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Craig Douglas

What's up guys the Panthers here and Welcome back to another FIFA 23 video it Is 6 p.m it is Monday I know you guys Missed out the 6PM video for the last Couple of days I was away on holiday With the kids I took them swimming uh With Lauren uh but we're back now for Some more content so if you did miss it Go to the clips Channel there's a little Recap on there before we get into this Do you want to be able to afford to Complete new sbcs and test out new Players if so visit U7 buy to buy your Foot 23 coins they are cheap fast and Reliable and make sure to use my code Nip at checkout for six percent off and Let's have a look at what EA have given Us for today we have got Yovitic moments cards four star four Star high low I remember he used to have A card with five star weak foot that was Pretty sick It's got flare trait Is what good physicals he's got very Good dribbling very good shooting and Good Pace with a hunter or a hawk on him He could be quite tasty you can play Striker Center forward and cam With a dead eye he could be a good cam As well high low work race four star Four-star with six foot tall I like that Card a lot it's gonna cost an 83 rated With a Bundesliga team and an 84A with a Team League I tell you what

All right that that's really nice I Don't know how many other Berlin players Are there haven't they got a fullback in The game that's uh got a special card I Like him quite a lot I think that's a Good deal Um we've also got The 84 plus times five upgrade pack for People once every 24 hours the 80 plus Player pick is back And then I guess there's nothing else There no no tokens today unless they're In uh all future future stars challenge Eight is there for Ivan Romero a rare Gold pack for this Future Stars token And it's gonna cost 25 chemistry 65 Squad 5 res four from One Club Max fire from one country max So quite easy to put together there And then that's it for those so let's Have a look at this uh oh okay nevermind Is gone let's have a look at this um Eight four by five and player pick Eight four by five compete will as I say Compatible once uh per 24 hours Damn That's quite expensive you know That's quite expensive an 84 rated Squad I don't even know if I have that Available without using like some dumb Players but Um I suppose the 80 plus player pick will Help us out here we need a team of the

Week as well Um And 84 rated Squad with an 85 rated Player needed And the team of the week like It's quite intense Let's have a look 1400 weeks ago We can put deactor in there Uh yeah so I don't even have the rate in Here how mad is that there we go so this This 584 Plus Pack this better give me Some uh some good yield I'm telling you Guys because I put all of my fodder left In into this Wonder if there's a store pack as well Maybe for a token What have we got in the store No just the same stuff that was there uh Yesterday so 584 plus players pack let Me know what you guys get as well we Don't get future stars but we do get a Walk out is German it's set in the mid It's totally closed and I just put him Into the SVC that's quite lucky I Suppose oh that's awful Isn't it holy Smokes 484s and an 88 that is atrocious That is atrocious Um and then we have Objectives before we look at the player Pick as well Oh Nicolo revella This is uh score battles or Rivals


There's another swap token in here Damn he looks alright you know Score four assists for using the 82 Rated Play six matches with the 82 rated Assist three crosses with the 84 play Eight matches with the 84. Score and assist in four separate Matches with the 86 assists two goals Per match in five wins with the 86th God Damn EA Man play 10 matches and play 20 Matches Oh they just They just make these so unenjoyable to Get now this car is like all right Four star four star is really nice no Trade sucks Is the fending is crazy I know his Heading accuracy is low but who cares Right his physicals are nice at 97 Salmon is super is defending as crazy at A positioning and shot power is nice as Well you know what even though it's Called battles and rivals This card might be worth picking up He just seems to like tick a lot of Boxes right four star four stars really Nice You can play sentiment in CDM his base Passing in the right areas is good that Short pass long pass vision is real nice His agility imbalance is all right his Defending is crazy with that 97 stamina And good Pace as well with really good

Shot power and long shots and Positioning which is what you want from Your Center mids You could blame it Center back he would Be a wild center-back Um He would be a wild thing about that it Is quite a lot of quite a lot of games To get it but if you already played Squad battles or you already play Rivals You could do him whilst just playing Your games right it's not like too too Intense and if you get stuck on doing Something like uh score and assist using Him just go and doing Squad battles for A few games and and get those you know Get the hard things done in score Battles and they're just playing games Done in rivals And you could also do it with Um With uh Lindstrom as well if you haven't Done Lindstrom already you can you Compare the both of them together and Get them both done at the same time so That's not too bad Um yes it's it's not it's not awful it's Not awful I i i quite like the card as well in General I think for me it's a sort of Card that I really enjoy because it's a Bit different and it has some real Unique properties Uh let's do the 80 plus player pick

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Though see what we need to do for this Gold players one rare damn That's all right isn't it Just one rare needed Whoever we're on the bench no Just one rare needed for an 80 plus it's Only one of two though and that's Probably why it's only eight players Let's build like five of these just to See uh get a little test for how good These are and then we're gonna check it On foot bin and have a look at the uh The new player and see what we do with Him Yeah one of one of two is definitely not The best guys like one of three or one Of four for this you know for one rare And eight goals in general would have Been real tasty Um But definitely Definitely one of uh one of two Again comes back to that that situation Right where what you are doing with this Sort of thing is because nobody's going To use only on tradables into this SPC Right people will use tradable Cards Into this SBC and so effectively even if You get something of high you know High Rating or something like that you're Effectively changing Eight Golds for one gold uh uh Untradeable gold so especially if you Have you know if you put any tradable

Cards into here you're just swapping out Tradable for untradable or more for less And it's been it has been like Product of this game in general this Year is like you know the sbcs generally Give out less than they take and it's Always untradable content But hey we've been crying out for a Place to put some excess fodder for a While I I just I tell you what I don't Understand I don't understand why things Like this aren't available year round Because Um You know the the the upgrades that we've Had the bronze silver and gold upgrade The standard ones they've been the same For like what six years since uh yeah You even introduced sbcs they've been The same that whole like upgrade or yeah Like upgrade section it just should be Filled with a whole bunch of different Ways to use your absolute trash and then I don't think people would care if they Did or didn't have a duplicate on Tradable storage section because every Time you get a couple on Traders you Could just go and put them into a player Pick if they were there year round but Let's let's see what we get so we've got An 82 off the first one Uh the second one here is coming in With an 83 pal Torres The third one is going to be coming in

With an 80 rated rabio and last but not Least Yeah and and again I probably wouldn't Be doing these as a way to try and get Cards or or get big big things I would Genuinely just be using this 80 plus as Uh if you've got any duplicate Commons Or res just go and throw them in here Because that's going to be the best use For them otherwise I'd go for the Future Stars Academy upgrade obviously you know You get one of 382 plus okay it's an 82 Raid Squad but I just think it's a Little bit better there and then let's Have a look at the player Yeah yovitic and ravella Now this revella guy What's his other ones like The 82 rated is not very good three-star Four-star and genuinely terrible The 84 rated is three star four-star as Well and not too much better so just Good for some fodder the 86 is three Star four-star as well He's okay but I I may be in a minority Here but I like this card a lot four Star four star five foot ten no traits Does suck You pop a shadow on this guy and move Him into Center back in game I think He'd be a beast super Pace super Defending good dribbling great passing And and you know good Stam M 91 DM on him as well

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I wonder what basic looks like on him And 91 DM on the basic as well Do that with the Sentinel man that's Crazy The anchor is what I like the anchor Especially if you have him stay back While attacking the pace isn't like too Great or you know you don't need like Too much Pace he's then got real good Physical great defending a good passing Out the back I I quite like this card I do quite like This card I I would use them as a secondary DM I'd Have like a full-on defensive midfielder Like Viera have someone like revella sat Next to the era and use revella as a guy That goes forwards and tries to hit Those long power shorts we've also got The moments jovich 78k for this SBC I Hope this one's upvoted because I know It's tough to link Gustavo massively man I know he's tough To link and that's probably why he gets Down down voted Herther have got Kenny what was he was He an SBC I don't remember doing him Which you can't get any more and boating Who's on the market For a good strong link there so that's Not too bad And then for Montenegro I mean it's just Bad isn't it However

I think this card with a hawk or a Hunter is the one I see I like that man six foot tall 93 Jumping good Pace great shooting really Well-rounded dribbling off the bat as Well if you're not like a pace Merchant Um if you're not like too intense on the Pace putting that finisher on him that's A crazy card insane shooting gray Agility and balance and great dribbling 93 rage strike with good Pace if you're More of a pace and you like the Pace at Hunter Camp style 99 Acceleration 95 Sprint speed with super Finishing Very good stamina good jumping and Heading and then uh good passing for a Striker I'm very good dribbling that That composure dribbling ball control Agility I think jovich will be a beast I I personally would go for him and try And try and uh have a game or two of him Because I think he'll surprise a lot of People so even though it's quite Expensive uh no no real other places to Put your photo right now I'd personally Be going for him but that is going to be The end of the video for today guys Thanks for watching and I'll see you Next time I'm out peace

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