Nick tests The RAREST Player Pick in FIFA History!

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fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,

No I have not seen anyone do a uh a ptg Pick seriously I haven't seen one person Do it yet it's like the rarest uh swap Unlock we've we've had no one's done it It's crazy pick I have a path to Glory Player pick are you serious no way Chad This is our first one we've ever done First one oh I gotta see this bro I've Never seen this this is the first one I've seen boys has anyone even done this So rare crazy because it's not even the Top token option but it's so rare you Think it's gonna be terrible massive L Incoming Chad be nice man Guys I think we should do a reveal for This one Just for the fact that I don't even know Like the stats of any ptgs bro so I feel Like it could be a little bit more Exciting I know it's a bit of a stall But I don't even know the stats of any Of these players so I feel like it could Actually be decent 79 physical 82 Stamina bad defending with good jumping And good heading not the best ribbling Passing is very poor shooting is mid Well this is one of five so we've got a Couple chances here oh man okay number Two has 64 physical with 60 strength and 85 stamina 42 defending the dribbling is Okay the reactions are really low so I Don't really feel he's gonna be that Good Oh man two L's okay this looks better

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Good stamina good jumping good Aggression this is gonna be a Defender Though so who could be good good agility As well now this is a midfielder all 80s Until the shooting and then slow Delaney okay that's three down boys 81 Physical with 98 stamina defending is Good the dribbling is not great it's low On the balance the passing is bad the Shooting is bad the pace is also bad oh My God okay and then the last one is 82 stamina 94 jumping I don't think this Is good there's no way this is good Wait what happened did I skip somebody Oh this is gonna be exciting did he get The same player twice there's no way Right Oh we skipped someone wow chat you just Have to sit back and say what a player Pick I mean what a player pick oh my God Boys that is for 20 tokens 20 tokens Guys That's just sad man I'm sorry bro so for That option he could have taken what Dude I mean that what is that team did You pack all of those players all right I think he'll be okay

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About the Author: futhq

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