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Four one two one two narrow I’m out of Breath after saying that formation is a Formation which tends to be Overlord in This year as well as previous fifas but Can be very useful for various reasons The formation however is more often Preferred over its wide variations Allows for a more balanced approach Whereas the 41212 wide often leaves Spaces in the center the field for Opponents to exploit and what I will say Is I have personally been skeptical of This formation that’s right skeptical For reasons including that I’ve always Advocated for wide formations because it Allows us to not only attack Central but Also attack on the width essentially Balance formations are formations that I’ve always advocated for with the four One two one two narrow obviously it Naturally lats that width so that you Can use the wing when it is necessary However I’ve gone ahead and I have Developed because some tactics that Allow us to utilize the width but also The center of the park in FIFA 23. this Is exactly why the 41212 narrow is a Formation which I’ve recently been using And in my opinion is one of the most Metaformations if you’ve followed the Custom tactics and instructions I’m About to outlay for you moving into The custom tattoos now they are Relatively simple but they take into

Account what I’ve said in previous Tutorials it’s the actual instructions That are super important for the tactics And then basically the formation that I’m about to outlay for you in the four One two one two narrow in terms of the Cut tactics it’s balanced for defensive Style I have width on 50 and depth on 65. that for this for the reason that I Like to press High catch my opponent off Guard and essentially give him no time To move no time to breathe and Essentially you will then beow to Squeeze him off the ball with ratchet Switching in terms of offense though It’s unbalanced the reason for this is Simply because I like having the ability Of building up quickly or building up Slowly I don’t want to have something Predetermining that for me because you Need to change in-game situations and You need to control the tempo of the Game not the tactics and not your Opponent more importantly in terms of Chance creation those have iterated in Previous tutorials through balls are Relatively helpful and when it comes to Forward runs they are super super useful When it comes to getting forward and Essentially attempting to Get some through balls in behind and Give yourself attacking options I’ve Iterated why Ford runs are super useful You guys can check that out in the

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Previous video in terms of width though It’s on 55 it’s a little bit wider again This is important because I’m adding a Bit more width to this formation as it Is naturally narrow it is designed for Central play but with these tactics it’s Going to also be designed for wean play Which is super super important you could Have this around 60 if you wanted to I’ve got it on 55 though and I’ll tell You why in just a moment plays in the Bottom seven out of three and three for Free gets and for Corners now in terms Of the instructions it’s going to set up As a 433 defensively but your Midfielders are narrower they’re tighter Together and they’re staying back I do Like it for this reason in terms of the Attack though you’re overloading the Attack and you’re playing with almost Like a two three five because your wing Bats are gonna be getting fooled that’s Where the width comes in and the Attacking build up as I’ve iterated in Previous videos as well the importance Of build up and knowing what formation Your build up requires in terms of the Build up you’re using the Midfield Because you have so many passing options Central to build up you then take it out Wide as you get down towards the 18 yard Box and this allows you to then drag Defenders out towards the wing That’s so important I’ve iterated before

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Again in a previous tutorial how Important it is to drive the defense out Because then you open up gaps in space In the middle and you’ll find Once those Wing bats get forward you’ll Have passing options out wide draw the Defense out and then look for those Central passes with the gaps and spaces Opened up and Back Bay and acotchron get In behind I want my two Strikers making Those runs in my Heineken myself options I’ve already read it again why the Reason for this is because of the latest Patch and essentially EA enhancing Through balls we want to have more Through-able options essentially And in terms of Keel he’s unbalanced I Want him drifting across and making runs Also coming receiving passes when he’s Unbalanced he does that perfectly for me For the three CMS in CDM though I tell You what this is super important in Terms of the you know Neymar and Parisich we have them on cover Wing we Then also have a Yaya Toure on stay back While attacking okay and he is going to Be on cover Center I want to have a Three Midfield formation when it comes The defense so I’m more solid that way It’s almost as if we have three cdms Because they drop into between those Defensive holes you know there’s a Parasage dropping in between Walker and Van Dyke tour a dropping in between and

Dyke and then you have Neymar dropping In between cancello and middle Tower you Have them dropping in there when it Comes to the defense and then Essentially yeah you guys will have a Three CDM formation so it’s a 433 setup Essentially and it comes to when it Comes to the wing bats we have a overlap And balanced I then have Walker on Balance but no overlap the reason for That is to find Walker gets fought Enough without me having to put him on Overlap but he just doesn’t get fooled Enough to where I’m always vulnerable in The defense with two Center bats which Can be annoying and it can be vulnerable For your defense So what I do is I have Walker on Balanced it’ll have him come back a Little bit deeper but at the same time He gets forward and gives me that width Option I can also trigger him with the L1 trigger the other thing is you can Sell those on overlap which means he is Definitely getting forwarded I use my More attacking Wing back to get forward And give myself for those options if you Know what I mean but that’s going to Sing on the end of it that’s the tactics Instructions for the four one two one Two narrow super super uh useful this Year in FIFA 23 has been recently using It in the weekend league and I’m Enjoying it so hope you guys you do as

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Well You can see in the end but though I hope You guys enjoyed the video I’m Coaching101 on patreon.com you want to Be part of that link is down below and Of course check out the no money spent Road to an event series on the channel The series where I show you the internet Of what it takes to make an esport event But as always I hope you have a good day I’m outside now Thanks for watching if you enjoyed the Video then I’d really appreciate it if You hit the Subscribe button and lastly If you do want any pre-gaming fuel or Supplement then head over to Atpscience.com which is the first link In the description and use the code Aussie fee for ad checkout to get Yourself a discount not only is it the Cheapest way to get supplements but it Helps me out a ton guys so thank you

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About the Author: futhq

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