“NO WAY!! EA Gave Him 5 STAR SKILLS?!”

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All right what's the content 85.5 Daily login Nah man no content chat chat no content No content no content chat content is Canceled content is canceled today no Content chat oh Oh I thought this was something Premier League team of the season swaps win Eight oh wait there's a lot of XP no win Eight matches daily login Marquee Matchups complete any two Marquee Matchups foot moments earn five stars Yeah that's easy XP so so let me get This straight we didn't get one Community team a season player SBC Besides flashback de la few The whole week doesn't anyone else find That a problem I find that a problem oh chukwueze I Guess yeah oh yeah raho you know what Chatter Rojo you're right right you know What I need to stop hating good for you Yo that has to be Mike Theory bro what The wait all right let's see the loading Screen you know what we're gonna do two For Content we're gonna finish out the Airwc cup we've got one more match to Play and we got an 85 3 in an area to be Z player so yo Salah with Five Star Skills Wait four-star week for left wing that's Got to be rashford right Dude that's crazy solid with Five Star Skills


That's sick that's actually really sick Nah that's not Gucci in the middle Chad 90 Pace no way That's not same Max you know who that's Probably chat but it's probably for Ron So EA can haunt you that's gonna give Veran a card yeah but the only thing Celiba will be team of the season or you Think it's gonna be moments Yo imagine we log on tomorrow and at 1pm There's a Prem team of the season cup Oh my God so the question with his card Though is he going to be five five three Or five four it would totally be EA Thing to make him five three I would Hope not but that does sound like a very EA thing to do but yeah hopefully it's The same thing with Jesus right Ideally

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