“I’m SERIOUS!! Open This Pick Before EA Patch it!!”

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We need somebody to djend the pick Instead of the 8425 I know dude I know I Know I know it's only like one of three Though right and it's like all team of The seasons right Dude These are crazy who are you going with Chad son or Alexis these are so clear of The the fodder packs so clear It's gotta Be Alexis right these are actually Insane take Alexis man come on Come on with Alexis you have to bro you Have to you have to take him you have to All right brother good luck hopefully uh Reese James is not in this one I I think it's like the same six players Bro but like four out of six are Insanely good Bro these These are broken I don't know What's going on they're broken though They're broken they're actually broken Uh Sun Alexis Sanchez or come on take This right now unbelievable oh God I'm Already feeling the Rodrigo dupe You know what Chad so we only have Prem Team of the seasons out right now right And then we've got community so the pick Is not broken we've literally just got We just don't have many players Available I don't know that's so crazy Bro he took sun over Alexis no way he Took son chat He had him tradable screw these father Packs

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[Applause] We've got another one chat we've got Another one here we go Guys Veron again the best center back in This game probably outside of maybe Team Of the Year vvd or Lucio right there With them that's crazy again you guys Have to take this man this is crazy like This is actually life-changing you know What I mean For all of you that play nine hours a Day of Rivals with your fight back this Is really life-changing for you Know what I'm saying Oh my God Andreas has got Rodrigo 1.7 Mil on the market he's got Rodrigo claim Your Rodrigo and Veron now everybody It's juice and he's gonna have Vinnie And Rodrigo dude from the best player Pick that was released all year I'm 100 Now taking the pick 100 for me

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