Nick tests NEW Winter Snowstorm 300K Store Pack

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I heard they dropped a crazy uh base Icon pack in the store so we do have a Second account we have like one or two Viewers that hit me up saying they were Gonna do it in the store we have a Winter rare players pack which is a Special 50k pack with additional four Players we'll open a couple of those It's a very low chance for winter wild Cards and then we've got a winter Snowstorm pack so yeah it's just funny How EA are kind of randomly naming these Packs whatever they want I mean there Was a pack yesterday we logged on it was Like winter Tempest I was like what is That uh one guarantee based icon player And 12 rare gold players I won't be Opening this on my main account because I only have like 800k Um but we're gonna open on the second Account 300K seems very steep it seems Very not worth it it's 2 500 FIFA points Which is better than 100K pack and we Get France left wing we get on re baby On re so I don't know what his price is But that's probably not horrible baby Henry is surely at least 200k he's 280 So you know it's untradable but that's Not a bad card to get I think he can Also play Striker as well we did not get Anything else in the pack oh is it Tradable it's not tradable okay okay I Thought it was maybe tradable it's not Tradable I guess the pack is tradable

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But Henry is not tradables all right Guys so we're jumping on Prodigy's Account uh he told me yesterday whenever They dropped this pack he's doing it Hopefully we get him something good we Got Henry what's he gonna get Dutch Could be good Striker Baby van Bastian So 25 you get baby van Baston I don't Know how he's gonna feel about that I Mean 72 passing I feel like not good That's kind of the drag with the bass Icon too I feel like definitely some of The uh players are a little bit outdated That is for sure but he also got the Yong and Variety in there so I guess It's not the worst pack I mean 300K Though yeah the tax of 300K is built in Because of the icon because aside from That like two walkouts is good but you Can't justify it being 25 or or 300K um But we'll do one more okay that's cool I Just opened this on my second I got baby On re that's not bad it's like not the Worst what I got yeah Brazil please Scn Usable how much is it because of the the Nation it's tough with links this year Right but he's good Uh to oh what he's only 190. I remember In FIFA 20 he was like one mil

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