My Global Cup MD7 & Overall Rewards!

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Sorare Road to Glory Episode 9

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another episode of the So rare Road to Glory the World Cup is Over the global cup is over and it is Rewards day I hope you guys had a Phenomenal Global cup I did superbly uh If I do say so myself on an account that Was mostly Geared for post World Cup I Know that sounds weird because of what You could have made from the World Cup But I'm thinking long term and before we Get into this video if you guys want to Sign up to so rare there is a link down Below it will still get you invited into The private League that I've got going On guys so we've got the All-Star Limited League now I haven't actually Set it up properly but you can come and Join that I'm going to set the rules for That just before the first major game Week uh December 26th game week Um and uh yeah use a link down below and Of course also using that link if you Buy five limited you'll get a free Limited upon your purchases so it is Rewards day And because it's rewards day it's time To find out what we got For our Global cup rewards let's jump Straight into it and see how it went I Have a casual team in there Well I've got no games on any of them Literally nothing The rewards the daily reward what

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Oh We've got another 23 here anywhere no I'll take a cheeky Kayla Navas Written in the style isn't it Saucy Pedro Artman McNamara Angelino or Bell I'll go With uh I'll go Saucy Pedro he gets first team Action And then Two rewards might be more yeah four Rewards I'm excited A tier two a tier three a star common That we'll start with French forward Leon black is it how is that a star And then we get our Global cup I think This is a star as well come on bless me French Midfielder Real Madrid it's a really in Sugar mini Oh damn look at that serial numbers 1435 That's poor we get ourselves guys the T3 Limited of course these are tradable Which is a great start to our journey A great start French goddamn Defender I'm gonna put out full French team Greencamp Stephen Kemper And we also get what French player are We going to get here English midfielder Billingham oh Coventry

Jamie Allen Number number 125 okay so what are those Players that's the question What are those cards They are not in our portfolio just yet Here we go so we get Alex lacazette we Get Stephen Kemper Lost sale price 74 Pence 77 Pence one day ago We get aurelian sure many Last sale price one pound forty five That was also for a bronze cereal And then Jamie Allen Good scorer here to be fair oh damn That's 15 pounds public offer Well I'm gonna be selling him When I can This this is brilliant this is brilliant For The upcoming game weeks not necessarily This week because there's not a lot Going on here But eventually for casual and Academy Novice And what's the new one that was there Wasn't no one that was there for like One common Six no Your mix Man that is I'm really really happy with That yeah kickoff limited where's that Is in limited No there's no kickoff there at the Moment

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But when kickoff limited appears I'll have that ability Which is nice And with with being able to sell him for Around 15 pounds good old Jamie Allen I'll be able to keep all the other guys Hey Kemper what's his L5 didn't play in N4 pretty Port looks like a sub score to Be fair Oh man that's amazing That is amazing I'm genuinely really happy with that hey Guys I have listed up JB Allen Unfortunately his price has come down Massively Um from the 12 pound 30 well from the 20 Pounds or so that he was selling at or 15 pounds the last couple of days 20 Pound was his lowest bin I guess a lot Of people got him as a reward and so That's pushed his price down a little Bit he is still selling for 11 pound 52 11 pound 53 so I'm just gonna hold mine There at 12 pound 33 is in the match day Draws closer so I anticipate a sale or At least some offers and that will start Us on our journey of being able to buy Some players and I will take you guys Through every step of every decision why I buy players how much I buy them for How much I sell them for where they're Going to be impactful but as I said I Don't think we're going to be really Focusing on too too much until

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Um game week 331 the 24th to the whatever the what's The day going to be the 24th or the 23rd Sorry beg your pardon uh until the 27th That's when it's back to normal for Normal game weeks so we're gonna have a Few days of no content from today's Video Until then so thank you guys for Watching hope you enjoyed it and I'll See you next time I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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