I Used A FUT Birthday Card On EVERY FIFA!

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► FIFA 22 Champs Challenge Playlist: https://bit.ly/ChampsVids22
► FIFA 22 Draft Challenges Playlist: https://bit.ly/DraftVids22
► FIFA 22 Player Career Playlist: https://bit.ly/MulletMan22
► FIFA 22 Manager Career Playlist: https://bit.ly/MiurasMen22
► FIFA 22 Draft Challenges Playlist: https://bit.ly/RatingTeams22
►All FIFA 22 vids: https://bit.ly/FIFA22Vids

► Other videos I have made, that I think you guys will enjoy!



The 5 BEST Starter Teams to use in FIFA 21

FIFA 21 TOTW 1 Predictions | Ft. Ben Yedder 🙃

ALL FIFA 21 PACK ANIMATION TELLS (Walkout, Boards, etc.)


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Letting a 100k pack choose my FUT Champs team…

These are some of the videos that I will be making for FIFA 21!
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fifa 21 future stars sbc
fifa 21 future stars sbc player review

Some info about my channel:
I pride myself on creating unique and original content, all produced by myself (Danny Aarons). I plan to upload daily FIFA 21 content to Youtube, the content I will be producing on FIFA will be wide and entertaining, for example one day I might upload a fifa pack opening, and the next day I might upload a fifa player review.

For every thumbnail of this series (SHOULD YOU DO THE SBC?) I use the following websites to help with the graphics

I use FIFARosters to get the card of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

I use FootyRenders to get a cut out picture of the footballer of the newly released SBC card or the Objective card (depending on what EA decide to release on FIFA 21 that day)

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#FIFA23 #FUT23 #FIFA23UltimateTeam

Today I'm going to use a foot birthday Card on every FIFA starting from FIFA 15 I'm moving all the way to FEMA 22 and by The end I will have a full birthday team Are you tired of coming against teams That are so much better than yours my Eyes are bleached if so visit you seven By to buy your foot 23 coin they are Cheap fast and reliable make sure you Use my code Danny to get yourself five Percent off so boys the first two years Of foot birthday on FIFA 14 and 15. uh We're basically just celebrated with a Free pack I mean it's better than Nothing A joking but it's not really a Card we can use as you can see in life Here 15 you got one free pack per day I'm saying a world of Make-Believe boys He may have given me this free pack yeah You're all fired and this will be the First player of the team obviously as we Go on it will actually be birthday cards But for now the first player in the team Yeah that's that's that's very great Isn't it cool Jesus Navas is my first Birthday player Oh but as I said let's Fifa 16 is where it actually started and This was the first proper birthday so It's The Seven Year celebration on FIFA 16. and as we can see it boys we've got Like we've got a massive range of Players I mean to start with there's Cristiano Ronaldo and as you can see Boys the whole point of the promo was uh

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International position changes I don't Really know what that means but I assume It's what positions they played Internationally okay Jeff so boys I've Got a big task of only choosing one Player from here which is a little bit Brutal I mean like I'm seeing banging Players like aloe vera or John vertong And you never heard of them no I mean Yeah there's Ronaldo and there's I mean CDM I'm willing to bet David alabra has Never played CDM in his life I know he Played left back and I play center-back CDM I don't think so mate as I said who Remembers Turan what a throwback mate He's probably dead now Um Lads I've got to choose one player I Want to choose Bale but let's be fair Pretty watch every single foot birthday Bale got one so we can save him for Later is it boring if I go Ronaldo yes That's from Fifa 16 I'm going with Cristiano Ronaldo pack pulled by the way [ __ ] Okay boys moving on to FIFA 17 now now This is probably where you are gonna Start remembering some cards or maybe Not maybe you're like 12 and don't Remember any of this if so hello I'm a Nonsense but yeah this was the FIFA 17 Foot birthday Squad I can't lie boys um I didn't play FIFA 17. my first fever Was FIFA 19 I'll be completely honest With you but I'm seeing some cool cars

At Lads if you don't know dumbia Honestly what are you doing watching Fifa YouTube uh we've got players like Fernando Torres Daniel Sturridge Not his arm it's not all my life and Then he came and a bobo Yeah I think I've got some juice you Know what I mean you know when like Celeste gets a promo card adeyemi gets a Promo card higher size Juiced unmapped This is one promo where there was a Barbara They're all ksi's boys Yeah we need to pick one player from This team I can't lie boys I'm thinking For chemistry here and I'm looking at Ashley Cole boring Um would you cry if I go with Ashley Cowell yeah a little bit don't care it's My video boys Ashley Cole's my third Player but Lads We're not gonna move on To the next FIFA yet because in FIFA 17 They also released Squad building Challenges now can't I I'm a little bit Confused because the free spcs they Released were David Luiz Torres and El Shirari which were literally in the team If I'm not being stupid like look Elsewhere Torres and Louise all in the Team maybe they just gave him a better Card I want to choose between one of These three I mean David Louise I Think's retired from football he should To be very awful oops I gotta choose

Between Torres and El shirari I can't Lie boys uh Torres would be cool it's Chemistry again but I want to use El Shawari man we need a cam I'm gonna use El shirari he's got like a really good Inform I believe yeah look at that can You play cam oh we're left wing we'll Rock him left wing who it's alive come Again Boom sorted Stefan Subscribe to the channel if you're new We want two million Subs before the end Of the year so subscribe what are you Waiting for Do it right now the interrogation is Finished let me introduce you to the FIFA 18 for birthday now this will Probably go down as one of the best foot Birthdays I mean all in one team we've Got Ronaldo bail Hazard Di Maria rice Even even like someone like belassi Lads Oh and this florenzi um you not remember When hurlit gang was like a good thing But if you were hurl it gang you were Like bang and now everyone and their Nuns Hull it down plus we've got a task Of choosing one player from this squad I Wish I didn't take Ashley Cole now Because I want to use battle at left Back this is hard to make Geordie Alba Left wing what what he used to play left Wing I know both Jordy ever played left Wing for Valencia please supplies I'm Going off topic here bow Knowledge Bone

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Knowledge I need to use someone here boys no you Know what I spoke about him earlier I'm Using florenzi I remember this card Being like so good back in the day I've Never played this game just stay on Brand or playing Center mid I think our Special card this year no he definitely Does not well uh he looks a little bit Out of place I mean make my right side Stinks that's fine florenzi is a Sentiment he looks The Lads he's aged Quite a bit bless him he looks a little Bit worse for wear now but that's what He also released in FIFA 18 get ready For this boys we could not go video Without opening packs As you can see the foot 18 celebration We have to Squad the end of era Including Kaka so I could just buy taka But they also released repeatable Upgrade sbcs including icon upgrades let Me just say that again Icon upgrades yeah we heard you ladies And gentlemen the next player in my team Will be whoever I pack in this icon pack Come on the boys it's an 89 plus World Cup or prime icon obviously we are Hoping for a prime icon hopefully from The nation Brazil here we go boys let's See let's who the next player in my team Is gonna be please be a private it's a Prime icon give me a big flag My leg

But you know what boys yeah 94 rated Prime garencia yes it's all right it's All right we need a right wing as well Boys that that will do in it that'll do There we go boys that makes the right Side look ten times better very very Happy with that Lads we need five more Players in the team let's move on to my Favorite FIFA of all time FIFA 19. okay Okay boy so this is what the team was Looking like no you know what looking at Me that's genuinely outrageous by the Way imagine we got the exact same Players here this year Griezmann Bale Kulapali and Buffet Salah Van Dyke son Walker and man there's Marshall promise I've got a knife now this is genuinely Outrageous this is probably one of the Best promo selection of all time uh and The cruel thing is I've just gotta pick One player Um is it cheating if I take Van Dyke you Can actually play him Center back I feel Like I've got a playing Striker if I Pick him oh Um there's a Carl Walker Center back Card well that's made my life very easy Boys uh the player I'm picking for FIFA 19 am I allowed to use I forgot about What you did I'll just use Team of the Year Hernandez Instead uh this guy right here the one My mouse is over Um this is him I have no idea how but

Like glow up for the century that's him So that'll be my next player before we Move on to FIFA 20 Lads this was Actually the year of the iconic Objectives where in my opinion uh these Objectives were iconic we have these Three a CDM boatang a right back Savage And a sentiment guarin that's not it Though boys we also got a left-wing Torino a center-back Ibrahimovic and a DM now though um Lads I've got a pick Between one of these six I think I'll be Very very rude not to go with sensor Back Ibrahimovic Lads I am absolutely Spending 3.5 mil to use ibra at sensor Back yep that's all my life is going to We need three more players boys and Conveniently we've got three more fifas FIFA 20 21. can you do something for me I'm 22 right to make my life a little Bit harder uh this is when EA realized They can make a lot more money by doing Two teams so I've now got a pick between Double the players uh but you know what This should be quite easy because the Standout star for this one was mbappe And recently EA have just released they Play them up in Papa SBC it happens to Complete it yesterday and I've not used Them yet so you know what um I'm gonna Play him cam no uh no I'm Gonna Change Formation it's my video I'll do what I Want You're hard showing off there you go

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That's exactly what I'm gonna do love it All right that was nice and easy boys Let's see if FIFA 21 will be as easy go Live I'm eyeing up a goalie if there's Any goalkeepers please let me have them Uh the team one by the way Lads how bad Was this I don't know about you but Looking at this I don't miss any of These players one bit like I've got no Nostalgia apart from when I packed Mendy And there we go gold upgrade get out of My [ __ ] club uh Team two ah there's Still no goalies but there is a Mr Luca Modric uh I'll make that a towel wow wow No boys 100 I'm going Luca Modric no Doubt about it give me that Team of the Year and while I'm here boys let me Quickly get a boot out Thanks very much boys cheers boy We have made it all the way boys to FIFA 22. please Lord tell me there was a Goalie ah there's no goalie there's B Boo but there's no goalie what about Team two yeah My last player of team is gonna be Manuel No here we go then boys that is the Completed team one foot birthday card From every single FIFA all they're gonna Do is play one game with it every goal I Concede will be one player I discard at The end I mean there's a lot of coins on The line so let's play properly okay Let's go oh

Oh for flips oh yeah of course and Papa And drizzinio so original mate oh and Puppy he's quite good to know who would Have thought not me oh we're playing Beautifully oh my life oh shut up Florence are lucky man I'm playing Unbelievably two seconds later Ah yeah fair enough in it all right That's one Discord at the end no no Oh that's another discourages and PayPal Yeah superb a good save actually Um you silly Billy there we go lads Oh please Let's go oh I'm scared I'm scared I'm so Scared to say oh just stop Free discords Yes write him get on his butt now Oh yeah Yeah I've made it so cool aren't you I Genuinely despise the FIFA Community he Thought he was so funny leaving it free Free you're a scumbag mate um boys I'll Just do three discards I suppose here we Go right what I'm gonna do boys is the Old-fashioned way of jumbling up my team And then we'll spin the wheel whatever Position it lands on we will discard Before I spin the wheel make sure you're Leaving a like and subscribing if you Guys are new but let's see the free Players being quick sold today We're gonna start with the right please Be right wing or let you know what

That's completely fine what start boys Right wing is that Jesus Navas I'm Fuming of that boys next up on the Do-lag list Please Lord don't be expensive oh okay Yes yes yes yes yes left Center back Will do That will be 90 rated Neuer that's Surely we can't get lucky three times in A row the last player being quicksole Today boys is gonna be Okay Um rice Center mid is Cristiano Ronaldo And I think I deserve there they are That's in the SBC and they have been Submitted baby watch this Keep this feeling

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About the Author: futhq

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