Is This NEW Level Up SBC Glitched? Discover the Unexpected Twist!

In this blog post, the unexpected twist of the new level up SBC glitch is unveiled. He/she will guide you through the intricacies of this glitch and shed light on whether it truly lives up to its name. Stay tuned as they delve into the details and uncover the mysteries behind this puzzling phenomenon. Get ready to be amazed by the twists and turns that await you!


In the fast-paced world of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team, one thing remains constant: the quest for top-rated players. Recently, a video created by Nick Clips has caused quite a stir amongst avid FIFA players. It introduces a new Level Up player pick that promises an exciting twist. However, players have discovered an unexpected glitch that has left them questioning whether this SBC is truly worth it. Join us as we dive into this intriguing topic and uncover the surprising turn of events.

The Level Up Player Pick in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team

The Level Up Player Pick in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team has captured the attention of players worldwide. With a requirement of 88.87 rating, it seemed like a promising opportunity to secure highly-rated players. The community was abuzz with speculation about EA releasing this SBC. Many anticipated the potential rewards and were excited about the prospect of strengthening their team.

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The Glitch and Speculation

However, players soon realized that the Level Up player pick did not provide the anticipated upgraded versions of the players. This glitch left many disappointed, questioning the purpose of completing 30 games of the Level Up SPC. Was it all in vain? Would there be compensation from EA for those who invested their time and resources into completing the SBC?

The Unexpected Twist

Despite the glitch, there was still an element of surprise surrounding the Level Up SPC. Players were astonished to find that they could redo the SBC every day. This unexpected twist created a dilemma for many. Should they continue to open the player pick, even without the promised upgrades? Or should they wait for potential compensation before proceeding further?

Potential Compensation and Uncertainty

Discussions within the FIFA community started buzzing about potential compensation from EA for those who completed the Level Up SPC. Would EA acknowledge the glitch and provide players with appropriate rewards? The uncertain outcome left players in a state of flux, unsure of what to expect. Some suggested opening the player pick regardless of compensation, hoping for the top version. Others held off, waiting for clarity on the situation.

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The Waiting Game

One aspect that added to the uncertainty was the wait time for the second player pick. With the glitch in effect, players were left wondering how long it would take to receive another pick. Would it be days, weeks, or even longer before they had another shot at securing the leveled up version of the players they desired? The waiting game intensified the anticipation and frustration among the FIFA community.

Recommendation and Conclusion

In light of the unexpected glitch and speculation surrounding compensation, it is advisable to wait for EA to address the situation and potentially redo the Level Up SPC. Patience is key, as rushing into the player pick without clarity on the glitch and compensation may result in disappointment. Until then, FIFA players can focus on other aspects of the game while keeping an eye on EA’s response.

In conclusion, the Level Up SBC in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team has created both excitement and disappointment among players. The unexpected twist of the glitch has thrown many off guard, and the speculation surrounding compensation only adds to the confusion. It is essential to stay informed and wait for EA’s official response before proceeding further. FIFA players must navigate this unexpected turn of events strategically to ensure they make the most of their gaming experience.

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  1. Will EA compensate players who completed the Level Up SPC?
  2. Are the players in the Level Up player pick upgraded versions?
  3. Can the Level Up SBC be completed multiple times?
  4. What are the potential rewards of the Level Up player pick?
  5. How long will it take to receive the second player pick after completing the Level Up SPC?

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