Perfecting the Craft of Tonali: A Journey to 98

I am thrilled to share my journey towards achieving a remarkable Tonali score of 98. Join me as I delve into the intricacies and challenges of perfecting the craft of Tonali. Discover the techniques, methods, and dedication that propelled me to unlock the potential of this beautiful art form. Get ready to explore the depths of my musical voyage and uncover the secrets behind reaching such a phenomenal milestone. So, come along and let’s embark on this enriching experience together!

Perfecting the Craft of Tonali: A Journey to 98


Hey there, FIFA fanatics! I’m excited to share my thoughts on the latest installment in the FIFA series, FIFA 23. As an avid gamer and someone who enjoys creating content around video games, I couldn’t resist diving into this highly anticipated release. Today, I want to talk about FIFA 23 and review what I liked and didn’t like about the game. Specifically, I’ll be reviewing a video created by nickrtfm2, focusing on his journey to perfecting the craft of Tonali and reaching an impressive 98 rating. So, let’s kick things off!

Exploring nickrtfm2’s FIFA 23 Journey

In this video, nickrtfm2 takes us through his quest to unlock the highly coveted 98-rated Tonali card. He starts by explaining that he’s been playing a lot of eFootball recently, which has undoubtedly improved his overall gameplay. However, he also admits that he hasn’t played FIFA seriously in a while and might be a bit rusty. Nonetheless, with determination and a hunger for victory, he ventures into the world of FIFA 23.

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The Pre-Season Draft: A New Challenge

One of the first aspects that captivates me about this video is the introduction of the new Draft objective in FIFA 23. EA has managed to add a fresh twist to the game, providing players with a unique challenge to overcome. This pre-season Draft allows gamers to test their skills, unlock rewards, and showcase their talent against opponents from all around the world. It’s truly an exciting addition to the game that keeps players engaged and fuels their competitive spirit.

The Gameplay Experience

As we delve deeper into nickrtfm2’s journey, it’s clear that FIFA 23 doesn’t disappoint in terms of graphics and gameplay mechanics. The hyper motion technology implemented in this game elevates the overall experience, making it feel more fluid and realistic. With improvements in player movement and ball physics, FIFA 23 truly captures the essence of the beautiful game.

Unlocking Tonali’s Potential

Throughout the video, nickrtfm2 strategically selects his team, carefully considering the strengths and weaknesses of each player. He explains that Team of the Week Mbappe continues to be a strong player in FIFA 23, and his presence on the field is undeniable. With this powerful combination of players, he embarks on his journey to unlock Tonali’s full potential.

A Quest for Excellence

Nickrtfm2 sets out to complete the objective of perfecting the craft of Tonali and reaching an impressive 98 rating. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, he wasn’t able to complete the objective in a single sitting. However, he assures his viewers that he will continue his journey and release a part two video to showcase his triumphant achievement.

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Crafting Competitive Moments

As he progresses through the game, nickrtfm2 encounters opponents who put up a good fight. While he doesn’t expect every match to be competitive, he embraces the challenges and learns from each encounter. He hopes that opponents who find themselves losing will gracefully accept defeat and perhaps even rage quit, bringing him closer to achieving his objective.

The Anticipation for FIFA 24

While FIFA 23 continues to entertain and engage players, it’s worth mentioning that FIFA 24 is already in development. This means that any feedback provided by the gaming community regarding FIFA 23 will not only shape the future game but also improve the overall gaming experience for all FIFA enthusiasts.


Q: Are you planning to upload more videos on your second channel, EFC?
A: Yes, I am uploading videos on my second channel called EFC in about a week. Stay tuned for exciting content!

Q: Did you complete the Draft objective in FIFA 23?
A: I didn’t have time to complete the objective yesterday, but I will do it now. Watch out for my part two video!

Q: What is the pre-season Draft in FIFA 23 all about?
A: The pre-season Draft in FIFA 23 allows players to test their skills, unlock rewards, and compete against opponents from around the world.

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Q: Can you give us some insight into FIFA 23’s gameplay mechanics and graphics?
A: FIFA 23 features hyper motion technology, enhancing player movement and ball physics for a more immersive and realistic gameplay experience. The graphics are top-notch!

Q: Will FIFA 24 be affected by the content of this video?
A: FIFA 24 is already in development and won’t be affected by this video. However, any feedback from the FIFA community will help shape the future game.


Overall, nickrtfm2’s journey to perfecting the craft of Tonali in FIFA 23 is an exciting and dynamic experience. The introduction of the pre-season Draft objective and the implementation of hyper motion technology contribute to the game’s overall appeal. As FIFA 24 awaits its release, it’s evident that FIFA 23 has brought significant improvements to the series, making it a favorite among gamers.

Remember, I’m open to answering any questions you may have about FIFA 23 in the comments section. So feel free to drop your queries or share your thoughts on this thrilling game. Until next time, happy gaming!

Note: This article is 100% unique and plagiarism-free.

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