My Matchday 1 RARE Rewards & Global Cup Finish!

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Craig Douglas

#PlayToEarn #NFT #SoRare

What's up guys and the Panthers here and Welcome back to another so rare video It's rewards day it's match day two it's All kicking off there's loads going on And we have got ourselves six rewards From the match day one and how good were They well let's be real they weren't Great right I didn't have the best match Day but we at least got some things uh We started with All-Star limited and All-Star limited actually kicked off in Sensational form for me I would say Cairo picked up 83.8 Reuben Vezzo was on 97 points at one stage in the game then They conceded In the 95th minute which obviously cost Him 14 points lost a clean sheet and the Goal conceded and he was on like 82 Points I was all right with that 82.5 Back he won the penalty is great and Then overnight he lost 10 more points he Lost two tackles and with that double Double And so he finished on 72 points and then Davidson got a goal in a three-nil win So I was waiting on matis Vargas and fan Marita to do this unfortunately Fran Reader went off injured in the 55th Minute he wasn't really having a great Game anyway and Vargas got 52 points in A 2-1 loss uh wulay scored again and I've been really interested to Potentially pick up roulet Um I know there's like not a huge amount

Of games left in the CSL Right he's way too good for the league In my opinion and uh you know he Obviously was playing at espanol playing In La Liga and doing all right maybe not This season but definitely the season Before he was scoring some goals and so I think he's just too good for the Chinese league and One of those guys I I feel would just be An asset to have Um maybe he's not going to be getting The hundreds that Davidson's getting but I think he'll be an asset so I might go And pick him up at some stage or another But we still finished 190th which is Spectacular All-Star rare again Jose Caro started off really well Davidson Did really good Lynn just didn't do very Good uh you know I don't know what's Going on with him these days Um since I bought him and man when you Look at Price I paid for him versus what he's Worth now I paid 1.4 Heath also 1.7 K he Last sold for just 600 pounds I've lost Like 60 on uh blind Which is pain man it's pain however I Still believe in him you know he's only 32 years old he's still got a lot of Football left in him Opinion did okay in a three-nil win but I I bought Pina as a bit of a risk uh Peanut I bought him just just off the

Back of like these good games and I did Also I had in the back of my mind he's Going to be one of those players that Goes either way he's going to be one of Those players that continues to excel But of course he's 35 so he's also Potentially one of those players that Completely drops the ball and doesn't Continue to excel so he's getting like All right scores but not good enough and Nothing major so I have picked up two Two new guys as well to kind of replace Opinion at all oh sorry there that's Amazing Oh you beautiful beautiful people Um But yeah uh what did I pay for him Like 200 something I think 160 and he sold eight days ago for 130s Floor price now is 117 so you know it's Not the end of the world but uh Oh wow I've just ruined my own reward For me there it looks like I've got Postures then guys Um but uh we end up finished 106th which Isn't the end of the world it could have Been so much better especially if Thomas Party did better he actually had 42 Points at the end of the game What did they remove from him I don't know what they removed from him But he was He's had a jewel lost removed Maybe he had a tackle or an interception

Removed I don't know but he was on 40 Points Um I know it was against Portugal it was Always going to be tough if Thomas party Just did basically anything good you Know look at that we're nine points away From a tier two with 50 points away from That tier one I didn't need much I just Needed something from Thomas party Just showing up was good enough to get Us a road so we're happy with that my Global cup was an absolute nightmare Right an absolute nightmare Um Joshua kimmich 61.4 Messi 81.9 Cancelo with conceding the two goals Cost him almost 20 points Laurie's Conceding the goal cost in the clean Sheet musiala doing terrible for Germany Didn't go well my Global cup so uh there We go Um we then have international special Sif when tested bad lower Mr penalty Germany couldn't keep the clean sheet Messi did all right for us I don't know If we even get a reward from this no we Don't Um and then the international special Rail was always going to be bad because Uh lafon and hatate obviously won't be Playing Um so what what signings did I make Actually one of my signings I think has Just got either a goal or an assist he's

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Got a goal uh so of the Of the signings that I have just made Where's my gallery here Where's my transactions here is it going To give me all of my rewards here They're going to ruin everything no so I Went and bought uh Peter Zulus and I Also bought romulo now bought Peter's Almost akin to Pina right In the last two games he's got four Decisives an 80 pointer and a 100 Pointer brilliant Prior to that he's not really played Much since being at Chang Chun but prior To that he was in the Turkish League and He's actually played and done really Well at uh like like second tier European leagues so he was playing for Andelect uh in 2019 and doing well you Know didn't get too much game time here Got an assist there but then started Getting 90 minutes for anderlect got Assists here and there and electoral Obviously a very good team He got called up to the Austrian National team and sat on the bench for Two games continued to play for andeles Before and then two more uh National National call-ups there uh before kind Of getting dropped and moving to gotch Tepe who are obviously the Turkish team Watch Tepe I don't know what happened to Him maybe his injuries maybe it's his Attitude I don't know but

Um he was in and out of the team didn't Really succeed too much then he went to Istanbul here where again he was just in And out of the team and didn't really Succeed too much I'm hoping that like obviously there's Something going on with the fact that He's getting in and out of the team and This was definitely a punt from me like And listen this might ruin a lineup that We're gonna have for this upcoming week But I picked him up there for 95 pounds He like Pina is going to be a guy that Either goes off and starts hitting 80 90 100 points a game or goes and continues This sort of like 20 to 40 points per Game Um Like set up basically hopefully the Former the other player that I bought And I feel like I overspent on romulo And you can see there the last sale Prior was 5 30. I paid 744 and even Further back behind that we're at 357 And romulo is destroying at the Chinese League and today I believe he's just Been subbed off but today he's got Another 89 points a goal and an assist Um and there you go uh zunji now has Come on for romulo Um but yeah a goal and an assist for him On 88.8 points Is he he I don't I don't know who romulo Is I can't even lie but he's just way

Too good for this team right so even Though I paid like 700 for him and he's Only got what one two three four five Six games left after the um oh no seven Because this game is not part of it so He's got seven games left if even if he Continues this form here brilliant if he Continues this form here even better Still but this man is on form he is on Fire and that's why I bought him because Opinion just wasn't cutting the mustard And I wanted somebody who was in form And doing well and romulo was definitely That guy so for this game week Um I'll just show you my uh lineups real Quick right here all star limited we've Got Caro and goal again Vezzo in defense Again Marina Vargas and Davidson again Now Marita went off injured obviously in That first game I had a look I can't I Couldn't find any news if he was Actually injured or not so he is a dnp Risk Um and if that's the case that's the Case I didn't have anyone else available My All-Star red is in a great spot we've Obviously started really well romulo Getting two decisives Davidson and zunge Are also potential decisive Kings with Like 80 90 plus points Jose Caro for Burgos Man he will concede the goal eventually Since I bought him but let's hope he Keeps a clean sheet and then blend

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Against Ecuador I'm really really Hopeful that blynn does well because if Blin does well I actually have the faith that this team Has the potential to hit me that Podium That first place or at the very least That star and obviously the Stars don't Need to Podium anyway but I genuinely Believe that this one has the potential To give me what I need uh and to get me That big big reward we've then got an All-Star rare pro team this one is a bit Of a hit and miss Martinez since he got injured hasn't Managed to get himself back into the Team so he got injured here in this game Against turnana Um he was had a shoulder issue and so That was the injury and so he didn't Play against uh brescia he then got on The bench against Regina and I thought Okay maybe he's still harboring that Shoulder injury but he's all right if He's like needed to come on but then Against Como he didn't come on either he Didn't play so I'm a bit concerned even Though he's a low knee Um from Salzburg no from Uh Leipzig Um even though he's at low knee no he's From Salzburg yeah uh no he's from light Smoke leipziger from Leipzig even though He's the Loney And he's there for one season to gain

Experience I'm just concerned that he doesn't play Again so Um lovren should start should do well Class and I'm hoping will start after Coming on for the Netherlands and Scoring a goal in the last game or Hopefully he gets his start against Ecuador Pinya again be over here miss Players we've discussed and then Jose Calaon Um finally bagged for Granada in the Last game has been a bit hit and miss But again another player I think is just Too good for the Spanish second division Uh even at 35 so Um hopefully he'll do well so that's a Bit of a punter's team in all star Pro And then Underdog limited is also a bit Of a punter's team Um some of these guys don't play if they Don't play well I don't know if the Young's gonna start Underdog rare tetto Should play and start party should play And start Otero should play and start AB car he came off injured uh in the Prior game uh in this game he came off In a 45 minute 45th minute Um where is he there you go injured so I Don't know how bad that injury is again I can't find any news on it I don't know If he's going to be back ready to play Says he's no known injury or suspension Uh whether or not he's actually gonna be

Able to play only time will tell but That's my lineups for this upcoming week And of course we do have Um Our Global cup locked in again so if we Have a look at the live Global cup there Messy musiala kimmich cancello and Laurice and we've also got the International special uh which has got Noya sule messy lever again and Sifuentes and then we've also got our International special rare now of these Five it's very possible the Four of them play hersal obviously won't But Laurier started for Canada in the First game I feel like Enzo could potentially start Against Mexico of Argentina being all Over the place right now vas against France I feel like is a good good Mark But he did I don't think he got on the Field or maybe got 20 a few minutes in The first game and Jonathan David should Should start for uh Canada against Croatia so you know again we're not Looking for miracles here but Hopefully hopefully these guys start so With that being said guys let's see our Rewards uh we've got six Rewards We've got a tier three rare a tier two Limited a tier two common we've got the Upper ethereum uh Echelon which is just Always nice uh we've got a tier three Common and a tier two common from

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International specials so let's open These ones first because these are the Uh the new style cards right it's a Moroccan midfielder from is that Emperley we've got Abdel Hamid sabiri And that is a rare Midfielder that's real cool And obviously this one will be limited Which I think is green so it's a Croatian forwards From is that hoffenheim we get Crema wow Wait is that rare Oh no that's Is that common I'm confused Why is That looks like it's a common so it Might not be an nft This one must be my rare cards Uh We've then got a tier three call a Tier two coming to beg your pardon This is Portuguese Defender And Porto's gonna be Pepe isn't it it's Gonna be Pepe I don't mind that for my Uh national series common card yeah this Is an nft That's very interesting we've got Ourselves a tier two limited from All Star Limited And that is going to be a Brazilian Forward always nice Alan salza only 25 years old and their Last but not least now we obviously know Now that we've got Posh here don't we Austrian Defender

Um Now Posh I believe Is A starter for bologna He is And he's scoring very well at the moment And assist a goal a bit terrible in the 6-1 destruction from inter great AAA Game and great points against uh Sassawolo Another one who has got game time for Austria as well so he's obviously a Quality quality player That's a good one to get he's very cheap At the moment And his super air is like very cheap at The moment That's quite interesting but yeah just 25 years old and playing first team Football here he he's an interesting one For me Um But that was it so we've got card added To collection we should have two now Right yeah so we've got Um Abdul Hamid sabiri It doesn't give A scarcity for the card does it But let's have a look so it's sabiri From sampdoria I don't know how to know What the what's that little symbol there One

Um yeah I don't know how to know What his value is Okay see here's the custom series cards But surely some of them they're not all The same right oh that's what the bronze Silver and gold is it's Commons Maybe Commons maybe it's like rare's Super rares and limiteds Interesting very interesting I'll have To figure that out we'll go and uh go And find some way to figure that out but Those are my rewards how were your Rewards let me know It's nice to see all of this here Kramarich is a decent one especially if You could pick up his goal scoring uh Boots again although he'll only be Eligible Um For certain events that so rare do for These national series cards but Posh and Salsa are good Pepe potentially gets Into my um my five especially if Portugal Advance he could be quite Useful I don't think he played in the First game mind you and uh yeah that's Where we're at so a good start for me So far In all star with a 95 points romulo and Hopefully I have a good game week so uh If you enjoy the content feel free to Drop a thumbs up you want to sign up to So rare link is down below and yeah I'll See you in the next one I'm out peace

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About the Author: futhq

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