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Are you a die-hard FIFA fan? Do you anxiously wait for the latest edition of the game each year? If so, you’re in for a treat! Today, we’re going to delve into the world of FIFA 23 with a rare gameplay video that will blow your mind. Created by the talented YouTuber nickrtfm2, this video showcases some incredible gameplay moments and introduces us to the awesome 99 Trio – a group of players that you simply can’t miss out on this winter. So let’s jump right in and explore all the exciting details!

Rare FIFA 23 Gameplay Video

First and foremost, let’s talk about the rare FIFA 23 gameplay video created by none other than nickrtfm2. This talented content creator has been keeping his viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly waiting for fresh gameplay footage. Apologizing for the lack of gameplay videos recently, he reassures his audience that there’s incredible content to come. And boy, does he deliver!

Introducing the 99 Trio

The 99 Trio consists of three incredibly talented players: Dabi, In Kunku, and Harry Kane. In the video, nickrtfm2 proudly announces that he has successfully completed the daunting task of obtaining a 99-rated version of each of these players. Achieving this feat is no small accomplishment and speaks volumes about his dedication and skills as a FIFA player.


Completing 99 Dabi and 99 In Kunku

One of the highlights of the video is nickrtfm2’s journey to complete 99 Dabi and 99 In Kunku. These players are highly sought after in the FIFA community, and it’s no surprise that they can be quite tricky to acquire. However, our beloved content creator has managed to overcome the odds and now proudly showcases them in his squad.

Also Completed Harry Kane Moments

The excitement doesn’t end there! Apart from completing Dabi and In Kunku, nickrtfm2 has also obtained the coveted Harry Kane Moments card. This version of Kane is an absolute beast on the field, and seeing him make incredible plays in the gameplay video is a treat for all football enthusiasts.

Excited to Try Out the New Players in a Prem Bayern Hybrid Team

With the 99 Trio now in his possession, nickrtfm2 can’t contain his excitement. He reveals his plans to assemble a Premier League and Bayern Munich hybrid team, allowing him to fully showcase the skills of these incredible players. This combination promises to be a force to be reckoned with and will undoubtedly lead to some jaw-dropping gameplay moments.

Randomly Packed Neymar

But wait, there’s more! As if the 99 Trio wasn’t exciting enough, nickrtfm2 also randomly packed none other than Neymar. This unexpected surprise further adds to the star-studded lineup that he’s building. With Neymar’s exceptional dribbling and shooting abilities, he complements the 99 Trio perfectly.

Difficulty in Completing the 92 Squad Due to Lack of Players

Despite all the excitement, nickrtfm2 faces a minor roadblock when attempting to complete the 92 squad. Due to a lack of players, he encounters some challenges and finds it difficult to secure the final pieces to complete his lineup. This hurdle, however, only further demonstrates the dedication and perseverance needed to stand out in the competitive world of FIFA.

Consider Opening More Packs to Complete the Squad

To overcome this obstacle, our talented content creator explores the idea of opening more packs to increase his chances of completing the elusive 92 squad. Although it comes with a degree of risk, the potential reward of obtaining the missing players makes it a tempting proposition. It’s a decision that many avid FIFA players can relate to and adds another layer of suspense to the narrative.


Packed Team of the Season Aussie Monroe

Fate seems to smile upon nickrtfm2 as he manages to pack Team of the Season Aussie Monroe. This valuable addition to his squad makes his lineup even more formidable. The video showcases some delightful gameplay moments featuring this powerhouse player, leaving us eager to witness more of his skills.

Packed Sol Campbell as Well

The surprises keep coming! In addition to Monroe, nickrtfm2 also packs Sol Campbell, a legendary defender known for his strength and exceptional defensive skills. Assembling such an incredible defense is undoubtedly a game-changer and will lead to some thrilling moments as nickrtfm2 takes on formidable opponents.

Considering Submitting All the Players into a Higher-Rated SBC

With a wealth of incredible players at his disposal, our content creator contemplates the possibility of submitting all his players into a higher-rated Squad Building Challenge (SBC). This decision would free up his squad space, allowing him to explore other players and create even more diverse lineups. It’s a calculated risk that could pay off handsomely.

Completed the 85-10 SBC and Got Dabi

Speaking of SBCs, nickrtfm2 shares his success in completing the 85-10 SBC and obtaining yet another version of Dabi. This new addition to his squad adds depth to his options and provides him with more versatility on the field. It’s a testament to his keen eye for opportunities and willingness to explore different gameplay strategies.

Sorting Out the Team and Making Changes to Accommodate New Players

As our content creator continues to build his dream squad, he takes the time to sort out the team and make adjustments to accommodate his new players. This meticulous process ensures that each player’s unique abilities can be fully utilized on the field. It’s a testament to the dedication and attention to detail that nickrtfm2 brings to his gameplay.

Keeping Kane as the Striker, In Kunku as CAM, and Diabi Out Wide

In the gameplay video, we witness the final formation that nickrtfm2 settles on. He positions Kane as the striker, In Kunku as the central attacking midfielder (CAM), and Diabi out wide. This formation maximizes the strengths of each player and promises an offensive powerhouse that will be incredibly difficult for any opponent to handle.

Excited to Try Out the New Team in Gameplay

As the video comes to a close, nickrtfm2 just can’t contain his excitement about trying out his new team in actual gameplay. All the hard work, patience, and strategic decision-making have led to this moment. The stage is set for some intense matches and breathtaking moments that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.



In conclusion, the rare FIFA 23 gameplay video created by nickrtfm2 offers fans a glimpse into the world of competitive FIFA and showcases the incredible 99 Trio – Dabi, In Kunku, and Harry Kane. The video is a testament to the dedication, strategic thinking, and perseverance required to build an exceptional squad in FIFA. With unexpected surprises, challenges, and triumphs along the way, nickrtfm2’s journey captivates viewers and leaves them eagerly awaiting more thrilling content.


  1. How long did it take nickrtfm2 to complete the 99 Trio?

    • Completing the 99 Trio was no easy task and required considerable dedication and effort. It’s a journey that took nickrtfm2 several weeks of grinding and trading to accomplish.
  2. Did nickrtfm2 pack any other top-rated players besides the 99 Trio?

    • Yes, he did! Nickrtfm2 not only packed the 99 Trio but also secured additional star players like Neymar, Team of the Season Aussie Monroe, and Sol Campbell.
  3. What strategies did nickrtfm2 employ to overcome the lack of players for the 92 squad?

    • To overcome the scarcity of players for the 92 squad, nickrtfm2 considered opening more packs to increase his chances of obtaining the missing players. It provided a risk-reward scenario that added an extra layer of excitement to his FIFA journey.
  4. Will nickrtfm2 use the 99 Trio in his Premier League and Bayern Munich hybrid team?

    • Absolutely! The 99 Trio is the centerpiece of nickrtfm2’s Premier League and Bayern Munich hybrid team. He’s excited to unleash these incredible players and witness their chemistry on the field.
  5. What can viewers expect from nickrtfm2’s future FIFA 23 gameplay videos?

    • Fans can expect more exciting gameplay videos from nickrtfm2, featuring extraordinary skills, dramatic moments, and innovative strategies. Stay tuned for some captivating content that will leave you craving for more!

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