Nick’s Review of the Upgraded 84+ x10 SBC: Is it Worth the Investment?

Nick has recently conducted a review on the upgraded 84+ x10 SBC, analyzing its features and performance. The question on everyone’s mind: is it worth the investment? In this article, we will delve into Nick’s analysis and provide an informed opinion on whether this SBC is a worthy addition to your tech arsenal.


Nick Clips, a popular FIFA gamer, just released a video review of the upgraded 84+ x10 SBC on YouTube. In this video, he does a pack opening of 8410 FIFA points and shares his thoughts on whether or not the investment was worth it.

Pack Opening

The video starts off with Nick excitedly opening the pack. He mentions that he’s been waiting for a while to do this pack opening and hopes that he’ll get some good players. As he opens the packs, he comments that the pack opening is a scam because he didn’t get any good players from the standard FIFA packs. He wonders if there will be any additional pack openings that day.

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Best Pull

The best pull from the pack was an 88-rated player, Navas. Nick expresses disappointment that he didn’t get any Shapeshifters or Team of the Seasons players. He mentioned that he was hoping to get a better player for his investment.

Pack Repeatable

Unfortunately, the pack is not repeatable, and therefore, Nick cannot try to open it again. He has to wait for another opportunity if EA decided to release such a pack in the future.

Other Players Pulls

Nick mentions that other players in the chat are getting better pulls, and he is envious of their good fortune. He admits that he got what he put into the pack and maybe a little bit more.

Desire to Grind

Nick expresses his desire to grind out the pack openings if he could. He thinks that he would have a better chance of getting better players if he could keep opening packs. However, he does not want to risk putting more money into the game and getting nothing in return.



In conclusion, Nick’s review of the upgraded 84+ x10 SBC was mixed. While he did get some good players, he also expressed disappointment in not getting the players he was hoping for. The pack opening was not a scam, but rather a risky investment that could potentially lead to a great payoff. Nick and other players have to decide for themselves whether the investment is worth it.


  1. Is the upgraded 84+ x10 SBC worth the investment?
  • It depends on individual preference and luck.
  1. Can the pack be repeated?
  • No, the pack is not repeatable.
  1. Are there any guarantees in the upgraded 84+ x10 SBC?
  • There are no guarantees of getting a certain player or rating.
  1. Are there any other ways to get good players in FIFA 23?
  • Yes, there are other methods like completing objectives, trading, and purchasing players on the transfer market.
  1. Can investing in FIFA points lead to addictive behavior?
  • Yes, investing in FIFA points can potentially lead to addictive and compulsive behavior in some cases. It’s important to set boundaries and take breaks from the game if necessary.

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