“NO WAY!! What Have EA Done With The Prem TOTS?!”

#shorts #clips

fifa23, fifa 23, fut, fifa, ultimate team, fifa 23 ultimate,


Yo They're actually all in Concepts oh dude I'm shaking damn man this card is so Crazy bro five star weak foot oh he's Actually worse than the team of the year Though wait no no he's better he's Actually better four more defending One More Physical one more dribbling I would Rather take that probably I think he's Better Holy I still we put 99 reactions 99 Strength 96 composure 99 shot Power 99 Finishing 99 Jam yeah that is crazy five Three unfortunately five three guys five Three all right we've seen we've seen a Bunch of these right We've seen a couple of these because we Packed him rashford here we go oh my God Five four two ah what a card 99 shot Power Chad that's all that matters bro That's all that matters 99 shot power He's gonna be really expensive he also Can play Striker no man no man Or the knife bro 99 reactions bro 99 Composure 99 strength oh my God that Card is so broken 48 ballots but he'll Still feel like a god so Yeah exactly that's why that I don't Understand Veronica FIFA 48 bounce and He's gonna be like less stick dribbling Like Messi I don't know what EA does to Varan row it's crazy so casimiro I mean Listen agility's not there but I think He's gonna be really good I I played his


World Cup earlier in the year and he had Good animations so for a pure DM I feel Like he'll be sick just as a DM son only Has the 81 balance which is kind of Weird I feel like that she probably Should be a bit higher with team of the Season but still really good yo Saka is Crazy he's got five star weak foot damn You know what actually as a center mid Even you could could definitely use Saka Bro anyone tackling too 80 interceptions Ah that's a that's a sick card right mid Left mid right wing five star weak foot You can use them anywhere though 99 Acceleration 99 stamina that's six Stam At 99 is great so Martinelli is 4-4 like We saw 99 aggression bro and 99 heading Anyone else Bruno 3-3 high high 99 Stam 92 aggression 94 stand tackling 98 short Pass but 3-3 bro we already saw udagar Because we got him in Reds bro very very I mean the thing is though this card Always still destroys me but this boost Is so bad oh wait that's such a that's Such a mid boost though right doesn't he Already have like a 90 or 91 I think It's like a plus one nice 95 Acceleration as well 97 stand that's a Nice card yeah ramsdale Pound is probably like the craziest Upgrade the five-star weak foot Howland Is gonna be so expensive though

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