Is EA Really No Longer Doing This Anymore?

I am excited to delve into the pressing question: Is EA truly no longer pursuing this avenue? Let’s uncover the truth together in this blog post.

Is EA Really No Longer Doing This Anymore?


Well, well, well, fellow gamers! Today, I dive into the whirlpool of emotions stirred by none other than Nick Clips’ latest video. Buckle up, grab your controllers, and let’s dissect the juicy details of EA’s latest offerings. Are we in for a rollercoaster ride of surprises and disappointments? Hold onto your hats, folks.
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The Latest FIFA 23 Ultimate Team Updates

  • The much-anticipated FIFA 23 Ultimate Team updates have rolled in like a storm. Excitement tingles in the air as we await the unveiling of the new player picks and league upgrades.

Disappointed News: No League Upgrades Today?

  • Alas, the clouds of disappointment loom as we realize that the league upgrades are nowhere in sight today. The void left by this absence weighs heavy on our FIFA-loving hearts.

The Wild 847 Squad Rating Returns

  • The 847 squad rating makes its grand return, towering at a jaw-dropping 91. Brace yourselves, gamers; we’re in for a wild ride with this one.

Speculation Arises: Could Upgrades Arrive Later?

  • With no upgrades in sight today, the stirring cauldron of speculation bubbles. Could EA be saving the best for last? The mystery deepens.

Previous Disappointments: Last Week’s Player Picks

  • Reflecting on last week’s 80+ player picks, disappointment lingers in my mind. Will this week bring redemption or further heartbreak? Only time will tell.

Ben White: Not Bad At All

  • Amidst the sea of player picks, Ben White emerges as a shining beacon. The 85+ options bring a glimmer of hope, a silver lining in the stormy skies of FIFA choices.
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Kelly’s Stats and Price: A Delicate Balance

  • Turning our attention to Kelly’s stats and price, I find myself caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Is the hefty price justified by her stellar performance on the virtual pitch?

Hopeful Anticipation: Better Picks on the Horizon?

  • As we brace for the unveiling of the new player picks, a spark of hope ignites within me. Will this week’s selections surpass the disappointments of the past? Stay tuned.

Fading Excitement: No League Upgrades Today

  • The surge of anticipation for league upgrades falters as reality sinks in. The absence of this much-awaited feature casts a shadow over our FIFA adventures.

Remembering Past Glories: Significant Improvements in Player Picks

  • Recalling the significant improvements in past player picks, I wistfully reminisce about the golden days of FIFA choices. Will we ever see a return to those glory days?

Kelly’s In-Game Performance: A Beacon of Light

  • Despite my reservations about Kelly’s price tag, her in-game performance shines brightly on the virtual pitch. Sometimes, exceptional gameplay is worth every virtual penny.
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Fading Hopes: Two League Upgrades in a Row?

  • The thrill of potentially receiving two league upgrades in a row dwindles as the reality of today’s update settles in. Will our hopes be dashed, or is there a surprise lurking around the corner?


In conclusion, the rollercoaster of emotions induced by Nick Clips’ latest video leaves us questioning EA’s decisions. The highs and lows of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team updates remind us that in the ever-evolving world of gaming, surprises and disappointments go hand in hand. As we await the next wave of updates, one thing remains certain: the game is always on.

FAQs After The Conclusion

  1. Are league upgrades a thing of the past in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?
  2. Will EA address the fans’ disappointment over the lack of league upgrades in recent updates?
  3. What factors influence the pricing of players like Kelly in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team?
  4. Is there a pattern to EA’s release of player picks, or is it all random?
  5. How do gamers cope with the constant highs and lows of FIFA updates?

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