Nick Full Sends His Whole Club to Complete Zidane 😭

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I'm getting DM saying my brother in Christ are you going live you have to Finish the Don 50 mentions this morning About Nick you have to do zidane dude I Submitted an 89 for Robbie Keane man and An 88 and like an 85 and I forgot to the SPC I put 500k of fodder in the SBC so Now if I don't do zidan that's way worse That's not even like comparable in my Opinion oh I'm gonna cry man I'm Literally gonna cry have to do this SPC From scratch man this is so stupid I did Even do the 88 yet bro we might have to Put like a club Legend in today I don't Know which I might be messy like a Ribery maybe oh maybe Ribery chat chat Maybe Korea I might have to put Korea Neymar no he can't put Neymar bro Soreloff dude I can't put any of these Players they're so good oh we have Nothing Chad oh we should have done the Draft objectives this week bro ah should We put payet in chat he's so good though But that doesn't even give me raiding Chat do we think he is is done I still I I'll use him a lot though maybe I'll Just put the football on bro cancel the Stream and we won't finish the Don who Cares right it's not even that big of a Deal we could just be a meme like I Can't put Ribery in right I've got to Reevaluate just buy a 90. 60k that's how Much a 90 is 60k But dude I have to do 286s bro two chat

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I have no other chilies though Payette And pavard have to go just rip the Band-Aid off rip it off You have 800k though I know bro but Listen I have made 1.7 mil trading bro I'm a person in life about progress bro And this is not progress I'm investing Like 400k like this expires bro I can't Wait oh am I putting messy in no no no No no no I can't do that Cantina Correia This is taking everything out of me Right now man this is so crazy ah Chad Can I go for a walk I think we need to Go for a walk bro let's go IRL stream we Need to talk this out Chad's I think Sore life has to go are we submitting Kiesa oh my God bro Chad this is so bad Bro today so many Club Legends Chad we Have to we have to we have like the Thing is 460 we can't put them in bro I Do use Tavernier but you think we should Still put them in I use them every match Off the Bench kessio Chad something Feels wrong though I can't submit Cassie That's bad wow you said Cassie was never Leaving your Club bro chill man this Took a lot though but it's stunned it's Done the pressure is off the stress is Over the goat is here this is going to Be Di Maria 2.0 everybody's slandering Zidane on the timeline Everybody We respect players with legacies how Much is he on the market oh my God he's

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1.7 on the market I did this one on Tradables and I spent no money yeah I Did it for free oh my God we submitted The whole team

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About the Author: futhq

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