MD6 Rewards & World Cup Final Prep! – Sorare to Glory Ep 7

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Craig Douglas

#PlayToEarn #NFT #SoRare

What's up guys nepenthes here and Welcome back to another so rare Road to Glory video match day six is over France And Argentina are in the World Cup final With uh Croatia and Morocco fighting it Out in the World Cup third place a Playoff and we have got rewards from Match day six how was my match day six Well I tell you what it wasn't bad we Finished top 10 000 in the global cup Which I believe Oh I think it was it top 7000 for the uh Top five thousand for the tier three Limited but we are gonna get a tier one National series and a tier one national Series common which is very nice another Nft Into the pool but overall guys we are in The top 40 000 which is amazing when we Look at the leaderboards as well we're Not just in the top 40 000. We are in the top 40 000. we're Currently fifteen thousand seven Hundredth which means it's very possible If we have a good match day seven to Finish in a top 14 000 and hit that tier Two limited which would be amazing I Don't think we can hit Top 4 200. uh the Team that we picked up did really well Maurice Hernandez and Messi doing Brilliantly Fernandez and mbappe not so Much I at the last moment I swapped out Enzo Fernandez for sure Mani because she Remaining is training on Friday

And so I got worried that he wasn't Going to play in the game he did play he Got more points in Enzo it would have Been nice but hey ho it's not the end of The world so here are the rewards guys We've earned two rewards we've got our Tier one common which is gonna be Argentina midfielder Atletico Madrid hey it's Rodrigo de Paul Not a bad one to get and then we've also Got our tier one national series Argentina midfielder I thought it was Gonna be Atletico Madrid again it's Guido Rodriguez It's not a great cereal which is Unfortunate I thought we would have made A bit better than that I can't lie Um If we can uh Go and have a look And now a card has been added to Argentina collection If we click on Guido Rodriguez his last Sales 83p five hours ago was that a good Cereal though yeah 400. 52p two hours Ago so it's another 52p in the bank with Uh with moani who obviously scored for France Um yesterday he's selling like one pound 67 there was that a good cereal yeah 466 But for the lower cereals Um about like one pound so we've got About three pounds worth of

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Like the Collectibles at the moment Once we get The top 40 000 rewards should we get it Whatever that comma may be it's going to Be time to sell up see how much Heath We've got and then start the the trading The investing the the the rotating Players to try and get into the tradable Divisions whilst playing the common Divisions now I've also been playing NBA A little bit on here With the free to play and uh in beginner Two here It's not going to be easy but I'm only About 15 points away from the top 100 Rewards we're 247th if Leonard can get Like quite literally about like 65 Points I could get a reward which isn't Impossible because as you can see here Steph Curry got 69 points but 65 70 is Like the really upper echelon where People get points from but that's a Valiant effort effort all together uh And you know Commentator 2 is still going to be quite Nice Uh which would be good and then in Common Champion which also has top 1000 Getting a uh a reward we're nowhere near This one unfortunately Ingram didn't Play the last game I need Ingram to play Score well and Carter to score massive To have any chance and then common

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Contender doesn't give a trade War Reward and nor does common No Cap so Either way on those doesn't really Matter but what are we gonna set up guys For the upcoming match day what are we Gonna do about match day seven how are We going to perform what team are we Going to play of course it's France Versus Argentina So the question we have is Who do I think is going to win And I honestly don't know it's up in the Air it's a 50 50. we're going to have Them back a messy up front it just has To be the way The Midfield we've again got that choice Of either Enzo or shermani I think they Are the two logical choices I I feel like shermani could potentially Do more because he's good defensively But Enzo definitely has that ability to Get a decisive And then in defense we've got either Marcos or cunha or Terry Hernandez Hernandez just has to be in the team and Then in goal again it's like who do you Pick it is literally 50 50 I am going to Go with Hugo Larice now I could go over Lavakovich obviously Um and it is it might not be a bad shout Against Morocco but Morocco are a Dangerous team so I don't know uh but we Are going to go with this Five Guys Um and that is that will signify the end

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Of the global cup and I'll be excited to See what we can do in the free-to-play Team post World Cup but yeah guys that Is going to be the end for today thank You very much for watching hopefully you Guys are doing well actually before we Get out here let's look at my private Leagues so In my my personal Global cup I'm 1300 here Isn't bad some of these guys right 22 35 22 13 for two of them 21.72 21 49 21 48 I think all of these guys are like on For a massive reward in the um the Overall standings but that is going to Be the end guys hopefully you guys are Doing well hopefully you guys are Winning rewards and enjoying so rare and I'll see you next time I'm out peace

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