigious recognition, we eagerly shared our predictions and theories, piecing together the puzzle one rumor at a time.


And so, dear readers, our rollercoaster journey through the FIFA Ultimate Team universe comes to an end. We hope our account of submitting our entire club for an SBC has shed light on the possible consequences of impulsive decision-making and the importance of careful evaluation before undertaking drastic actions. Remember, it’s essential to consider not only the potential rewards but also the cost of bidding farewell to cherished players. May your future endeavors on the virtual pitch be filled with triumphs and lessons learned.

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FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Q: Can I recover players submitted for an SBC?

    • A: Unfortunately, once you’ve completed the Squad Building Challenge and submitted your players, they cannot be retrieved.
  2. Q: Is selling high-rated players a good strategy in FIFA 23?

    • A: It depends on your team’s needs and objectives. Selling high-rated players can provide you with the necessary funds to strengthen other areas of your squad, but ensure you weigh the consequences and potential impact on team chemistry.
  3. Q: How can I determine which players to sell in my Ultimate Team?

    • A: Consider factors such as their performance, compatibility with your team’s style of play, and market value. It’s crucial to strike a balance between earning coins and maintaining a strong squad.
  4. Q: Can I trade sold players back into my squad?

    • A: Once you have successfully sold a player, they are permanently removed from your squad. Ensure you are content with your decision before proceeding.
  5. Q: Are there any alternative methods to acquire rare players without risking my entire club?

    • A: Yes! Various FIFA 23 game modes, such as Squad Battles and Division Rivals, offer rewards and player packs that can help you obtain rare and valuable players. Explore these options alongside the transfer market to build your dream team.

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