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Okay what’s going on boys no guys here Welcome back to the weekly tactics Update we’re gonna go through the meta Tactics as usual we’ve got some new Additions as I mentioned to you I want You to try new stuff out so you can find Stuff that fits your playstyle so Although my tattoos will help you get Those extra couple of wins you want to Get that extra one or two that can help You push you to that rank one for your Play style and we start off with the Four two three one in the defensive slot Now this is where the four two one four Two three one will typically be if You’re used to using that formation you Can put that here but I want you to try This five for one a lot of Pros have Been using this formation I think text Made a video on it and it’s a very good Defensive formation to close the game And lock the game out it’s very very Useful formation even against pressure We then have the four three one two as I Mentioned the narrow attacking option The one that we mentioned again here you Can still use the four four one two one Two anything of that nature then we have The fourth three three Fifth Third race Which I want to go through in a second This is a new formation that I released Yesterday I again this is more for Possession style players but you can Typically just go for the regular 352 so

I want you to use these tactics and if You don’t like them then replace them What I said but just give them a go for One weekend League don’t worry too much About one or two weekend licks there’s Nothing really at stake now in rewards So that’s kind of my take on that and Then we have the classic 424 so let’s Get it started so the five for one is The most um this is the formation to use To purely close the game out so you’ll Typically go to this formation to lock The game out solid and we got balanced Width 35 depth depth is 40. we don’t Want to keep this any lower the reason Why is this back line Um there’s a massive gap between I’ll Say your Midfield four and your back Five if your depth is too low that Gap Actually becomes greater when someone Does like an L1 trigger and a driven Pass so you don’t want to make it too Low and equally not too high so a very Balanced approach actually makes it a Bit more structurally more defensive Slow build up play good for anti-team Press and gives you passing options Available we’ve gone with possession the Final third in the attention to close Out the game and to pass the ball in Retain position in the final third 70 Width to be as wide as possible again Very important in possession against the Press and calling its own free kicks on

One and plays in the Box we left this on Four but feel free to reduce this down To one if you’re talking about locking Their game out and then we go over to The instructions stay Central come back And defense false nine you ideally want To play a neymar-esque player so what I Will do is if I had so this is my team I’ll show you exactly how I would do it So what you can do is you can drag one Of your cdms I got Valverde so it’s fine You can move something like this and That way you do have the the balance and What I’ll do is I’ll just put Rodrigo Then and I just put someone like a Bape Or something like that it’s not the end Of the world Um but that’s the way that I’ve done it Or of course you can always put pep in a Left back but I recommend just for the Back Vibe use a traditional back five Line if you really don’t have any Options just drop one of your cdms into Midfield if you’re playing a four two Three one and then you can play one CDM And one attacker you can just sub one Then the left mid to right middle then Come back in the fence Um stay wide very very important Um so they’re wide as possible they’re Going to be Outlet Players Edge of the Box both Center mids cover Center still Attacking to the edge of the Box Lacrosse

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Um right back stay back conservative Overlap for both And the back three just balance default As usual same with the goalkeeper again This is not the formation you would Start the game with this is for example If you are winning so let’s say you’re Winning two nil you’re feeling the Pressure then you’ll use this if you do Want to get better at FIFA 23 I do have A FIFA score series but just before you Skip ahead what if I told you if you Don’t get better after one month I’ll Refund your money I can say that because I’ve been running my paid advance in That b for school series successfully For many years and thousands of others Have joined already and still stay on This is for all levels of those that Want to improve on FIFA and you won’t Find these videos on my YouTube channel These videos on a progressive systematic Learning System that teaches you Everything from the core mechanics of FIFA to The Meta so you can get better At FIFA as a whole not just this game With examples and explanations that go Beyond the scope of the YouTube videos With new videos coming out every single Week these videos also adjust the recent Updates and patches so you can stay up To date so come join thousands of others In a mature audience Community for those Looking to get better

Guys link is down below in the Description now when you join me already Have a library of hundreds of videos That are specifically made for both New Gen and Ogen with new videos and fifa23 Getting added every single week we also Have an additional group coaching as Well that we started this year due to High demand and higher request and don’t Forget guys it’s the money back Guarantee so if you don’t get bet after One month I’ll refund your money that is The nil guides guarantee anyway link is Down below in the description nail guides but anyway back To the video then when you move over to The three four uh four three one two Um this is a narrow formation slot I’m Just copying Paces I’ve already Explained these tactics last week but This is a the formation that you’ll Typically start the game with very very Narrow very attacking down the middle Quite centrally Um press never touch moderate width with Just a bit not too much heavy on the Stamina so you’ve got pressure no touch You can use balanced here as well Longboard DP 45 and seven players the Box works with both old Jenna in and Then these are the instructions I’ve Already mentioned these already so I’m Not going to go through this again like I did last week but just feel free to


Just copy and paste these you can just Pause this people always ask how do I do It you can literally just pause this Video and copy and paste these tactics As simple as that left back in my box on Stay back conservative and overlap and Again this would be the formation to use To start the game with again you can Always change this to balanced if you do Feel this to be maybe a bit too Attacking for your playstyle but Definitely is one the better narrow Formations up there probably better than A four one two one two second version Because you have a set to Mid bit more Easy to recycle the ball And of course it’s very similar to the Four three two one as well Um except for this is more of a narrow Structure with two Strikers as opposed To additional three so better for the Link I’ll play with the cam then we go To the new formation that I mentioned Yesterday I specifically mentioned in that video How to fine-tune that formation For those that skip to the tactics you Probably didn’t understand it Um but you can just copy if you just if You’re in a rush yesterday you don’t Have time you can just copy and paste These ones these are the ones that I’m Using you can use pressure on heavy Touch with this one if you want to or

Press odds position loss and you can do That just bear in mind that you can also Use this instead of the four three one Two to start the game with but this Would be alternative formation the Downside with this one is that this is More possession based So in theory this Should be over here and this should be Over there but because we normally have The the narrow slots over here and The Wider slots over here wider formations At the 442s here I have naturally kept It in that system just to avoid Confusion but this would be in theory More attacking because you’ve got two Strikers and a cam whereas this is more For a possession style of play Um again the instructions just copy and Paste these come back in the fence to Get into the box or cross above the left Wing and the right wing and get in Behind for both of those players is for The central Striker we’ve got them on Stay Central stay forward and get it Behind you can lead us on balance but Personally speaking I like leaving that Player on getting behind and what I will Do as I mentioned is I will just move For example someone like Neymar Who can play that role you want someone That’s agile over here you can get away With Ronaldo but ideally someone who’s Agile Serium cut passing Lanes cover Center

Stir It While attacking and this is my Personal preference for the center mids So I always have the most attacking so a Second Striker or Winger in the lesson Image lot just personally speaking get Forward again to the box cover Center He’s the most attacked player the idea Is he’s gonna basically recreate that Second strike option Um when we have the ball going forward So in in effect you can argue some sort Of four two four or four four two and Then the other Center mid I leave them On balanced get into the box of cross And cover Center if you have for example A high high work rate a high high it’s Ideal to leave them on balanced or high Medium I would say or even sometimes media Medium does work pretty well but hi-hat I think it’s perfect for this role we’ve Got them again to the box for a cross And then we have the one CDM that sits So typically speaking if you would like To think about it think of this like Rodrigo’s going here you’ve got a left Mid right mid two Strikers and then you Got one CDM sitting and one sentiment Just in front so think about it that way Don’t forget we have a narrow um attack But the formation is still going to be Playing wide so don’t think all 20 20 Width almost mean they’re like in a Straight line very very narrow it


Doesn’t work like that as I mentioned Every formation has its own actual Radius for width left back in my back Stay back conservative overlap I do not Use them on balanced again I just Trigger them manually if I need to with The L1 button or the L B if you are on Xbox and that’s the way that I use those Players as well and the center backs on Default and the goalkeeper is on Balanced Then we move over to the four to four The Comeback formation nothing has Really changed here just uh it’s a few Things Um there’s one thing I I would say that You can change uh so constant pressure First put up play um this is just to be High of the pitches this is if you’re Losing one or two nil this is the Comeback formation constant pressure Get the ball back fast forward play Forward runs 40 width so just basically A 4-4 to come back formation the thing That I would say that you can change if Some people are saying to me that um They’re struggling with both the center Mids on stay forward you can only run Them on stay back But if you’re losing inside the game and You want to come back you ideally want Both of these players to get forward so What I will do for example is I would Move for example someone like tekatito

There And then I’ll put Viera and Godfrey Together and Center back that’s the way That I would do it personally speaking Something of that nature so I have two Attacking Center mids and I dropped Vieira in deep as well but again you can Always put one of these players on stay Back if you want to but again just copy And paste these we’ve already gone Through this a million times but uh just Copy and paste these are just to come Back for me as that you defend together In a 4-4-2 and you defend together in a Unit and then when you win the ball back You pounce forward and of course if your Opponent is wasting time holding Possession you can then press and in Case you’re wondering um the tactics um The 541 this actually released early on My newsletter and Link is down below in The description if you want to join my Newsletter it’s completely free to sign Up but I’ll send you an email every two Weeks or so every month or some new Tactics and some meta tips and if you do Want to get better at before you can Come to my people School series link is down below in the Description as well or in a comment Section and you can click on this link Over here if you don’t give it up to one Month I’ll refund to your money anyways Thanks for watching take it easy of

Course I’ll catch you next time peace Out

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About the Author: futhq

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