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What is going on guys of course as you Can see we’re looking at a bit of a Different video today we are looking at A foot sniping bot now the reason we’re Looking at this is because right now we Are in the early stages of the game we Don’t even have FIFA to do really proper Sniping and what I do find unfair is That EA releases the game to certain People at this time there are certain YouTubers who already have this game There are certain players who already Have this game and there are certain Just regular people who have been giving This game to play which puts the rest of Us at a lot like some of us can’t even Actually snipe because you’ve got people On Console sniping and you’ve got other People just beating us and I’m on a Laptop guys so it’s so hard to snipe so This does give you an opportunity to Spend a lot less money than you would on Thief points and make a ton of coins now I’ll be honest I’ll probably not really Use a bot throughout the year of FIFA When the game’s out because it’s not Something I tend to do on my own account Once the game is out you guys know it’s A trading Channel but while we’re in This early stage it’s nice to have a Look at and I do support this spot Specifically in terms of the way they Run their their bot because it’s the Most value for money it’s very cheap you

Get a lot out of it and this isn’t Sponsored at all so um if the guys who Are running the bot do see this you’re Free to sponsor me for another video and I’ll run for it more deeply but the Reality is it’s not sponsored at all it Is just me going around on a bot that I Know my brother’s been using he’s making A ton of coins off so I thought I’d have A look and see what it’s all about Obviously I’ve used this one before last Year I had to play around with it Um at one time where I was trying to Make myself a ton of coins for an icon SBC and it’s honestly one of the best Ways to even the playing field because You’ve got to think EA is the only one Who are getting any negative effect from This because yeah you might be beating Other people’s nights but there are tons Of people using this bot so the reality Is there’s going to be people on on Snipes beating people with bots so even The playing field get yourself the bot If you want and it is really one of the Best ones so as you can see it adds a Little section in here for the sniping Bot to your menu now we’ve popped in one Of the filters I’ve been using yesterday Because this is probably the best filter For the bot if you go for the same Filter but the Premier League version You just don’t get as many cards which Is why I like the league one version

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Because you get so many more cards Coming available so we’ve got gold rare Sentiment and League one so a pretty Simple filter and we set the max as 1K Now what you want to do obviously before Putting your filter into the bot you Want to check how much the players are Selling for and then what you want to do Is as you can see here when you scroll Down so we put the whole sort of method In here and then you come back down here You want to put your buy now price in Here as well and then you want to click Sell it using footbin prices now the Reason you do this is because say we get League one Center mids and obviously This is an example we don’t I don’t Really know the price ranges so I’m Going to use a random example it’s Probably wrong but say Um someone’s transferred benietta to Centimet I know that’s not going to have Happened at this point in the game but Just for an example if you get a Benietta at Center mid and you’re Immediately sell them on for one 1.2 K Which is what we’d usually be selling This filter on for you’re going to lose A ton of coins so if you sell by foot Bin prices what it does is the bot Checks the price of the player before Selling them on and then sells them Because obviously you look quinduzzi Bought for a thousand selling for 1 200


Profit 140 so what it does is it checks The flipping price it sells it for what The the price some footbed is and then It tells you your profit on that basis So actually if you look on here that’s a Good example solar we’ve got him there For 700 coins sold him on for 1400 Making a 630 coin profit that actually We only would have made 430 if we sold Him at 1.2 so that cell using football Prices is an insane little bit of this Button what I will say about this part Is Obviously Bots are technically against What what EA would go for for their game But the reality is this spot is the most Positive for Consumer I think the way They’ve done this is incredible and I’ve Used their bot the exact same bottle Year before I’ve had a look at it and They’ve done so much to it so I do Respect that they’re not just taking Money using the same old bot and letting It go kind of like what EA do with the Game so you’ve got to think this you Know this is a company who kind of does Care about the people who are who are Using it and what’s even more insane see This here start telegram control you can Go on your phone at work and turn the Button if your computer’s on it I mean Think if it’s if your computer is on I’ve not tried that section but that’s Absolutely insane so you’ve got your

Premium features here as well and you’ve Got filter rotation so you can add Another filter which is mental and You’ve got multi-varity you’ve got a Load of stuff in here so you can kind of See and and the fill the bot is just Doing its work you can see here we’re Making a ton we’ve made two and a half K Profit over 180 searches to in 10 Minutes now obviously it’s not making 100K an hour but right now we’re on a Web app where it is actually hard to Make 10K an hour it is actually hard to Make any coins because people are really Really good at beating you to slime so Letting this run for a little while is Really only going to benefit you guys so It’s a brilliant little the kind of Feature it’s a brilliant little add-on You can add and like I say it’s a lot Cheaper than if you were to be going and Spending money on Thief points because We all know the value of FIFA points the Actual money you get back out of it is Is next to nothing Um and what is also interesting by the Way guys just before we finish off here Transfer list as you can see is up to a Hundred now this is something we can do I can show you how to do this if you do Want me to show you guys how to increase Your transfer list on the web app to 100 Drop a comment down below but this video Is it’s been interesting to make because

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I’ve obviously just been talking and Running you through this for the last Couple minutes but as you can see we’ve Made more coins and more coins and more Coins as it’s gone on so it’s a it’s a Nice one Um to be doing I’m pretty happy we’ve Got another taliso there as well so I’m Pretty happy to be seeing the the profit In the background it’s nice to know that I might be able to compete with some of Those other people who have a ton of Coins at the start of the game but I Hope you guys have enjoyed and I’ll see You in the next one

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About the Author: futhq

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